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Digital euro scheme rulebook

A digital euro scheme is the best option for achieving the objectives of a digital euro and harnessing the strengths of the public and private sectors.

To obtain market input and gain an industry perspective, the digital euro scheme Rulebook Development Group was established in the project’s investigation phase and is continuing its work in the preparation phase.

Rulebook Development Group

The Rulebook Development Group is preparing a rulebook for a digital euro scheme, which will lay out the single set of rules, standards and procedures that supervised intermediaries would have to follow when distributing a digital euro.

The group includes senior professionals from the public and private sectors with experience in finance and payments.

Members are nominated by different European stakeholder associations in the European retail payments market. Each member represents a particular association.

What will be the scope of the digital euro rulebook?

The digital euro rulebook will cover the:

  • functional and operational model of a digital euro (e.g. end-to-end flows, core requirements for supervised intermediaries, minimum user experience standards, etc.);
  • adherence model of the digital euro scheme (e.g. scheme eligibility criteria, participant obligations, etc.);
  • technical scheme requirements (e.g. IT infrastructure, application programming interface implementation, technical standards, etc.);
  • risk management requirements;
  • digital euro scheme management rules (e.g. scheme governance, change management processes, etc.).
Discover more about the Rulebook Development Group
All scheme rulebook documentation

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