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      Asian StudiesChinese PhilosophyDaoist PhilosophyChinese Studies
We have been lied to about what real Pythagorean harmonics alchemy is. The lie started with Philolaus who wrote a book, even though he was not a real practitioner of the Pythagorean training, requiring five years of silence meditation as... more
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      MathematicsMusicMusic TheoryPhilosophy
Meditation teachers will often insist that students “sit through” the pain of numb or sore legs. While I am not suggesting whether or not you should do this, after some research and experimentation I have found that the following... more
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A japán hara-elmélet vallástörténeti vizsgálata.
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      ZenTantraNeidanHenricus Cornelius Agrippa
Estudio del contenido y la estructura del texto "padre de todos los libros de alquimia de China". No existe traducción al castellano de este tratado imprescindible para comprender los fundamentos de la alquimia china. Este estudio se... more
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      DaoismDaoist AlchemyYijingNeidan
Awakening to Reality (Wuzhen pian) is one of the most important and best-known Taoist alchemical texts. Written in the eleventh century, it describes in a poetical form, and in a typically cryptic and allusive language, several facets of... more
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      DaoismInner AlchemyDaoist AlchemyNeidan
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      DaoismInner AlchemyDaoist AlchemyNeidan
This anthology presents complete or partial translations of sixteen important works belonging to the Taoist tradition of Neidan, or Internal Alchemy. While the selections are far from covering the whole field of Neidan—a virtually... more
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      DaoismInner AlchemyMartial ArtsDaoist Alchemy
Short talk about Chinese physiology. From the book NEIJING TU El Cuerpo Energético en el Daoísmo
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      DaoismChinese MedicineDaoist AlchemyDaoism and Medicine
扶乩運動是影響明清以來道教信仰的一大因素,它以扶乩這種神啟活動為道教信仰活動的中心,促成了大量道教經本的撰著、編修、成書、發行。這種信仰形式也影響了清代道教醫書的撰寫、編纂和刊刻,為清代以來的醫學發展帶來了重要的影響與貢獻。本文以《醫道還元》這一部現今應用於中國24所中醫藥大學教學系統的道教醫書為例,揭示了清代道教扶乩信仰與道教醫書的著作、編修及流通之間的關係。通過有關這部醫書的成書與流通的細節,可以看到清代的儒家知識分子以道教扶乩信仰為中心的救世理想。他們以編修醫書為法,展... more
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      DaoismInner AlchemyDaoism and MedicineTaoism (History)
Publisher's proofs, approved for publication.
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      DaoismTraditional Chinese MedicineTaoismNeidan
Chinese alchemy has a history of more than two thousand years, recorded from the 2nd century BCE to the present day. Its two main branches — Waidan (External Alchemy) and Neidan (Internal Alchemy) — share in part their doctrinal... more
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      DaoismDaoist AlchemyTaoist AlchemyTaoism
Introduction: The most common association we as modern people have with the word " alchemy " is probably the image of our medieval ancestors in a smoky dungeon struggling to transform lead into gold. Certainly this aspect (called ​... more
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Final unedited draft, submitted for publication in Tim Wright, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. []
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      DaoismInner AlchemyTaoist AlchemyTaoism
"Originally written for Chinese readers, this book provides a clear description of the Taoist practice of Internal Alchemy, or Neidan. The author outlines the stages of the alchemical practice and clarifies several relevant terms and... more
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      DaoismInner AlchemyDaoist AlchemyNeidan
"Under an allusive poetical language and thick layers of images and symbols, The Seal of the Unity of the Three (Cantong qi) hides the exposition of the teachings that gave birth to Taoist Internal Alchemy, or Neidan.... more
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      DaoismInner AlchemyDaoist AlchemyNeidan
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      Yoga MeditationReikiEspiritismoHermetismo
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      DaoismDaoist AlchemyTaoist AlchemyTaoism
This book contains a complete translation of one of the main works by the eminent Taoist master Liu Yiming (1734-1821). Divided into 26 short chapters, Cultivating the Tao is at the same time a comprehensive overview of the basic... more
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      Inner AlchemyTaoist AlchemyTaoismNeidan
In Permaculture the TLUD stove is a well-known documented energy saving cooking and heating device also called the "Chinese gasifier" and it appears to have originated from the ancient Kang bed-stove design, documented to at least 5200... more
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      Civil EngineeringMathematicsMusicAnthropology
Daoist hagiographic works depict the so-called "immortals" (xianren) as extraordinary human beings endowed with several powers, the most important of which is the ability to reach a life span of indefinite length with their ordinary... more
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      DaoismDaoist AlchemyTaoist AlchemyTaoism
This paper surveys some of the main features of the view of the human body in Daoist Internal Alchemy (Neidan 內丹). The first sections discuss three different terms that refer to the body; the metaphors — cosmological, political,... more
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      DaoismDaoist AlchemyTaoist AlchemyTaoism
The following list attempts to cover most translations of traditional neidan texts into Western languages. Each entry includes the Chinese name of the text in pinyin and literary Chinese, its English translation, and its location in... more
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      DaoismDaoist AlchemyNeidanNeidan studies
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      DaoismInner AlchemyDaoist AlchemyTaoist Alchemy
In Livia Kohn, ed., Time in Daoist Practice: Cultivation and Calculation (St. Petersburg, FL: Three Pines Press, 2021), 247-67.
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      DaoismPhilosophy of TimeDaoist AlchemyTaoist Alchemy
"The Thread of Dao: Unraveling Early Daoist Oral Traditions” explores the ancient medical and spiritual culture that blossomed into China’s most celebrated book of wisdom: "The Classic of Dao and Virtue (Dao De Jing, circa 500 BC)."... more
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      DaoismChinese BuddhismMindfulnessClassical Chinese literature
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      IllustrationsVisualizationManuscripts and Early Printed BooksDaoism
"This book contains four essays on Internal Alchemy by Isabelle Robinet, originally published in French and translated here for the first time into English. The essays are concerned with the alchemical principle of "inversion"; the... more
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      DaoismInner AlchemyDaoist AlchemyNeidan
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      Taoist AlchemyTaoismNeidanNeidan, Internal Alchemy, Alchemy
The Huming Jing (Scripture on Protecting Destiny-life-force, a.k.a Shengxuan huming jing – Scripture on Protecting Destiny-life-force and Ascending the Mysterious) is often mentioned adjacent to the Scripture on Clarity and Stillness... more
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      BuddhismChinese PhilosophyDaoist PhilosophyChinese Studies
The Cantong qi is the main text of Taoist Internal Alchemy (Neidan). In addition to Taoist masters and adepts, it has also attracted the attention of philosophers, cosmologists, poets, literati, calligraphers, philologists, and... more
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      DaoismInner AlchemyDaoist AlchemyNeidan
Published without my consent in AION (Annali dell’Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”), 32 (2015): 81-108.
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      DaoismInner AlchemyDaoist AlchemyNeidan
This article is, to some extent, a continuation of thoughts expressed in a previous article in the Journal of Daoist Studies (Crowe 2010), where motion and stillness were examined as sources of continuity between the “three teachings” as... more
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F. Pregadio The Daoist master Liu Yiming (1734-1821) frequently mentions "superior virtue" and "inferior virtue" (shangde and xiade) in his works. In his view, these terms define two aspects, or degrees, of Neidan (Internal Alchemy),... more
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      DaoismAlchemyDaoist AlchemyTaoist Alchemy
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      DaoismChinese ReligionsGender and religion (Women s Studies)Daoism and Medicine
Professor Noam Chomsky recently gave a youtube interview, at age 91, mentioning how, when asked, he does not have the time to meditate. The irony of his life as longevity and his lack of time presented itself as proof of what he called... more
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      Civil EngineeringQuantum ComputingMusicMusicology
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      DaoismBeijingModern China (especially late Qing and Republican history)Neidan
So now going back to Dr. Andrija Puharich's work, for life as ecology we need left-handed asymmetric resonance via the hidden momentum of light or as Puharich emphasizes – the delocalized proton magnetic moment with the electron (when... more
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      MathematicsArtificial IntelligenceQuantum ChemistryMusic Theory
Restoring the Lost Logos as the name for a section of my University of Minnesota Master's Thesis in 2000. I was approached to have the Master's Thesis published as a book by Charles Madden, a physicist focused on music theory. Only Madden... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringReligionPhysics
Fung Shan, a famous physician in late Ming and early Qing dynasty, was a Daoist with practical neidan experience. Through a brief study on his Daoist identity and his works, this paper aims to show the relationship between the medical... more
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      Asian StudiesHistory of ReligionChinese StudiesInner Alchemy
Why Time is Not the Image of Eternity:
Pythagorean Pathways as Bounded Finite yet Eternal Noncommutative Time proves Negative Mass-energy Resonance from ancient music theory
Drew Hempel, MA
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      MusicMusic TheoryPhilosophyAlchemy
The paranormal and noncommutativity are both considered strange and unobservable by science. Listening is now proven to be up to ten times faster than the linear operator of time-frequency resonance or Fourier Uncertainty. This deep... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsQuantum PhysicsChemistry
This bibliography intends to cover most works related to academic studies on neidan in Western languages published to date (2021). These include reference works, monographs, dissertations, translations, books, research articles, article... more
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      DaoismDaoist AlchemyNeidanNeidan studies
自東漢初年,黃老思想與養生之術相互連繫起來,黃老學說於各個發展階段的狀態與意義,便成為研究道教學者所關心的面向。特別是《周易參同契》運用漢《易》原理衍說丹道,吸收神仙方術的內容,讓哲學、科學與宗教互摻為一,更奠定了後世道教《易》學的基礎。無論從外丹或內丹的詮釋與分析,我們都可以清楚地看到,從元氣講變化修煉的理論形態,不僅只是兩種不同修煉方法的相互應用而已,其背後所蘊涵的,更是戰國秦漢以來黃老思想典型的轉移。而向來對於《參同契》內煉取向黃老「引內養性」之說的概念探討,大都侷限在... more
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      DaoismTaoist PhilosophyHan DynastyHuman Body
This thesis concerns the state of the art of the Western language studies of Daoist internal alchemy (neidan). The research history and its approaches are evaluated from the perspective of study of religion, based mainly on research... more
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      Study of ReligionsMethod and Theory in the Study of ReligionAcademic discourseDiscourse Theory
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      DaoismNeidanQuanzhen daoism
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      Chinese StudiesDaoismJapanese ReligionsChinese Religions
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      ReligionDaoismChinaGender and religion (Women s Studies)
The Ruyao jing (Mirror for Compounding the Medicine) is one of the best-known texts of Taoist Internal Alchemy, or Neidan. Written in the 10th century and attributed to Cui Xifan, it describes the foundations of Internal Alchemy in 20... more
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      DaoismInner AlchemyDaoist AlchemyNeidan