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Cactaceae family is an important plant of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of the world. It is useful for ornamental (Cereus peruvianus and Thrixanthrocereus blossfeldiorum), food, fodder and industrial production (Opuntia spp.). The... more
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      Research MethodologyOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingOrganic agriculture
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      African StudiesAnthropologyPrimary Health CareEarly Childhood Education
This article focuses on Fulbe mobility and sedentarism in different geographic locations as related systems which fabvor the sustainability of mixed farming communities, which represent the majority of Fulbe communities in West Africa.... more
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      Pastoralism (Social Anthropology)AfricaEnvironmental SustainabilityNomadism
This article focuses on Fulbe mobility and sedentarism in different geographic locations as related systems which fabvor the sustainability of mixed farming communities, which represent the majority of Fulbe communities in West Africa.... more
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      GeographySustainable agriculturePastoralism (Social Anthropology)Africa