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German, Scandinavian, and Irish domestic workers were concentrated in the Eastern and Midwestern cities. Irish female immigrants, in particular, were almost exclusively domestics. Diner (1983) posits that in New York virtually every Irish... more
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      Civil WarAfrican AmericanMexican AmericanUnited States of America
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      CriminologyLawUnited StatesDemographic change
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      Social JusticePrejudiceCultureHealth Policy
This article empirically assesses the validity of current theoretical models of attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policy in the Asia-Pacific region. This paper takes representative data from the World Value Survey and implements... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesEconomicsPolitical Economy
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      MultidisciplinaryImmigration Policy
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      DemographyEconomicsDeveloping CountriesPopulation Dynamics
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      DemographyDecision MakingApplied EconomicsPopulation Economics
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      HistorySociologyCanadian StudiesEconomics
In the spring of 2006, millions of Latinos across the country participated in the largest civil rights demonstrations in American history. In this timely and highly anticipated book, Chris Zepeda-Millán analyzes the background, course,... more
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      Ethnic StudiesChicano StudiesLatino/A StudiesLatina/o Studies
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      TransnationalismMusic and PoliticsMestizajeImmigration Policy
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      EconomicsHuman DevelopmentReturn MigrationInternal migration
Análisis del llamado Programa Frontera Sur aplicado por el gobierno mexicano en 2014 y 2015 como respuesta a la crisis migratoria de menores no acompañados y familias.
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      Human RightsImmigrationImmigration Policy
The paper is a first critical analysis of the Prüm Convention on deepening transfrontier cooperation, amongst others in view of combating terrorism, transfrontier crime, and illegal migration, which was signed by Austria, Belgium, France,... more
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      European LawDispute ResolutionSovereigntyJudicial review
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      Economic GrowthLabour MarketAsia PacificBasic Education
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explore the process of Hispanization of the U.S. Southwest. This thesis explores the Hispanization by discussing three key elements; history of the Southwest, three largest Hispanic subgroups in the... more
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      Hispanic StudiesUnited StatesStereotypes of Hispanics/latinosImmigration Policy
"The Criminalization of Immigration: Contexts and Consequences explores these competing narratives and the consequences of criminalizing immigration in the United States and abroad. It examines the impact of national, state, and local... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyCriminology
This paper examines the relationship between unemployment and immigration in Canada. The bi-directional causality test finds no evidence of a significant effect of Canadian immigration on unem-ployment. Cointegration tests indicate that... more
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      EconomicsLabour MarketImmigration PolicyVector Error Correction Model
El presente artículo analiza la emigración cubana y la conformación de la comunidad cubanoamericana desde el siglo XIX, la cual responde en lo fundamental a: 1. Las convulsiones políticas y la dinámica socioeconómica de Cuba, 2. El tipo y... more
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      International RelationsCuban StudiesCuban RevolutionEmigration
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      SociologyDemographyPublic OpinionEU Enlargement
Three disparate yet related things happened in November 2008 that suggest it is apposite to revisit a film that was controversial when released but which provides a sophisticated reading of London in the early 21st century. First, Dirty... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryLiterature and cinemaFilm Analysis
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      Economic GrowthLabour MarketAsia PacificBasic Education
Nous allons ici présenter les articulations entre le co-développement spontané produit par les migrants avec les deux autres formes de co-développement : le co-développement comme dimension d’une politique migratoire plus générale et le... more
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      FranceImmigration PolicyCodeveloppement
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      SociologySocial ProblemsSouth KoreaPolitical Science
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      ImmigrationMigration StudiesIntegrationImmigration Policy
This essay provides a critical review of the field of immigration policy studies from the perspective of measurement and modeling. It serves to contextualize and broaden the views presented in the special issue. As such, we combine... more
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    • Immigration Policy
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      Social HistoryHistorical StudiesImmigration Policy
The goal of this paper is to examine the hyperinivisibilization of Southeast Asians in America and how it interacts with various mechanisms of the American racial project— Asianization, racially-ascribed deviance, relative invalidation,... more
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      Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesRefugee StudiesAsian American Studies
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      Immigration PolicyReturn
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      SovereigntyPolitical ScienceInternal migrationRefugees
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This paper contends that the L2 literature yields little empirical evidence of a relationship between the features associated with L1 voice and the quality of L2 academic writing. In fact, some of these features may be of little... more
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      Higher EducationAcademic WritingSecond Language WritingLinguistics
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      Community DevelopmentAccountingTransaction CostsImmigration
This report examines the role of the City of Toronto in immigration policy and settlement and integration programming. Toronto continues to be the most significant centre in Canada for newcomer settlement and a leading factor behind the... more
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      Settlement PatternsTorontoImmigration PolicyThe Immigrant Experience
Canada is an international leader in government supported and provided settlement services for its immigrant population. The provision of such services is seen as an important part enabling immigrants to more successfully settle and... more
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      Immigration StudiesMigrationSettlement PatternsCanadian Foreign Policy
Examining the policy and practices of the European Union and the United States on accompanied minors, this paper argues that differences in procedures point to contending security concerns that reveal the inconsistencies of the modern... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawInternational SecurityImmigration Studies
The article examines the politics of the DREAM Act, reasons it was not adopted, the emergence of a movement of undocumented youth, and a case study of undocumented students in Houston, Texas.
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      Environmental SustainabilityCultural CitizenshipImmigration PolicyPolitics of Health Care Policy
come il sistema educativo e pedagogico dovrebbe agire. La posizione del ruolo dell'educatore e del pedagogista nel contesto -immigrazione-
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyPolitical Philosophy
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      ImmigrationEconomic GrowthMigrationFertility
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyConfinementImmigration Policy
This chapter considers the role of technology in global migration, contemporary emigration motivators, and Ireland’s diaspora engagement policy and practice. It analyses the results of two surveys of Irish migrants to Australia carried... more
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      CommunicationSocial PolicySocial SciencesImmigration
Immigration reforms in the United States initiated in the 1960s are widely thought to have opened the door to mass immigration from Asia and Latin America by eliminating past discriminatory policies. While this may be true for Asians, it... more
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      DemographyLatin AmericaImmigration PolicyPopulation Development
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    • Immigration Policy
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      Political ScienceImmigration Policy
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      Race and EthnicityRacismNeoliberalismMigration Studies
The thesis evaluates the impact of EU funded research on both social science research and the policy making process at national level. Attempts, in the past, to include the social sciences in the decision making process, have raised... more
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      Research PolicyImmigration PolicyEU Immigration PolicyPolitics and Knowledge
A short article written for Stanford University Press on the political figure of the barbarian in contemporary migration politics.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
Deze studie ontwikkelt een geheel nieuwe benadering van het vraagstuk: Hoe wordt migratie-en integratiebeleid in tien Europese landen gemaakt? Wie is daarbij betrokken? Welke invloed hebben wetenschappers en maatschappelijke partners op... more
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      Political ScienceWest European PoliticsImmigration Policy
Drawing on Erving Goffman's analysis of total institutions and his concept of mortification of the self, the present article deals with the process of identity construction and identity loss among refugees and asylum seekers in Hong Kong.... more
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      Self and IdentityQualitative ResearchForced MigrationImmigration Policy