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      Bengali LiteratureAvadāna LiteratureRabindranath TagoreBuddhist Literature
This article presents an avadāna excerpt found in Śamathadeva’s Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā. The tale reports a monk’s change of sex to female, followed by five hundred successive births as a woman, all of which happened as the karmic... more
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      Sex and GenderWomen In BuddhismMulasarvastivada VinayaAvadāna Literature
A severely fragmented sheet of birch-bark from Gandhara was found inscribed with eleven stories of the avadāna type, which means that they center around episodes involving laypeople and monks, but do not have the Buddha as a protagonist.... more
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      BuddhismAvadāna LiteratureBirch bark inscriptionsBuddhist Literature
This paper addresses how Gandharan scribes and artisans refer to and construct sacred geographies through narrative domestication of past and present births of the Buddha and other figures. Similarities and differences between literary... more
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      Buddhist StudiesJatakasBuddhist Narrative LiteratureAvadāna Literature
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      JainismBuddhist StudiesSouth Asian HistoryAncient Historiography
A wide range of practices emerged for venerating the Buddha’s embodied presence in textual and visual relics.This article considers ways in which hagiographical narratives of previous births preserved in written and visual media may be... more
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      Buddhist StudiesJatakasBuddhist Narrative LiteratureAvadāna Literature
An Encyclopedic entry article about how the life of Devadatta and his religious significance are presented and understood in pan-Buddhist literature.
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      Buddhist StudiesJatakasBuddhist Narrative LiteratureAvadāna Literature
, in: Buddhist Manuscripts from Central Asia: The St. Petersburg Sanskrit Fragments (StPSF), ed. Seishi Karashima and Margarita I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya, pp. 145~505 (together with M. I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya).
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      Buddhist StudiesBuddhist ArtJatakasAvadāna Literature
This article studies narratives related to the topic of women receiving a prediction or declaration (vyākaraṇa) for Buddhahood. The texts in question—in their received form—have their place in the Indian Buddhist traditions of the Middle... more
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      Women In BuddhismCentral Asian BuddhismIndian BuddhismJatakas
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      Buddhist StudiesMulasarvastivada VinayaAvadāna LiteratureAvadānaśataka
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      BuddhismLanguages and LinguisticsEtymologyIndo-European Studies
This article does three things. First, it argues that the usage of dharma in the sense of 'customary practice', which is found in compounds such as deśadharma and kuladharma, can be traced back to the Atharvaveda. Second, it argues that... more
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      ReligionHinduismAsian StudiesLaw
The study of the Avadānaśataka was placed upon a firm philological foundation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but more manuscripts have since become available, prompting questions about the history of this Buddhist narrative... more
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      PhilologyTranslation StudiesTibetan StudiesBuddhist Studies
In Buddhist Studies Review 33.1-2, Sheffield 2016, p. 101–140. The article presents a preliminary survey of textual reuse in Nepalese collections of jātakas and avadānas, focusing in particular on three works: the Avadānaśataka, the... more
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      NepalJatakasBuddhist Sanskrit ManuscriptsAvadāna Literature
This is a study of a scripture translated into Old Uyghur from Tocharian A and counted as one of the earliest Uyghur Buddhist texts. The Buddhist collection of stories entitled Daśakarmapathāvadānamālā (“garland of legends pertaining to... more
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      BuddhismTocharianCentral AsiaAvadāna Literature
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      Indo-European StudiesTocharianAvadāna LiteratureOld Turkic, Old Uyghur
The Vinaya, both a genre of Buddhist canonical texts and a specific text itself, essentially consists of the rules governing Buddhist monastic life. It is often described as a monastic law code. Some vinaya texts include not only monastic... more
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      Mulasarvastivada VinayaAvadāna LiteratureAvadānaśataka
The Old Uyghur cycle of stories Daśakarmapathāvadānamālā has been described in scholarly literature as an essential part of a public performance during a Uyghur Buddhist festival including the display of pictures. The present paper argues... more
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      BuddhismSilk Road StudiesNarrative TheoryOld Turkic
En esta investigación analizo las leyendas del rey Aśoka en la compilación de relatos conocida como Divyāvadāna, para entender la manera en que la conquista de la autoridad transitoria se justifica como un fin necesario y “natural” de las... more
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      Religious ConversionBuddhist SanskritIndian BuddhismBuddhist Narrative Literature
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      BuddhismSilk Road StudiesTocharianCentral Asia
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      TocharianAvadāna LiteratureOld Turkic, Old UyghurDaśakarmapathāvadānamālā
In die meisten buddhistischen Texte sind Erzählungen eingefügt, die inhaltliche Punkte veranschaulichen sollen. In besonderem Maße ist dies in den Avadāna-und Vinaya-Texten aller buddhistischen Schulen der Fall. Während bislang die... more
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      Buddhist Narrative LiteratureAvadāna Literature
Identification of some of the folios in the Gilgit manuscripts
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      BuddhismAvadāna LiteratureGilgit ManuscriptsBuddhist Dharani
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      BuddhismBuddhist ArtTocharianAvadāna Literature
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      TocharianAvadāna LiteratureOld Turkic, Old UyghurDaśakarmapathāvadānamālā
Cerita ke-empat belas dari Divyāvadāna (Cerita-cerita surgawi) Terjemahan Indonesia. Kisah ini menceritakan seorang dewa yang menjelang kematiannya meratap karena akan jatuh ke alam binatang sebagai seekor babi. Sakra, raja para dewa,... more
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      BuddhismAvadāna LiteratureBuddholgy, Tibetology, Sanskrit Buddhist Mss & TextsBuddha
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      BuddhismIndian BuddhismAvadāna LiteratureVinaya
The Upagupta-avadāna is the shortest and only poetical version of the Upagupta story, of the versions available so far, in the Sanskrit Language (also in its Tibetan translation). Historically Upagupta is regarded as a Sarvāstivādin,... more
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      Buddhist StudiesAvadāna LiteratureBuddhist LiteratureDivyavadana
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      Chinese BuddhismBuddhist StudiesAvadāna Literature