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Avoid Gaining the Covid 20lbs by...

We all know the saying about teens going off to college and gaining the Freshman-15...

What I've been helping people do while being quarantined is
Avoiding the COVID- 20... GAINING Twenty pounds that is!

I've been doing that in 1 of 3 ways...

1) Develop a Strong Offense for your Health
  • Home Workouts via FB lives and Live Zoom chats

  • Beachbody on Demand exercise programs (700+ workouts)

  • Workout Schedule (Stop following random live workouts, follow a schedule and know what you're working towards)

    (Join group with this Link) or click the picture below


2) Build a GREAT Defense for your Wellness 

  • Portion Control (stay away from boredom and emotional eating)

  • Home Delivery (what foods are you having delivered?)

  • Nutritional Knowledge (learn new recipes, habits, and ideas)




3) Find YOUR Team
  • Join a social media group
    (find one that fits your needs, goals, and aligns with your values)
    * Here's one that I run Fit for...
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I want to play a game with you...

When was the last time you turned your backyard into a pirate ship sailing across the open seas, boarding unassuming ships and looting all the treasure.
Leaving only 1 to tell the tale of your legendary name?

Maybe the backyard became the Death Star with Luke, Princess Leia, and Hans Solo battling Darth Vader and the Dark side of the force in an epic light saber battle using the wiffle ball bats found in the garage.

Or perhaps you were in the basement, aka the sewers, shouting Cowabunga Dude as you scarfed down some pizza while battling the Shredder and his evil henchman, the Foot. 


As kids there was no shortage of adventure to be had because our imaginations ran wild

All that was needed was a cape (bath towel), an eye patch (broken sunglasses), a sword (any long object, ie- stick, bat, etc), and your sibling or one of the kids in the neighborhood to play with.


As adults we get to go back to that state of mind once a year... Halloween! 


Halloween we...

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