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My primary purpose in initiating this exploration was to better understand the situation in Timor during World War II—and relevant sources produced over a period of more than sixty years. In addition to wartime materials preserved in... more
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      Second World WarWorld War IIEast TimorThe Politics of History and Memory
Pouco se fala sobre o fato de que a viagem de Magalhães, importantíssima empresa, que contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da humanidade, passou pela ilha de Timor e que nos documentos desta viagem se encontram algumas das primeiras... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesTimor-Leste StudiesEast TimorTimor-Leste
In this paper, I explore these relational dimensions focusing on three areas of discussion. First, I describe the relationship between the people (the ‘real’ world) and the world of the spirits and divine entities. Second, the... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyTimor-Leste Studies
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      International Human Rights LawTimor-Leste/East TimorCriminology of international crimesTimorese History
Timor: Esta ilha foi incorporada desde tempos remotos à historia mundial, devido e quase exclusivamente, a existência de um produto natural de grande valor no mundo inteiro: a madeira de sândalo. A relação foi tão intrínseca que durante... more
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      Timor-Leste StudiesEast TimorTimor-LesteTimor Leste
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      Timor-Leste StudiesCivil SocietyTimor Leste History
This book features the first full publicaiton in English of Xanana Gusmao's autobiography, written in secret in gaol in 1994. With it is a selct collection of his spoken and written work--speeches, interviews, essays, letters, political... more
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      Political leadershipTimor Leste culturePolitical BiographyXanana
Draft paper, presented at Timor-Leste Studies Association conference, Dili, 2015. This paper offers six short case studies from Canadian archival sources on the Timor-Leste (East Timor) independence struggle, 40 years after the 1975... more
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      History of Canadian Foreign RelationsTimor-Leste StudiesTimor Leste History
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      EducationTimor-Leste StudiesEast TimorTimor-Leste
O Arquivo Nacional no Quadro das Ações para a Salvaguarda do Património Documental em Timor-Leste O que faríamos sem a capacidade física de recordar, para aprender? Nada. O que seriamos, despojados das lembranças que guardamos sobre as... more
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      ArchivesTimor-Leste/East TimorTimor Leste History
comments by René Pélissier on two books I published and wrote articles on (with Nuno Canas Mendes) and one I prefaced and published, by Luís Elias
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      ChristianityHistoryCultural HistoryDiplomatic History
Promo Beli 2 Botol Gratis 1 Botol !!! Info Pemesanan Hub / Whatsapp : 087788787768 Klik Pemesanan Otomatis Via Whatsapp Hammer Of Thor Italy Adalah Salah Satu Suplemen Obat Pembesar Alat Vital MADE IN ITALY... more
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      Timor-Leste StudiesTimor-LesteState-building in Timor-LesteTimor Leste culture
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      Theory of MimesisHistory of Anthropology and Anthropological TheoryTimor Leste History
The East Timorese kingdom Luca is described as the hegemon of the eastern parts of Timor in some nineteenth-century works. This is gainsaid by other data, which point to the existence of a multitude of petty kingdoms. This article... more
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    • Timor Leste History
XANANA: Leader of the Struggle for Independent Timor-Leste This is the political biography of Xanana Gusmão, leader of the East Timorese struggle for self-determination and first President of the new nation of Timor-Leste.... more
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      Political leadershipTimor Leste culturePolitical BiographyXanana
The enclave of Oecusse-Ambeno, Timor Leste, was formed in part through struggles over controlling trade in sandalwood and beeswax, two forest products that continue to influence political and ritual allegiances, and the political history... more
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      Political EcologyColonialismTimor-Leste StudiesEast Timor
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      Timor-Leste StudiesRace and ClassTimor Leste History
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      Second World WarTimor-Leste StudiesWorld War IIEast Timor
Timor Loro Sae: El desarrollo de Timor Loro Sae, durante el año de 2001 desde la perspectiva del autor como testigo presencial de la formación de la nación timorense.
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoutheast AsiaTimor-Leste StudiesEast Timor
Timor Loro Sae, el año de la consulta popular organizada por la ONU que  llevó a la  total restauración de la independencia del país, pero también a una violencia incontrolable por parte de las milicias pro-indonesias.
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      Southeast Asian StudiesTimor-Leste StudiesEast TimorTimor-Leste