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GMAT Focus Edition Data Insights: How To Nail The GMAT Focus Data Questions

Find out all you need to know about the GMAT Focus Edition Data Insights section, including how it is scored, how hard it really is, and how to nail the GMAT Focus data questions

Mon Jan 29 2024

The Data Insights section of the GMAT Focus Edition tests your ability to synthesize data, evaluate information, and see the relationship between different sources. 

You’ll have to be able to work with tables, charts and graphs throughout the  Data Insights GMAT Focus questions. 

The GMAT Focus Data Insights section also tests many of the skills you will have practiced in the Quantitative and Verbal sections of the GMAT Focus Edition, so you should consider scheduling in your GMAT Focus Data Insights practice after studying for these sections.  

Here’s everything you need to know about GMAT Focus Data Insights. 

How is the GMAT Focus Data Insights scored? 

The GMAT Focus Data Insights section (along with the GMAT Focus Quantitative Reasoning section and GMAT Focus Verbal Reasoning section) makes up your score out of 805. 

Very importantly, some GMAT Focus Data Insights questions have multiple parts. You need to get all of the question parts correct to score.  

How long is the GMAT Focus Data Insights section? 

You will answer 20 questions in 45 minutes.  

Unlike the Quant section of the GMAT Focus Edition, you have access to an onscreen calculator. Make sure you are not wasting time doing long calculations. 

There are five GMAT Focus Data Insights question types...

What are the Data Insights GMAT Focus Questions? 

Multi-Source Reasoning Questions 

In this question type, you will be presented with information under different tabs. You may see diagrams, charts, or tables under one or more of the tabs. You can move between these tabs to find or combine the information you need to answer the questions. 

Table Analysis Questions 

In the table analysis questions, you will get a table that can be sorted by column (so take advantage of this to sort the information by the most relevant column for each question). You will then be presented with yes/no or true/false questions based on information from the table. Every answer must be 100% supported by evidence in the table.  

Graphics Interpretation Questions  

Here, you will be presented with a graphic, graph or visual and some accompanying text. You will need to be able to interpret the information in order to select the correct answer options from a drop-down menu.  

For these questions, make sure you understand how to interpret and different types of graphs.  

Two-Part Analysis Questions 

For the GMAT Focus Data Insights’ two-part analysis questions, you are asked to work out the answers to two problems that are connected in some way.  

The question is presented in a table format and you must choose the correct answers from two columns. Bear in mind that the same answer choice could be correct for both questions. 

Data Sufficiency 

Data Sufficiency questions present a question and then two statements. Your job is to work out which pieces of information (if any) would be sufficient to answer that question.  

For this question type, your goal is not to calculate an answer for the question. You just need to evaluate whether or not the information is sufficient to do so.  

One way to look at GMAT Focus Data Sufficiency questions it that you are looking through two peep holes in a sealed box. You need to determine if you have enough information based on what you can see to solve the question. But both are looking onto the same reality.  

You should get familiar with this type of question and memorize the answer choice options: 

(A) Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. 

(B) Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question. 

(C) Both statements taken together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient. 

(D) Each statement alone is sufficient. 

(E) Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient, and additional data is needed to answer the question. 


Follow five key steps to master the GMAT Focus Data Insights section questions:

1. Make sure you have a good understanding of different forms of data. You may need to revise some concepts.

2. Learn strategies. Through practice you’ll get to know how to pick the most efficient strategy from your toolbox.

3. Don’t neglect the time pressure. Often, a timing problem can have an impact on your overall exam performance. 

4. Keep an error log to identify any weaknesses.

5. Read the question carefully. Very often in the GMAT Focus you can get the right answer to the wrong question. Pay close attention to the wording.

For your GMAT Focus Data Insight practice and to review multiple GMAT Focus questions check out our GMAT Focus Sample Questions & Answers.
