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Introduction: Serguei A. Oushakine, Traveling People: Nomadism Today. I. Paths To Transformation. 1. Molly Brunson Wandering Greeks: How Repin Discovers the People 2. Mikhail Rozhanskii Towards the Gleaming Dawn: Looking for the... more
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      Russian StudiesAnthropology of MobilitySocial MovementCosmopolitanism
From the late bronze to early iron age, barkol steppe on the northern slopes of the eastern Tianshan Mountains witness the rising and development of nomadic people. This paper introduce dwellings, burials excavated by the author in last... more
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      Scythian archaeologyEarly Iron AgeBronze AgeXiongnu archaelogy
В статье рассматривается проблема нестабильности в жизни и мироощущении цифрового кочевника. В рамках традиционно оседлого подхода нестабильность кочевой жизни часто оценивается негативно как отсутствие устойчивости, предсказуемости,... more
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      Nomadic culturesDigital Nomads
In 2019, we will celebrate the 85th anniversary of renowned archaeologist Alan Georgievich Medoev. He made an equally significant contribution to the study of the Stone Age of Kazakhstan, study of primeval art, reinterpretation of the... more
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