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Simon Njami opens his introduction to the 2005 Africa Remix catalogue with a description of the “chaos” and “metamorphosis” of contemporary African art. This paper addresses three exhibits, Africa Remix (2005), African Art Now (2005),... more
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      Museum StudiesAfrican Disapora StudiesCuratorial Practice (Art)Remix
The lives of eighteenth-century women merchants in Saint-Louis, Senegal and in St. Mary's, Madagascar, both coastal ports, are locally remembered as cosmopolitan, elegant, and sophisticated - but perhaps they are also remembered as... more
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      Social IdentityGender HistoryGender and SexualityIdentity (Culture)
Abstract Typically, spirituals have been viewed as religious folksongs, whose literary complexity and theological importance have been appreciated insufficiently, especially as these relate to one another. Spirituals are not generally... more
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      American LiteratureLiterature and MusicAfrican American LiteratureAfrican Disapora Studies
Title: African Culture its Trends and Effects This paper discusses traditional African culture: its nature, characteristics, and the main factors that affect it, its values and worldview. Among those factors are: Christianity, Islam,... more
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      African Disapora StudiesNegritudeAfrican cultures and historyEthiopianism
The field of Postcolonial Studies has been gaining prominence since the 1970s. Some would date its rise in the Western academy from the publication of Edward Said's influential critique of Western constructions of the Orient in his 1978... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesHybridityColonialismPost-Colonialism
Somalia is generally thought of as a homogenous society, with a common Arabic ancestry, a shared culture of nomadism and one Somali mother tongue. This study challenges this myth. Using the Jareer/Bantu as a case study, the book shows how... more
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      ReligionModern HistoryEthnohistorySociology
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      African Disapora StudiesSomaliaRadicalism
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesAfrican Disapora StudiesMuseums and Exhibition Design
American performance traditions and music industry trends have historically denigrated religious practices and spaces that African descended people considered sacred or worthy of regard. This legacy of sacrilege is an extension of... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesBlack/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican Disapora Studies
ANGEL’S DESTINY A NOVEL STORY OF POEMS & ILLUSTRATIONS by April Martin Chartrand, M.S. (2019/2009 - ISBN: 978170051147) INTRODUCTION By Imani Harrington (2009) One main factor that binds one in an abusive relationship is relative to... more
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      HistoryPhycologyCultural StudiesDomestic Violence
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      Cultural StudiesCritical PedagogyAfrican Diaspora StudiesCultural Politics
In 2013, the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences began a study of black communities in the USA. By now, the research was conducted in six states (Alabama, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, and... more
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      African StudiesAmerican StudiesAmerican PoliticsGlobalization
Black centered films from the various parts of the African Diaspora are rarely exhibited or released on DVD in other parts of this global community due to the current state of media distribution. African cinema garners top awards at... more
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      Media StudiesWomen's StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Genre
Happy to send the full version on request Symbolic Geographies of the Sacred Diasporic Territorialization and Charismatic Power in a Transnational Congolese Prophetic Church David GARBIN This chapter examines the relationship between... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionGeography
African Americans, descendants of slaves forcidly brought from Africa to America hundreds years ago, and contemporary voluntary African migrants to the USA do not form a single “Black community.” Remarkably, this fact contradicts the... more
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      HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesAmerican Studies
Africans constitute a rather small minority among the migrants to Russia. It appears that their numbers, as well as their impact on society at large, will probably never become comparable to those of migrants from former Soviet republics,... more
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      African StudiesEastern European StudiesAnthropologyPostcolonial Studies
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesAfrican Disapora StudiesIslam
"Оттенки черного. Культурно-антропологические аспекты взаимовосприятия и взаимоотношений африкано-американцев и мигрантов из стран субсахарской Африки в США" The book is based on the field evidence collected in 2013–2015 in more than a... more
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      HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesAmerican Studies
This article examines the issue of brain drain vs brain gain. Specifically, the case of whether the loss of higher education professional departures from a lesser developed country(Nepal in this case) to a higher developed country is... more
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      National IdentityAfrican Disapora StudiesDiaspora StudiesNepal
ABSTRACT The article will discuss the variety of African migrants’ pathways toward social recognition and success in a Russian megacity by describing and analyzing the experiences of the Ethio-pian owners of two establishments in Moscow:... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican Disapora Studies
Esta contribución se centra en la presencia de mujeres cimarronas de origen africano en la capital de la Nueva España en el siglo XVI y en el uso estratégico de la palabra como práctica religiosa y medio político para abordar la... more
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      Latin American StudiesHistory of SlaveryAfrican Disapora StudiesAfrican Religions
A short essay on provenience focused on a 1967 recover of an African-inspired drum in the Tampa Bay region.
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyAfrican Disapora StudiesFlorida Studies
Baixo Sul apresenta comunidades e vilarejos quilombolas, beiradenses (ou beiradeiros), indígenas e ribeirinhos, em contato com os mais diferentes tipos de fitofisionomias florestais de mata atlântica. A decisão de estudá-lo deriva de... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyLandscape ArchitectureAfrican Disapora StudiesArchaeology of Ancestors
Abstract Typically, spirituals have been viewed as religious folksongs, whose literary complexity and theological importance have been appreciated insufficiently, especially as these relate to one another. Spirituals are not generally... more
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      American LiteratureTheologyLiteratureLiterature and Music
Africans’ struggle for a decent social status in the USA is complicated by their frequent association with African Americans who, as a community, occupy a low social level. In the migrants’ attempts to distinguish themselves from African... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesAmerican StudiesAnthropology
The article will discuss the variety of African migrants’ pathways toward social recognition and success in a Russian megacity by describing and analyzing the experiences of the Ethio-pian owners of two establishments in Moscow: a lavish... more
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      African StudiesEastern European StudiesRussian StudiesAnthropology
Adaptation to the effects of climate change will depend on many factors. Strategies will vary based on geographical vulnerabilities. One tactic, which is highly under researched, is migration away from areas of deteriorating abilities to... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationAfrican Disapora StudiesMigration Studies
Vous trouverez dans ce livre poétique toutes mes angoisses, mes chagrins, mes joies, mes frustrations, et mes doutes que le temps et les profondes réflexions ont permis de concevoir. C’est dans ce cadre que s’inscrit « Sous l’écorce de... more
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      African StudiesAfrican Disapora Studies
Modern Language Association 2017
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      Postcolonial StudiesAfrican Disapora StudiesThird Worldism