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International Journal of Central Asian Studies Volume 17. 2013 A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish: Sena-Upesena Story Murat Elmali Istanbul University, Turkey Abstract: The Story of Sena-Upesana is found in the stories which are translated from different languages, after the Uighurs’ conversion to Buddhism. The products of Jataka and Avadana literature, which had started to be seen in Uighur Turkish with the translations, played a major role in adoption of Buddhism by Uighurs implicitly. These literary products had been compiled sometimes as it is done in the compilations similar to Tales of the Prophet in Islamic literature. The most important of these is “Consecutive Stories of Ten Sins”, which is also known as Da akarmapathaavad nam l (DKPAM). DKPAM, which is a translation from a religion lesson book belonging to Buddhist communion of Vaybajıkı (< Skr. vaibh ṣika), consists of ten chapters with reference to “ten sin”. The Story of Sena-Upsena is a quite long story, which is located in chapter of “fornication” in the DKPAM stories. The story presents significant information about both Buddhism of Uighurs and Buddhism of Central Asia. Furthermore, there are various language materials and cultural elements which are not seen in the works which belongs to Old Turkic period. The story of Sena-Upesena is an signifacant story in both history of culture and lingustic studies and studying as a whole story will be important for Turkology studies. So far 156 Murat Elmali there has not been a study on the individual story. By the study that we have worked on, the story of Sena-Upesena with Old Uighur Turkic has been come to light and various linguistic material has been presented to attention of Turkologist. Key Words: Old Uighur Turkish, avadana, Buddhism, Daśakarmapathaavadānamālā, Sena-Upesena INTRODUCTION When old Uighur’s literary works are researched, it is seen that most of these are written in didactic way. This literature, which is written extremely vivid tone with the aim of spreading Buddhism to the community and also involves dialogs, is mostly constituted by avadana and jakata. Buddhism is propagandized almost all of these stories. Hero’s sacrificing himself for the sake of others is the most encountered story pattern. Besides that, sometimes different matters are treated and also Buddhism’s different points of view are represented in these stories. One of these stories is Sena-Upesena. Apart from other stories, there is no boost of Buddhism or pattern of hero’s sacrificing himself for the sake of others. The content of this story, which is the main purpose is to transfer the evil of women, does not correspond to the other Buddhist stories (Ruben, 2004, p. 5455). A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… 157 Being in old Uigur Da akarmapathaavad nam l (DKPAM) stories and having highly original content, this story takes part in the third sin (karmapatha) of DKPAM. DKPAM, meaning the story of sequence of ten (bad) behaviour pattern, is a translation of a religion lesson book that belongs to Buddhism’s communion Vaybajıkı. At first, the work is translated from Ugu Küşen (Tohar B) to Tohar (Tohar A), and then from Tohar to Uighur. Şılazın Praşnıkı is the translator of this work. The date of translation is not mentioned in the related documents. But it is thought that it is translated in the late of 11th and 12th century. In DKPAM stories, the teacher tells the students about the different births of Buddha and how Buddha protects himself from the ten deadly sins in the way of existence. Every “work” in the stories consists of the introduction and conclusion dialogue between the teacher and the student, avanada and the paintings of hell. Each of these ten parts consists of different story in its own right and they are occupied with the main story all together (Elmalı, 2009, p. VII-VIII). By setting off the construct of DKPAM, these ten deadly sins are put in order like that: 1. özlüg ölürmek (Skr. prāṇātighāta) “to kill a creature”, 2. adınagu tavarın ogurlamak (Skr. adattādāna) “to steal”, 3. eviñ yutuzıña yazınmak or amranmak nızvanı (Skr. kāmamithyācāra) “to fornicate”, 4. ezüg yalgan sav sözlemek (Skr. mṛṣāvāda) “to lie”, 5. çaşurmak (Skr. pāiśunyavāda) “to slander”, 6. irig sarsıg sav sözlemek (Skr. pāruṣyavāda) “to use vulgarities and cacology”, 7. askançulamak (Skr. saṃbhinnapralāpa) “to dissemble, to make hypocrisy, to deceive; to gossip”, 8. küni sakınç (Skr. abhidhyā) “to act greedily and to be jealous 158 Murat Elmali of”, 9. övke üz buz köñül (Skr. vyāpāa) “to be furious”, 10. ters körüm (Skr. mithyādṛṣṭi) “heresy”. One of the value judgments about the incidents in the stories belongs to Buddhism is about the women. In some Buddhist stories, the women is regarded as an evil creature because of her nature and indicated to the people lake that. In Buddhist stories, apart from the monks, the ideal one is generous, knows to sacrifice oneself for religion, understands that there is no way to save oneself from agedness, illness and death, has no sensibility for woman and love and has power to get oneself away from these. (Ruben, 2004, p. 75-76) OTur. kız et’özi “girl body”, tişi ajunı “life style of woman”, tişi tınlıg “female being”, uzun tonlug tınlıglar “beings in long dress”, tişi et’özi means “woman” is approved as the reason of all devilish factors. The woman is a cobra and poisons the men with her venom and causes them scorching. According to Buddha, the woman has eight untruthful and fake characters. These are tone, charming appearance, style, deportment, speech, voice, elegancy of the women (Tokyürek, 2011, p. 384-385). OTur. kız erdini = Skr. stri, raniratna known as “The Woman Ore” shows the ideal woman in Buddhism. The term, that is meaning “Dear Queen”, represents the wife of Cakravartin. This queen is shown as a model to the other women with these properties: 1. The Queen is faithful to Cakravartin and does not desire anyone, 2. She does not envy her husband from the other women, 3. She has a fertile womb and gives birth to the healthy boys, 4. She works for the peace of everyone in their regency, 6. She always speaks correctly and she is never an accusive A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… 159 person, 7. She is not a siren for her husband and the other men, 8. She has never wrong thought. (Tokyürek, 2011, p. 194-195). Despite the negative attitudes towards the women, one of the most important features in Buddhist stories “humanity” and “not bearing someone a grudge”. By forming a basis in Buddhist creeds, these virtues at the end of addanta Jataka and Tale of Two Brothers not bearing someone a grudge results in supernatural cases, heroes of the narrative get healthy again (Ruben, 2004, p. 76). The workpiece story Sena-Upesena is fairly an original story in terms of “the woman” and “bearing someone a grudge”. The story is about two siblings who have no father. Once upon a time, there was merchant, Jayasena. This man, who has two sons, Sena and Upesena, died one day. Big son Sena was married. When his father died, he started to business travels for maintaining his father’s occupation. In the meantime, his wife tried to seduce Upesena but failed. Thereupon she asked for help from her mother. Mother-daughter seduced Upesena with their tricks. Some day Upesena heared from that his brother was returning from his travel, he felt remorse by reason of this bad situation. He went away as a monk. When Sena returned his home, he found his wife in her sickbed. In fact she was not sick. Her aim was to drive a wedge between Sena and Upesena. Sena was reborn as a serpent and bit his brother who was a monk (Ruben, 2004, p. 54). At the end of the story, riputra tries to calm Upesena down and tells that there would be nothing by a small bite. But Sena does not live. Buddha tells riputra that “If Upesena memorized Maitrīsūtra, he would develop immunity to venom” (Wilkens, 2010, p. 18). 160 Murat Elmali About the story Sena-Upesena in DKPAM’s third sin, eviñ yutuzıña yazınmak or amranmak nızvanı that is “to fornicate”, any study has not been made previously. Müller made transcription of documents about this story and German translation of the story in the documentaries belongs to DKPAM in Uigurica III (Müller, 1920, p. 79-90). Ehlers introduced Mainz documents about the story in regimentation of the documentaries of AY and DKPAM in his catalogue (Ehlers, 1987, p. 116-117; p. 149-150), also Wilkens presented the other documents about this story in addition to Ehlers’s catalogue (Wilkens, 2010, p. 63-67). The documents in our work 1 are located in Ehlers’s and Wilkens’s catalogues and downloaded from http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/dta_mainz_in dex.htm and http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/ dta_u_index.htm. These documentaries are made transcription and translated. While making transcription of the documentaries in text part, analogy between the documents and repairs in text, which are made as a result of this analogy, are footnoted. Some sections in diffrent documents are parallel to each other. Parallel lines are shown in this table: Mz. 809 Front, line 21- Mz. 809 U 1070 + U 0973 Front, line 1-31 Verso, line 27 Mz. 797 Front, line 1- Mz. 797 U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 32- U Verso, line 15 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 34 While translating the text, the sections in the text are translated in paragraphs. It is paid attention about being comprehensible of 1 Information about the physical structure of documents and other information about the documents are explicated in studies of Wilkens and Ehlers (Ehlers, 1987, p. 116-117; p. 149-159; Wilkens, 2010, p. 63-67). A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… 161 translation and authentic translation. Foreign words in the workpiece, rarely used words Uigur and new hendiadyoins are explained in Notes. Finally, internet information about used documents in the workpiece is arranged in The Documentaries Websites. TEXT (001) (002) (003) (004) (005) (006) (007) (008) (009) (010) (011) (012) (013) (014) (015) (016) (017) (018) (019) (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) Mz. 809 Front […]RWĞ ku[nçuy]lar yene yañılmazlar […]’Y’K köñülinte y(i)me amr[anmak] [nı]zvanı yügerü bolsar antag ok ayıg törü iy(i)n evrilür .. ötrü {W} birer kutka tegmiş tınl(ı)gl[ar] y(i)me bo nızvanı küçinte emgekke tegirler .. ne üçün tip tiser .. anı amtı sözleyin koduru kolulap tıñlagıl .. bir ödün atı kötrülmiş ayagka [tegimli]g tükel bilge t(e)ñri t(e)ñ[risi burkan şrav(a)s]t kent-ke yakın […]T’V’[…]s[e]ñremde miñ iki yüz elig tıtsılar {R} kuvragı birle y(a)rlıkayur erti .. tün kün aruksuz köñülin tınl(ı)glarka edgü asıg tusu kılu y(a)rlıkayur erti .. ol ok şrav(a)st kentde çoglug yalın-lıg kutlug kıvlıg alku edke tavarka 162 Murat Elmali (020) (021) (022) (023) (024) (025) (026) (027) (028) (029) (030) (031) (032) (033) (034) (035) (036) (037) 2 (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) tükellig çayasını atl(ı)g bayagut [ba]r2 erti .. ol bayagutnu[ñ bir sını]3 [at]l(ı)g4 .. ikinti upasını at[l(ı)g ogu]-lanı5 bar erti .. ol ik[i ini içi]6 bir ikintike ert[ingü amrak ertiler]7 tözün yavaş tö[rülüg tokulug titik]8 odgurak yumşak [savl(ı)g ertiler bo]9 [yi]rtinçüde t[urmış törü ol edgü]10 [kutlug]11 tınl(ı)g[larnıñ oglanı ulgad]-12 (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) Verso üçünç ülüş [iki yitmiş]13 -[s]ar kiçig erken ujık b[o]ş[g]urg[alı] [birür]ler .. az bedüser t(a)var kazgan[u] katıglanur .. ançada çayasını bayagut-nuñ iki o[g]lanı bedük bolurlar .. anıñ arasınta k(e)ntü özi etöz kodup adın ajunka bartı .. anta ötrü sını içisi .. upasını inisiñe According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 01. According to Müller, 1920, p. 80, line 21. 4 In U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 02: atlag 5 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 02. 6 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 03. 7 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 04. 8 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 05. 9 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 06. 10 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 06-07. 11 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 07 12 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 08. 13 According to Ehlers, 1987, p. 149, ft. 4. 3 A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… (038) (039) (040) (041) (042) (043) (044) (045) (046) (047) (048) (049) (050) (051) (052) (053) (054) (055) (056) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) inçe tip tidi .. ay amrak inim biz-ni igidteçi biziñe edgü sakınçl(ı)g14 kañım(ı)z adın yirt[inçüke]15 bartı .. .. biz ikig[ü bo yirtinçüde]16 kaltım(ı)z .. amtı biz atam[ız ka]zg[anmı]ş17 t(a)varıg [y]ip yuñlap adın t(a)var18 asmasar biz [o]l biziñe ogşatı ermez .. anın amtı m(e)n adın uluşka satıg-ka barayın s(e)n monta kalgıl .. .. m(e)n kelginçe evig barkıg uz tutgıl .. ança sözlep içi-si sını er adın uluşka satıg-[ka bartı]19 anta ötrü inis[i] [upasını ev]ig20 barkıg başlap [şrav(a)st kent]de kaltı .. turmış törü [ol bo kunçuylarnı]ñ21 begi yakın [bolmasar amranmak nız]vanı22 olarnı [artukrak örletür ö]z23 evinte [ögrünç sevinç bulmaz]24 .. uzun turkar[u] In U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 17: sakınçlag. According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 17. 16 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 18. 17 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 19. 18 In U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 20: tavarın 19 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 25. 20 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 26. 21 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 28. 22 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 28-29. 23 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 29. 24 According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 30. 14 15 163 164 25 26 Murat Elmali (057) (31) (058) (32) U 1070 + U 0973 Front adın erig sakınıp küseyür (059) (060) (061) (062) (063) (064) (065) (066) (067) (068) (069) (070) (071) (072) (073) (074) (075) (076) Mz. 797 Front [tıl]tagsız [evinte t]ütüşgü[çi ke]rişgüçi25 bolur .. ol y(i)me sını erniñ [ra]gagayını atlıg26 kişisi türk yigit erti .. beg-[si]z bolmış tıltagınta inisi upasını urıka ertingü b(e)k katıg yapşıntı .. kaç kün ay ertmekiñe serü umadın öz köñülinteki küsüşin upasını urıka aça yada kılıp inçe tip tidi .. eşidgil tözünler oglıya .. meniñ odgurak sözlemiş savımın .. seni[ñ] içiñ adın uluşka satıgka bartı .. ür kiç boltı monçaka tegi arıtı kelmez .. s(e)n y(i)me türk yigit s(e)n .. m(e)n y(i)me oglagun ögrenmiş kenç kiçig m(e)n biz ikigü isig amrak köñülin meñileser biz uz (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) According to U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 32-33. In U 1070 + U 973 Front, line 34: atlag. A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… (077) (078) (079) (080) (090) (091) (092) (093) (094) (095) (096) (097) (098) (099) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) 27 (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) bolmagay mu .. meniñ köñülümdeki küs[üş]-ümin aymançsız köñülin saña [söz]-ledim .. s(e)n y(i)me amtı [köñülüñin]27 ıdmış k(e)rgek .. edgü e[renler kunçuy]-larnıñ28 yalganturu sözlemiş savın yirmezler küsüşlerin kantururlar .. m(e)n kunçuylar törüsin küzetmedin köñülümdeki sakınçımın29 tükel saña sözledim .. tün kün sini umunıp saña amranmakın30 ölür m(e)n .. amran- (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) Verso üçünç ülüş [üç yitmiş]31 -maklı[g32 bag]33 tügüni[n to]lp34 öz kon[uk] marım[ları]mın barça b(e)k [katag]35 bayuk s(e)n [b]o [yirt]inçüde sinide36 üstün sevgülük taplaguluk ed t(a)var bulm[az] m(e)n .. meniñ yürekimde isig özümde adırt-sız köñülin olurgıl .. tolp etözümin saña urunçak According to U 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 15-16. According to U 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 16-17. 29 In U 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 20: savımın. 30 In U 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 21: amranmakta muna …. 31 According to Ehlers, 1987, p. 150, ft. 1. 32 In U 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 22: amranmaklag. 33 According to U 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 22. 34 According to U 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 22. 35 According to U 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 23. 36 In U 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 24: sintede. 28 165 166 Murat Elmali (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (125) (01) (126) (02) 37 38 [tu]tuzur m(e)n .. tapıgçıñ udugçıñ [bo]layın m(e)n ..anı eşidip upasını urı [ar]tukrak uyadtı .. öz yeñgesi ragaga-[yı]nıka inçe tip tidi .. siz ulug [iç]imniñ amrak kunçuy37 siz .. törüçe tutsar meniñ ögüm bolur siz .. .. bo monı teg törüsüz iş işlep yir t(e)ñri y(i)me mini neçök kötürgey .. balıkda uluşda ne yüüz tutup yorıgay m(e)n .. anın sözleyür m(e)n .. maña ogul [s]akınç turgursun .. bo savıg ikileyü [köñül]intin üntürmesin .. ne [üçün tip ti]ser .. törüsüz amranmak […] ertingü y(a)vlak ol .. birök m(e)n içim […]T’ bo montag ermez iş işleser m(e)n ulug mün kadag bolgay.. t(e)ñri t(e)ñrisi burkan y(i)me törüsüz tokusuz amranmak teginmek-ig artukrak yiryük ol .. kim birök anası teg kişisiñe38 bahşısınıñ U 418 Front [kişisiñe i]çiniñ kişisiñe […] törü teginser bo […] In U 1070 + U 973 Verso, line 32: kunçuyı. In Ehlers, 1987, p. 150, line. 28: kişisiñe. A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… […] agruklayur .. ol […] avış tamuka bartı […] yirçisi bolur […] irin[ç] tsuy […] LWK […] LYĞ […] kim […] […]Y erser bo üç türlüg […] köz […]Y’Y […] WLW[…] (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) Verso ü[çünç] ülüş to[kuz] (01) kinki törülerig [… küz](02) -etser .. kim kayu tınl(ı)g […] (03) Y’ kılınç t(e)ñrisi (04) K’K ajunta odgur[…] (05) Y’ teginür anı […] (06) YWR […] bo (07) ikileyü söz[…] (08) tip anta […] (09) ’WK yeñgesi ragagayını […] (10) tözün a[mra]k sav[…] (11) upa[sınını]ñ köñ[ülin …] (148) (01) (149) (02) Mz. 99 Front […]YĞ ’S[…] [ragaga]yını uvut[suz sa]kınıp am[rak] 167 168 Murat Elmali (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) (156) (157) (158) (159) (160) (161) (162) (163) (164) (165) (166) (167) (168) (169) (170) (171) (172) (173) (174) (175) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) [köñü]lin karınıñ […] savın […] […] baru sözledi .. birök m(e)n up[asını…] bolsar m(e)n .. takı sini birle […] yorır m(e)n .. anı bulmasar m(e)n […] ol ok sakınçın si[z]ik[si]z […] anı eşidip anası inçe tip tidi .. [a]mrak kızım bo savka arıtı PW[…] ne atlıg er ol kunçuylarnıñ […] yalganturu sözlemiş savıg taplamadın yirteçi .. m(e)n ök bo savıñın [b]ütüreyin .. ötrü anası kunç[uy] [… upasını u]rıg okıp inçe tip [tidi …] [… og]lum seniñ içiñ […] […] yaguru yakın kelgü- (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) Verso […]Y […] […] kıl[ı]p y[avı]z ayıg at[lıg …] […] ög anası kunçuylar […] […] inçe tip tidi .. birök […] [… kızımı]z y(i)me birle katılgalı […]MS’R s(e)n kızım(ı)znı öz […]’WL[…] ötrü upasını urı […]KY’ erksizin yapsız […] [… amr]anmak törü tegingeli tapladı .. anta [ötrü] ol ragagayını kunçuylar upasını urı birle törüsüz amranmak meñi meñi-[lep] öz köñülinteki sakınçı bütmiş A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… (176) (177) (178) (179) (180) (181) (182) (183) (184) (185) (186) (187) (188) (189) (190) (191) (192) (193) (194) (195) (196) (197) (198) 39 (13) (14) (15) (16) […] iyin kezigçe igi togas[ı …] […]P öñlüg kırtışlıg bol[up …] […] ötrü ol upasını [urı …] [i]çisiniñ kişisi […] (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) U 1798 Front […]L’R sakınıp […] […]’ öz et’özi […] inçe tip tidi .. […] L’R ’Y’K […] törüler erti anı m(e)n […] kalısız ıdaladım begimniñ törü[si]n çızıgın yetyük m(e)n .. utru […]KWLWK ne erser savım […]Q [a]mtı al altag üntürüp upasını […] […] yok yodun kılguluk sav […] montag kılıp begimke […] neçök erser isig [öz] […] m(e)n .. montada adın m[eniñ] [e]mgek[i]mke ara turtaçı al altag yok tip .. ol sınınıñ kişisi bo mon[tag] t(e)vlig kürlüg savlarıg sakınıp [i]çgülük39 aşın içti .. zımıg çıvıya […]’ yaşuru agzınta tançulap […]K[…]SY kirser anıñ üskinte S’D In Müller, 1920, p. 85: [y]igülük. 169 170 Murat Elmali (199) (20) […]Y .. iglig etöz yaratıp saçın (200) (201) (202) (203) (204) (205) (206) (207) (208) (209) (210) (211) (212) (213) (214) (215) (216) (217) (218) (219) Verso […] artukrak emg[eklig] [… ö]ziñe inçe t[ip] […]LYĞ tumlug yüüzler […] azu y(e)ti […] kıl[ı]ç agulug yılan [a]nça y(a)vlak ermez kim amranm[ak] nızvanıça teñlig .. bo amranmak [nız]vanı ap y(i)me közünür ajunt[a …] [ap] y(i)me ikinti ajunta tınl(ı)glarıg [yok] yodun kılurlar .. amrak […] […]Y’K yüüzin neçök KW[…] […] tip sözleyin .. öz […] urunçak yidim ermez mü .. ’’L[…] L’RQ’ yirgülük münegülük P[…] […]P bo monçulayu sakınıp upasını urı […] törüsüz kılmış işiñe artukrak [ökün]üp çıtavan señremke barıp toy[ın] boltı .. kaçan içisiniñ [kel]-mişin odgurak bilti .. anta […] [raça]gr(a)h40 kentke .. bartı .. s(a)rpaşaundik (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (220) (01) 40 U 1117 Front […] ’WY[…] According to Wilkens, 2010, p. 66. A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… (221) (222) (223) (224) (225) (226) (227) (228) (229) (230) (231) (232) (233) (234) (235) (236) (237) (238) (239) (240) (241) (242) (243) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) […] arkasınta olu[rup …] […] yirke kelip bökünki […] […]SYK ölürgülük kezigi […] […t]ip ayıtdı .. çandal […] […]TY’ ölürgülük […] […] ol .. ötrü […] (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) Verso […]WP[…] [… y(a)rlıkanç]sız köñülün tokıdı […] [… ti]di .. ay ere terkin bo […] […]KYL .. birök meniñ savımın […] […]R […] tamudakı T[…] […] y(i)me sını ança […] […]L’R kelip […] (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) Mz. 793 Front ök agulug […] inçip y(i)me ol upasını arhant sansar-tın ıntın yoguç ertyük erti .. kılyuk erti alku kılgul[u]k işlerin alkyuk erti az ulatı nızvanılıg akıglarıg kılınç t(e)ñrisiniñ elginte tegip neñ kı-lınu umadın mançakda kirip bir ödünk(i)ye arukın tınturgalı yatdı ötrü ol agulug yılan töpüde kodı arhant üze etözin kemişdi .. 171 172 Murat Elmali (244) (245) (246) (247) (248) (249) (250) (251) (252) (253) (254) (255) (256) (257) (258) (259) (260) (261) (262) (263) (264) (265) (266) (267) (268) (269) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) töpüsinte tikip agusı ıntın yoguç ’WY[…] bartı .. anta ok upasını arhant katag ünin üntedi .. ay mini agulug yılan tikdi t(e)rkin tavrak etözimin yöleyü tutuñlar ol ödün ayagka tegimlig şarıputrı arhant ol ok ar(a)nyadana orun-ta bakçan bolur erti .. upasını arhant-nıñ tıñ eşidip yakın kelip öt-leyü erigleyü inçe tip tidi .. alku kutluglarka [ayagka tegi]mlig teñri burkannıñ […] ukmış […] s(e)n az övke[…] tarkarıp […] üstünki arıg […] ol teñri burkan […] tıtsısı ertiñ bo montag […] teggülük ermez erti ançak(ı)y[a …] (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) Verso […] şarıputrı arhant ü[çer] ay bakçan köni tükedükde birle erteçi toyınları birle şrav(a)st kentke bartı .. çıtavan señremde kirip teñri burkannıñ ç(a)karlag adakınta yinçürü töpün yükünüp upasını arhant ugrıntakı savlarıg iyin k(e)zigçe t(e)ñri burkan-ka tükel ötünti .. ötrü tükel bilge t(e)ñri t(e)ñrisi burkan şarıputrı arhantka inçe tip y(a)rlıkadı .. tözün ogulum A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… (270) (271) (272) (273) (274) (275) (276) (277) (278) (279) (280) (281) (282) (283) (284) (285) (286) (287) (288) (289) (290) (291) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) şarıputr(ı)ya tınl(ı)glarnıñ kılmış […] tüşi k(a)lp ödün tursar y(i)me ’’T[…] alkınmaz kaçan birök odgurak tegingülük ödi kolusı kelser .. neteg kılmış erser az [ayı]g tüş birür yine ök t(e)ñri burkan inçe tip y(a)rlıkadı amr(a)nmak nızvanı tılta-gınta bo kötürgülük ayıg kılınçıg upasını arhant kentü özi ök kılmış erti .. anı üçün eñ ilki ajunta tüş birti .. birök şarıpu[trı …arha]nt toyın maytrı sudurk[a…] bo agulug yılan […]MYS adasın[…e]rti .. ança söz[…]’’ orunınta […] nom tıñla […] sizikiñizler41 bolsar maytrı […]WĞLWĞ erki tip .. bütün (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) Mz. 87d Front […]Y […] […] yaraşmadı .. ikiley[ü …] […] […]Y upasınıka […] […] ança kuturu negül[ük …] […] Verso 41 In Müller, 1920, p. 90, line 25: sizikigiz (?). 173 174 Murat Elmali (292) (293) (294) (295) (296) (297) (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) […]’ÇY […] […] sizikim turtı […] […]L’R ’Y’K […] [… t(e)]ñri .. birök er […] […] b[o]ltı erser odgurak […]W[…] TRANSLATION (001-004) … the women do not make mistakes. … when the lust in her heart rises, she behaves as to wrong custom in this way. (004-032) Then the creatures in felicity suffer by reason of lust. If you ask why, you have to pay attention what I say: “Once upon a time, extolled, wise man, god of gods (Buddha) near the town (named) r vastī … preaching in monastery with one thousand two hundred and fifty students. He was spreading compassion by doing favor with tireless heart day and night. The man Jayasena who was a radiant, lucky and rich person, lived in this town r vastī. This rich man had two boy, the older one was Séna and the younger one was Upasena. This two boys loved each other very much. They were noble, gentle, virtuous, smart and kind. While according to mostly accepted opinion good and blessed beings’ children were being taught in this world, they learned read and write in their young age. By getting older, they made an effort to get properties. (032-036) the two son of the rich man Jayasena grew up like that. By the way Jayasena died. (036-048) And then, Séna said his brother Upasena like that: “Well, my dear brother! Our father, who would grow up us and had good A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… 175 thoughts for us, died. We two stayed in this world. If we spend our father’s properties and do not earn new properties, that is not beneath us. Because of this, I will go to business trip. You have to stay here. Until I return, you have to take care of household.” (048-050) By saying like this, Séna went to another town for business. (050-052) Then Upasena stayed in r vastī and took care of household. (053-060) According to accepted belief, if the women’s husbands are away, the lust enrages them very much. They are unhappy in their houses. They lust for the other men. Altough there is no reason, They have a chip on one’s shoulder in their houses. (060-064) Séna had young and beautiful wife whose name is R gag yinī. Due to being alone, she started to desire her brother-in-law Upasena. (064-106) She could not wait for passing time and explained her desire to the young boy Upasena like that: “Well the son of noble, pay attention to what I say! Your brother went to business travel. It has been a long time. No longer he does return. You are very young. I am a grace and young woman. If we love each other and fall in love, does not it be well? I told you my desire courageously. You have to let yourself go, too. The good men do not criticize what the woman says flatteringly. They satisfy their passion. I said what in my heart completely by putting aside my chastity and purity. I am dying because of your love now in waiting you day and night. You tied me to yourself with love steadyingly. I can not find anything superior to you for loving. I can not set you apart from me, stay with me. I turn my all body to you. I am your servant.” 176 Murat Elmali (106-135) Upasena was ashamed of hearing that. He said his brother’s wife R gag yinī that “You are the wife of my elder brother. You are ranked as my mother in terms of traditions. And how can the world bear the immoral one as I am? How will I wander in among the people? Therefore I am talking. Make a believe me as a son. Do not reveal your thought to me again. If you ask me why? Immorality … is very bad. If I make an immoral mistake with my brother’s wife, it will be a great sin. As an intercourse is extremely criticized by god of gods, Buddha. If someone fornicates with anybody else’s wife, his master’s wife, his brother’s wife, it is a very bad thing. He … went to avīci hell. … goes by … miserable … who … this three kinds … eye … (136-147) following rules … oversees, which creature … god of mission … in wealth … to awaken … arrives. It … this … again promise … said. At that time … his brother’s wife R gag yinī … noble and nice promise … Upesena’s heart … (148-160) … by thinking in immoral way R gag yinī all her thoughts … told her mother: “ If I am with Upasena and you … walk. If I do not find him … with this thought beyond any doubt … hearing what her daughter says she said that: “My dear daughter never to this statement … Which noble man will reflect on what the woman says seductively without justifying her. I can turn the trick. (160-163) Thereupon her mother got Upasena in to say that: “My dear son, your brother will not return here soon. (164-179) … fulfilling notorious mother … the women … said that: “If … for being with my daughter … you my daughter self … Therefore Upasena … unwillingly … accepted to be in with … After that R gag yinī fornicated with Upasena and achieved her goal … A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… 177 respectively illness … looking beautiful … then Upasena … his brother’s wife … (180-199) … considering … her own body … said like that: … they were rules. … I walked out my husband completely. I ignored my husband’s chastity. Opposed to … what is my statement …now bringing tricks forward Upasena … extinctive statement … behaving my husband in this way …somehow the life … I … said that there is nothing as nepenthe apart from this … He ate his meal by thinking the deceptive sayings of Séna’s wife. Survival language, breath … smashing in her mouth secretly ... entering in front of him … looking as if she is ill … (200-219) too troublesome … said himself that: … cold faces … seven … it can be respond to the sin ‘to fornicate’ as a venomous serpent. This fornicate sin ruins the creatures in this world as well as in the other world. How with pleasing face … tell me … I betrayed my trust, did not I? … blaming me … Upasena was thinking like that … he repented very much by reason of this so he went to jetevana abbey for becoming a priest. He understood when his brother returned. … At that time … he went to rajagrha … sarpa uṇḍika … (220-226) … sitting behind of him … getting there at present … killing queue … said that. Hangman will kill him … Thereupon … (234-259) poisonous … but deathless Upasena went to the coast beyond Saṃs ra. He made the done things. He swept away greed and his other tendencies totally. He laid himself down to take a rest after touching God, Karma’s hand. And then poisonous serpent shot ahead of his deathless body. The serpent stung his head and drained the venom into his deahtless body. “Ouch, a serpent stung me! Help me immediately, save me.” At that time respectable, deathless riputra was 178 Murat Elmali in meditaiton in the abbey. He heard the voice of deathless Upasena and went to him. He said that by advising to him: “who understood Buddha’s creeds for all blessed people … you was…taking away your passion and anger … the most clear … student of Buddha. In this manner it did not reach. Somewhat …” (260-267) … the deathless riputra accomplished the quarterly meditation with his priests, and went to r vastī with priest nominee. He entered the abbey Jetavana, with obeisance to Buddha, presented deferentially everything about deathless Upasena to god Buddha. (267-274) Thereupon full wise man, God of Gods Buddha told riputra that: “Well my noble son riputra! The response to what the creatures did, if the time as long as aeon stops … not run out of. When his time to come for accepting explicitly what he commited, the one comes off badly how he/she behaves and how he/she acts greedily. (274-285) And God Buddha said that: the deathless Upasena, suffering for her sin because of adultery, commit the sin, too. Because of that he got in return for this sin. If riputra … the deathless priest, the holy scripture Maitreya … this poisonous serpent … danger … Saying in this way … to the purpose … listen the creed. … If you have doubts, Maitreya … said I wonder. All (289-291) … not being suitable. Once more again … to Upesena … getting rid of in this way how … (292-297) … I was suspicious of … God, if master … be certain … A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… 179 NOTES 18 şravast: < Skr. r vastī “ a famous ancient city in which there are many important thing and person; an old kingdom and city located in west of Kapilavastu; today’s city Rapetmapet located in the South of the river, Rapti” (Soothill-Hodous, 1975, p. 279b). 20 çayasını: < Skr. jayasena: the name of the rich Merchant in the story. In lexical meanings “the name of Magadha king; the name of Adīna or Ahīna’s son; the name S rvabhaumaś the name Mahéndravarman; the name of vantyau’s father” (Monier-Williams, 1964, p. 1246b). 22 upasını: < Skr. Upasena: the name of one of the two sons of rich Merchant. In lexical meanings “the name of a priest under the guide of riputra; the name of nephew of three K syapa who follow Buddha then” (Edgerton, 1977, p. 143b). 27 t[urmış törü]: literally “living law” , the meaning in the story “common belief; iconoclasm”. 30 ujık: < Chin.字 tzŭ “letter, syllable” (Gabain, 1950, p. 304b). < ujıklıg < Chin. tzŭ + Tur. +lXg “literal, syllabic”. 59 [t]ütüşgü[çi ke]rişgüçi: Hendiadyoin. “fight, conflict”. 60 ragagayını: < Skr. r gag yinī (?): In the story, the name of lustful women who is harassing her brother-in-law. r ga “paint; passion; redness; love, fever, feeling in music, harmony” (Monier-Williams, 1964, p. 872a). g yinīŚ ? 61 kişi: spelling the word kişi or kisi is problematical. Clauson separates two words from each other and gives the meaning to the word kişi “wife ” (Clauson, 1972, p. 749a), by the way he gives the meaning “human, person, man” the word kişi (Clauson, 1972, p. 752b). Zeime, in 180 Murat Elmali the article entitled Some Remarks On Old Turkish Words For “Wife” made the word meant “woman” entry as kisi. (Zeime, 1987, p. 306-307). Erdal indicates that under the title of Haplology in gramer the word kisi comes from the word kişi+si meant “woman, wife” and says that the word kişi and the word kisi are used in different meaning in DLT as well as. (Erdal, 2004, p. 124). Maue preferred the spelling k(i)şi “woman” in the study of the documents written in Brahmi and Tibetan (Maue, 1996, p. 78; p. 79; p. 253). Wilkens preferred the spelling kişi in the catalogue (Wilkens, 2010, p. 65). In this text, with thinking the more suitable spelling kişi is preferred that is based on Maue’s study. 72 monçaka tegi: Röhrborn indicates that the adverb ançaka tegi can be used as adverb of time and this adverb will mean “until then” (Röhrborn, 1977-1998, p. 132b; Erdal, 2004, p. 202-203). From this point of view we can say that the meaning “until now, thus far” may be given to the adverb monçaka tegi. 92 kunçuylar törüsin: word by word “the rules of women”, the meaning in the text “chastity, purity, decency, manners”. 97-98 öz kon[uk] marım[ları]mın: öz konuk meant “the thing moving in the body, soul; where ego is in” (Atalay-I, 1998, p. 46; Erdal, 1991, p. 238). marımŚ see also 107 marım etöz. öz konuk marımŚ “totally ego; existence”. The noun phrase öz konuk is used in line 1417th with the meaning “spirit” as in DLT. 111 törüsüz iş işlep: Word by word “make illegal practices”, the meaning in the text “make immorality”. törüsüz amranmak used in line 1054th with the meaning “immoral relationship, immroal love” reinforces this expression. A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… 181 128 tamu: < Sog. tmu “hell” (Ölmez, 1991, p. 112a). 169 kızım(ı)znı: plural appendix is used to add glorification as in 173 kunçuylar. 173 kunçuylar: Although the word kunçuylar takes +lar (plural appendix), it is not used with plural meaning in the text. The appendix +lar is used for adding respect and glorification. 185-186 törü[si]n çızıgın: törü çızıgŚ Hendiadyoin. “routine, manner, behaviour, moral laws; chastity” 196 zımıg: < Sog. zb’q “language”. (Gharib, 1995, p. 458a). 196 çıvıya: < Skr. Jīvya “life, existence” (Monier-Williams, 1964, p. 423c). 260 şarıputrı: < Skr. riputra “one of the preeminent apostle of kyamuniś famous person who was born in N land gr ṃa as the son of rik or Tiṣya so known as Upaṭiṣyaś kyamuni’s right arm” (Soothill-Hodous, 1975, p. 279a). 260 arhant: < Skr. arhant/arhat “deathless, respectable person; quit oneself from connection, realized Nirvana and saved rebirth person” (Kaya, 1999, p. 179). 206 nızvanıça: < Sog. nyzβny “passion, defamed, desire” (Gabain, 1950, p. 288a). < nızvanıça < Soğ. nyzβny + Tur. +ça “full of passion” < nızvanılıg < Soğ. nyzβny + Tur +lXg “passionate”. 219 [raça]gr(a)h: < Skr. rajagrh” “name of place” (Wilkens, 2010, p. 66) 219 s(a)rpaşaundik: < Skr. sarpa uṇḍika “name of mountain cave Jetevana” (Wilkens, 2010, p. 66). 224 çandal: < Toh. A cand l < Skr. caṇḍ la “butcher, hangman, the word is used as bad person and contains violance; the 182 Murat Elmali name is used for lowermost and despised people in tribes” (Gabain, 1950, p. 272b; Soothill-Hodous, 1975, p. 326a). 238 nızvanılıg: see also 206. 262 toyın: < Chi. 道人 tao jên “priest” (Gabain, 1950, p. 301a). 263 çıtavan: < Skr. jetavaṃ/jetavana “the name of the wood where Buddha sets foot in r vastī and preaches.” (Gabain, 1959, p. 56; Edgerton, 1977, p. 244a). 263 [s]eñrem: < Skr. saṅgh r ma “temple, abbey” (SoothillHodous, 1975, p. 212a). OUTCOME The most important boredom for researchers who study on Old Uighur Turkish is that extant texts from this era do not form integrity. Old Uighur texts are worn-out, ruined coherence and reach the present day confinedly by reason of various reasons. The story is not possible to understand accurately because our text did not reach us literally. However it is got general acknowledge about outline of the story, the story is about the third sin, that is eviñ yutuzıña yazınmak or amranmak nızvanı (Skr. Kāmamithyācāra) “to fornicate; to have intercourse with someone else’s wife”, of ten deadly sins. This story is not known very well among the Old Uighur stories, it is presented to researchers as far as fully with new appendant to the story (U 1117, Mz. 87d). During transcription phase, the story’s documents are repaired by means of the parallel documents, hereby the story is got across as far as transparently. A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… SIGNS > () (?) * .. ? [] documents. [...] {} + < = other languages. … translation. 183 Signifies the change from old to new. Affix to verb base. Signifies the unwritten vowels because of spelling. Signifies uncertainty. Signifies approximate form in etymology. It is in original documents. Signifies that its equivalent could not be determined. Signifies the repair in damaged area in original Signifies damaged area in original documents. Signifies the repeated or over written elements. Affix to noun base. Signifies word’s root. Signifies in the counterpart of the word in uighur or Signifies damaged area of original documents in ABBREVIATIONS AY Altun Yaruk Chin. Chinese DKPAM Daśakarmapathaavadānamāl DLT Di vanü Lûgat -it -Tür k ft. Footnote Mz. Documents in Mainz Collection. 184 Murat Elmali OTur. p. pp. Skr. Sog. Toh. A Toh. B Tur. U Vol. Old Turkish page pages Sanskritic Language Sogdian Langugae Tocharian Language A Tocharian Language B Turkish Documents in Turfan Collection. Volume References Atalay B. (1998). Divanü Lûgat -it-Türk Tercümesi I -II-IIIIV, Ankara: TDK. Clauson, S. G. (1972). An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-ThirteenthCentury Turkish. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Edgerton F. (1977). Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary. Vol. 2: Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Ehlers G. (1987). 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Websites Mz. 809 http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/images/mainz 0809_seite1.jpg http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/images/mainz 0809_seite2.jpg U 1070 + U 973 http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/images/u1070seite 1.jpg http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/images/u1070seite 2.jpg http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/images/u0973seite 1.jpg http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/images/u0973seite 2.jpg Mz. 797 A Buddhist Story in Old Uighur Turkish… 187 http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/images/mainz 0797_seite1.jpg http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/images/mainz 0797_seite2.jpg U 418 http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/images/u0418seite 1.jpg http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/images/u0418seite 2.jpg Mz. 99 http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/images/mainz 0099_seite1.jpg http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/images/mainz 0099_seite2.jpg U 1798 http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/images/u1798seite 1.jpg http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/images/u1798seite 2.jpg U 1117 http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/images/u1117seite 1.jpg http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/u/images/u1117seite 2.jpg Mz. 793 http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/images/mainz 0793_seite1.jpg 188 Murat Elmali http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/images/mainz 0793_seite2.jpg Mz. 87d http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/images/mainz 0087_seite1.jpg http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/turfanforschung/dta/mainz/images/mainz 0087_seite2.jpg Received 19 Sep 2013, Screened 7 Oct 2013, Accepted 19 Nov 2013