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1 value /ˈvælju/ noun
plural values
1 value
plural values
Britannica Dictionary definition of VALUE
: the amount of money that something is worth : the price or cost of something
see also book value, market value
: something that can be bought for a low or fair price
: usefulness or importance
[noncount] : importance or interest of a particular kind
[count] : a strongly held belief about what is valuable, important, or acceptable usually plural
[count] mathematics : a mathematical quantity that is represented by a letter

of value

: having value : worth a lot of money
: useful or important
see also face value
2 value /ˈvælju/ verb
values; valued; valuing
2 value
values; valued; valuing
Britannica Dictionary definition of VALUE
[+ object]
: to make a judgment about the amount of money that something is worth usually + at
usually used as (be) valued
: to think that (someone or something) is important or useful
Synonyms see: appreciate

— valued

adjective [more valued; most valued]