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      HydrogeologyHydrologyHistory of ScienceJesuit history
Cet article présente la façon dont la Société géologique de France a vécu la Grande Guerre, et les effets de ce conflit sur la communauté nationale et internationale des géologues entre 1914 et 1919.
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      History of GeologyCultural History of the First World War
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      American HistoryMuseum StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesHistory of Science
Origin of Permeability in Carbonate Rocks Carbonate reservoirs, which are typically dual or triple porosity systems, produce a major portion of the world’s oil and gas and hold more than half of the world’s largest crude oil and natural... more
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      HistoryGeologyNatural ResourcesHistory of Geology
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      History of ScienceHistory of GeologyJohn RuskinHistory of architecture
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of PaleontologyHistory of Natural HistoryHistory of Science
Mediante el análisis de fuentes documentales, se evoca una controversia sobre la modelización genética de los yacimientos minerales según la expuso el Dr. Erwin Kittl en su libro póstumo Yacimientos Minerales y su Formación (1972). Este... more
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      GeologyEpistemologyHistory of GeologyEpistemología
The Dalgaranga meteorite crater, 100 km northeast of Yalgoo, Western Australia, was the first impact structure identified in Australia, the smallest isolated crater found in Australia, and the only confirmed crater in the world associated... more
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      HistoryEarth SciencesGeologyGeophysics
«Acque Sotterranee», Italian Journal of Groundwater, n. 3, September 2014, pp. 83-84.
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      HydrogeologyHistory of ScienceGroundwaterHistory of Geology
Paper and slides presented at the 25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 23-29, 2017) - Symposium S28, "Multiple Spaces: Mapping Communication via Letters between Naturalists"... more
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      GeographyEarly Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineMicroscopy
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      History of ScienceHistory of GeologyMining HistoryColonial Science
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      History of ScienceHistory of GeologyHistory of Soil Science
Trashumante. Revista Americana de Historia Social, núm. 2, 2013, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa/Universidad de Antioquia, México, pp. 56-79. ISSN: 2322-9381.
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      History of Science and TechnologyGeologyHistory of ScienceHistory of Geology
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      History of ScienceHistory of Geology
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      Victorian StudiesHistory of ScienceScience and ReligionHistory of Geology
Beyond the Lab and the Field analyzes infrastructures as intense sites of knowledge production in the Americas, Europe, and Asia since the late nineteenth century. Moving beyond classical places known for yielding scientific knowledge,... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyTransportation StudiesHistory of TechnologyHistory of Science
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      GeologyHistory of Geology
In the Norcia plain (Umbria, Central Italy) the springs of Torbidone are characterized by a peculiar behavior, i.e. the periodical appearing and vanishing for years. The reasons of this peculiarity are not yet well defined but they has... more
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      History of GeologyUmbriaNorcia
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      PaleoanthropologyPaleontologyHuman EvolutionHistory of Paleontology
Since its first attempts to understand natural phenomena, early modern science devoted great attention to the problematic issue of the origin of springs. This essay examines the lively debate that emerged from the studies on fresh water... more
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      HydrogeologyPhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Science
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      History of MedicineHistory of GeologyHistory of pharmacy
Ζητώ εκ προοιμίου συγνώμη από ασθενείς και τους δικούς τους ανθρώπους, που όταν βλέπουν το όνομα του Πάρκινσον περιμένουν πιθανώς να διαβάσουν κάτι νεώτερο για την ασθένεια. Στο άρθρο αυτό δεν υπάρχει κάτι παρόμοιο. Στο άρθρο αυτό, όπως... more
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      Parkinson's DiseaseHistory of GeologyΓεωλογια
Prepared for the International Geological Congress 1989 field trips on the Colorado River through Grand Canyon.
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      GeologyPaleontologyHistory of ScienceHistory of Geology
In this paper I explore the metaphor of the strata of the earth as ‘great stone book of nature’, and the Anthropocene epoch as its latest chapter. Debates about the geological status of the Anthropocene focus on the identification of... more
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      Climate ChangeDeconstructionContinental PhilosophyEschatology and Apocalypticism
Tra la fine dell’Ottocento e la prima metà del Novecento, l’archeologo Antonio Tara- melli mise a punto una metodologia di ricerca fondata sull’impiego sistematico dello scavo stra- tigrafico e sull’unione di scienze naturali e scienze... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of GeologyHistory of Archeology
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      GeologyHistory of GeologyHistory of MiningArizona
Neste livro, buscou-se estabelecer os objetos e métodos da Epistemologia em dois sentidos: (i) preliminarmente, aquele situado em algumas das principais tradições epistemológicas do Ocidente, de modo a problematizar a natureza da própria... more
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      EpistemologyHistory of ScienceHistory of Geologyepistemology of geology
(An Edition Open Access book. Here is the link to the official webpage: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the summer of 1704, Antonio... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyIntellectual History
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      HydrogeologyHistory of ScienceNatural HistoryHistory of Geology
Miss Etheldred Benett lived 1775-1845 in Wiltshire, England, where she was well known for her fossil collection of the area and for her contributions to the study of the region's biostratigraphy. She seems to have been the earliest... more
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      History of PaleontologyHistory of MuseumsHistory of GeologyPorifera
'Matthew D. Eddy succeeds in making a significant contribution to [the] recent and more nuanced approach to post-Kuhnian history of science… Students of eighteenth-century Scottish culture and medicine will find much of value here, as... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyIntellectual History
Hildegard of Bingen had numerous talents which she exercised in diverse domains; woman writer, naturalist, doctor, visionary, seer, musician, she would also deserve to be qualified as "geologist" before the term existed if we follow for... more
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      History of GeologyManuscriptsElementsHildegard of Bingen
ПЕТРУСЕВИЧ Михаил Николаевич (1.4.1908, г. Каменец-Подольский – 26.2.2003, г. Москва), геолог, канд. геол.-мин. наук (1958), почетный акад. РАЕН. Обучался в МГУ и Ленинградском горном ин-те. Участник и рук. более 40 экспедиций – Тува,... more
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      History of GeologyRussian History
El último tercio del siglo XIX se caracterizó por la apertura de numerosos espacios científicos y órganos de difusión, en un ambiente de relativa estabilidad que permitió a los hombres de ciencia estudiar la realidad mexicana y buscar su... more
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      History of Social SciencesHistory of GeologyHistory of Mineralogy
The book "focuses on one of the signal developments in natural history: the growth and transformation of collecting practices and museums from antiquity through the nineteenth century. The twelve essays in this volume offer a rich and... more
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      Museum StudiesHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceHistory of Museums
"""Abstract - Mima mounds in North America are primarily known from the western states of Washington, Oregon, and California; the Rocky Mountains; the mid-lower Mississippi Basin; and Louisiana-Texas Gulf Coast. By contrast, their former... more
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      GeologyGeoarchaeologyHistory of GeologyCultural Resource Management (Archaeology)
When the Great War broke out in 1914, the field of academia in geography was divided into local and national schools, connected together through publications, scientific debates and international meetings. This PhD in cultural and... more
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      History of GeologyFirst World WarHistory of geographyGerman Geography
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      History of ScienceNatural HistoryHistory of GeologyVertebrate Paleontology
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      History of ScienceHistory of Social SciencesHistory of GeologyHistory of Collections
The Grand Canyon has been explored and studied by geologists since 1858. Fossils from the Canyon comprise a remarkably diverse collection; groups include late Precambrian microfossils and Paleozoic invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants.... more
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      History of PaleontologyHistory of GeologyGrand Canyon
THE METHODOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION IN GEOLOGY: AN APPROACH THROUGH THE BLACK-BOX HEURISTIC EXAMPLE. The epistemological fragmentation of geology verified during this century as well as the more recent unity given by the... more
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      Research MethodologyHistory of ScienceHistory of Geologyepistemology of geology
In this paper we explore Aboriginal oral traditions that relate to Australian meteorite craters. Using the literature, first-hand ethnographic records and fieldtrip data, we identify oral traditions and artworks associated with four... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyCultural History
Alongside the vestiges of the classical antiquity, in the course of the fifteenth century another kind of ruins made its appearance in drawings and paintings: those of an ancient Earth, as visible in eroded crags, decomposing mountains,... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of Renaissance ScienceHistory of GeologyHistory of Meteorology
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Philosophy
The interpretation of the complex geological situation of the Campi Flegrei in Antiquity; geotermy and earthquakes in Antiquity.
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of Geology
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      History of ScienceHistory of Geology
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      History of ScienceHistory of GeologyHistory of ArchitectureRobert Adam Architect 1728-1792
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      History of ScienceMeteorologyHistory of AstronomyHistory of Geology