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Este texto é a tradução da introdução do livro Logical Forms feita por Guido Imaguire e revisada pelo próprio autor (que também fez algumas pequenas alterações no texto e é responsável por sua forma final). Muitas citações de textos... more
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      Bertrand RussellGottlob FregeAlfred TarskiKurt Gödel
Kurt Gödel è stato certamente il logico più influente del Novecento. I suoi lavori, visti come delle pietre miliari e come tali richiamati ancora oggi nella letteratura specialistica, investono aspetti fondamentali per la ricerca in campo... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsPhilosophy of MindLogicPhilosophy Of Mathematics
This piece continues the tradition of arguments by John Lucas, Roger Penrose and others to the effect that the human mind is not a machine. Kurt Gödel thought that the intensional paradoxes stand in the way of proving that the mind is not... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of MathematicsTruthParadoxes
.....the double bind as constituting an entirely new, non-material, principle of evolution, major conceptual revisions may need to be made in our general understanding of evolution as contained within the “modern evolutionary... more
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      SemioticsEvolutionary BiologyClinical PsychologyFamily Therapy
Critical phenomenology is gaining currency as a progressive philosophy of emancipation, but there is no consensus on what its “criticality” entails. From a Derridean perspective, critique can be said to involve radical self-interrogation;... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryDeconstructionPhenomenology
In 2013, the German conservative newspaper Die Welt reported “Scientists Prove Existence of God," As an eye-catching headline as it was, unsurprisingly, there is a rather significant caveat to that claim. When Gödel died in 1978, he left... more
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      OntologyGödel's Incompleteness TheoremsKurt Gödel
lecturer on alchemy and its modern applications. Go directly to the start of the text. Abstract The alchemists believed that no transformation— whether in the laboratory, in the body, or in the soul—could succeed without... more
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      MathematicsAlchemyRosicrucianismKurt Godel
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      Alan TuringMachine IntelligenceKurt GödelComputability
“This Is Not My Beautiful Biosphere,” in Tom Bristow and Thomas Ford, eds., A Cultural History of Climate Change (Routledge, 2016), 229–238.
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryLogicArt Theory
We claim that Kant's doctrine of the "transcendental ideal of pure reason" contains, in an anticipatory sense, a second-order theory of reality (as a second-order property) and of the highest being. Such a theory, as reconstructed in this... more
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      Philosophical LogicImmanuel KantLeibniz (Philosophy)Kurt Gödel
An interpretation of Wittgenstein’s much criticized remarks on Gödel’s First Incompleteness Theorem is provided in the light of paraconsistent arithmetic: in taking Gödel’s proof as a paradoxical derivation, Wittgenstein was drawing the... more
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsConstructivismWittgensteinGödel's Incompleteness Theorems
By way of commenting on the prior literature, it is argued that both the first and the second of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems have a bearing on the view on mathematics that Husserl presents in Formale und transzendentale Logik, and... more
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      History of LogicEdmund HusserlPhilosophy of LogicGödel's Incompleteness Theorems
Guided by a passage in Kreisel, this is a discussion of the relations between the phenomena in the title, with special attention to the method of analysis and synthesis in Greek geometry, fixed point theorems, and Kreisel's contact with... more
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      Intuitionistic LogicCategory TheoryParadoxesLogical Paradox
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      Roger Penrose’s Gödelian ArgumentKurt GödelIncompletenessArgumento Lucas-Penrose
This paper shows how Gödel failed to prove his first incompleteness theorem and shows a standard of proof that completes a system containing genuine, not contrived, undecidable statements. Gödel's First Incompleteness Theorem is often... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryComputer SciencePhilosophy
This paper introduces an original proposal intended to encode timelines as univocal integers, by the use of arithmetic mapping, exploring inherent properties of prime numbers. A group of algorithms were developed in order to encode... more
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      GeometryKurt GödelPrime NumbersMusical Rhythm Theory
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceKantGeneral Relativity
Scientific thought was once the paradigm of unchanging truth. While the natural sciences have broken with this presumption, the formal sciences have been slower to separate themselves from this antique conception. Yet the experience of... more
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsPhenomenologyKurt Gödel
A common objection to the definition of intuitionistic implication in the Proof Interpretation is that it is impredicative. I discuss the history of that objection, argue that in Brouwer's writings predica-tivity of implication is ensured... more
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      Intuitionistic LogicType TheoryPhilosophy Of MathematicsPolymorphism
These are the preface and introduction to my book Essays on Gödel's Reception of Leibniz, Husserl, and Brouwer (Dordrecht: Springer, 2015).
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsPhenomenologyGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizPlato and Platonism
Lyotard raccomanda, obtorto collo, non di affidarsi al relativismo, ovviamente, ma di imparare a convivere con esso e dunque a ripensare realtà e supposizioni, in quanto l’essere è tramontato e il divenire ha mostrato le sue carte. La... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyMarxismCapitalism
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      WittgensteinVienna CircleKarl PopperLogical Positivism
Incompleteness specifically refers to the fact that given any system of symbols, there will always be questions that can be formulated in that system that cannot be answered using just the symbols of that system. An example would be that... more
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      JurisprudencePhilosophyTax LawInternational Tax Law
Resumen Se explora la naturaleza recursiva del lenguaje, la iteración a la que parece condenado cuando debe dar cuenta de sí mismo. El carácter autorreferencial del lenguaje, como némesis, se verifica en las paradojas que reingresan... more
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I use this handout in a seminar on the history of modal conceptions, after working with Kyle Bryant on an honors thesis on Gödel’s  well-known argument.  This presentation is mine but the reconstruction of Gödel was done with Mr. Bryant.
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      LeibnizKurt GödelOntological ArgumentThe Ontological Argument
This is my presentation at The Israeli Society for History & Philosophy of Science Fourteenth Annual Conference:
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsPhilosophy of Quantum MechanicsAlbert EinsteinKurt Gödel
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsPhilosophy Of MathematicsHistory of LogicKurt Godel
Guided by a passage in Kreisel, this is a discussion of the relations between the phenomena in the title, with special attention to the method of analysis and synthesis in Greek geometry, fixed point theorems, and Kreisel's contact with... more
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      Intuitionistic LogicProof TheoryPhilosophy Of MathematicsConstructivism
German poem "Hommage à Gödel" by Enzensberger, together with two English translations revised by the author. A Spanish translation is also included and commented.
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      Hans Magnus EnzensbergerKurt Gödel
plescia g (2017). katastrophenoumena. vol. 2, Seattle:Amazon-Create Space, ISBN: 978-1495238017 plescia g (2017). katastrophontology. vol. 2, Seattle:Amazon-Create Space, ISBN: 978-1500180386 plescia g (2017). katastrophysistringx.... more
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    • Kurt Gödel
Publicación originada colectivamente por los miembros de la red del Programa de Animación Permanente de Redes de Pensamiento Complejo para América Latina y el Caribe.
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      Edgar MorinComplexityKurt GodelKurt Gödel
This paper rummages through the history of modern physics to find both scientific and philosophical threads that might shine some light on how we are to think about the Vis Medicatrix Naturae, or "the healing power of nature."
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      Philosophy of ScienceNaturopathic MedicineAlbert EinsteinKurt Gödel
The demonstration of Gödel’s 1st Incompleteness Theorem relies on the recourse to a formula G supposed to assert its own indemonstrable nature. However, in order to build the formula G, Gödel had no other option than transgress the law of... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsLogicPhilosophy Of MathematicsPhilosophy of Logic
Set-theoretic pluralism is an increasingly influential position in the philosophy of set theory (Balaguer [1998], Linksy and Zalta [1995], Hamkins [2012]). There is considerable room for debate about how best to formulate set-theoretic... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsSet TheoryEpistemologyEpistemology of logic
- Draws extensively on Gödel's archive - Analyses historical and systematical aspects of Gödel's philosophical project - Evaluates Gödel's use of phenomenology and challenges recent interpretations This volume tackles Gödel's two-stage... more
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsPhenomenologyEdmund HusserlGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
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      Intuitionistic LogicPhilosophy Of MathematicsPhilosophical LogicParadoxes
Remembrance of my ( Stanford )  college advisor, who, at the time of this death, was the world's greatest living mathematical logician
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      History of MathematicsMathematical LogicAlfred TarskiKurt Gödel
THE TARSKIAN TURN has been praised by distinguished philosophers of mathematical logic: on the dust jacket John Burgess calls it “clear and concise”; Vann McGee says it shows “remarkable insight and technical dexterity”; and elsewhere... more
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      Gödel's Incompleteness TheoremsKurt Gödel
This paper introduces an original proposal intended to encode timelines as univocal integers, by the use of arithmetic mapping, exploring inherent properties of prime numbers. A group of algorithms were developed in order to encode... more
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      GeometryKurt GödelPrime NumbersMusical Rhythm Theory
Ontological arguments like those of Gödel (1995) and Pruss (2009; 2012) rely on premises that initially seem plausible, but on closer scrutiny are not. The premises have modal import that is required for the arguments but is not... more
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      Kurt GödelOntological ArgumentTheismThe Ontological Argument
JOHN CORCORAN, Numerically-qualified omega completeness. In GF, the framework of the 1931 Gödel paper, there are two explicit non-logical constants, ‘o’ and ‘s’; the concept “number” is absorbed into the intension of the individual... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsLogicHistory of MathematicsPhilosophy Of Mathematics
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsPhilosophy Of MathematicsKurt GodelKurt Gödel
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Italo Calvino
About two hundred years after the Kant’s critique, which was supposed to be devastating since it had declared all ontological arguments of God’s existence impossible, in the middle of the 20th century the argument of St. Anselm got into... more
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      Proof of GodKurt GodelKurt Gödel
In part one (of two parts) I show that any purely physical-scientific account of reality must be deficient. Instead, I present a general-ontological framework that should prove fruitful when discussing or resolving philosophic... more
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      OntologyFutures StudiesTime TravelKnowledge
International audienceWe are pleased to present here a second volume of the electronic edition of Kurt Gödel’s Maxims and Philosophical Remarks, commonly called Max Phil. Since volume X (⟨hal-01459188⟩ of this electronic edition appeared... more
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“This Is Not My Beautiful Biosphere,” in Tom Bristow and Thomas Ford, eds., A Cultural History of Climate Change (Routledge, 2016), 229–238.
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      GeographyArt HistoryLogicArt Theory
JOHN CORCORAN 1996. Semantic omega properties and mathematical induction, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2, 468.
1997. Corrected reprinting previous abstract, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3, 280.
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsLogicPhilosophical LogicPhilosophy of Logic
The paper shows that it is possible to obtain a "slingshot" result in Gödel's theory of positiveness in the presence of the theorem of the necessary existence of God. In the context of the reconstruction of Gödel's original "slingshot"... more
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      Philosophical LogicKurt GödelSlingshot ArgumentOntological proof