Beaudry (Charles H. Giffen)

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{\key d \major fis,4 e d fis | g fis e a | b a g a8 b | fis e d4 e2 } {\key d \major fis,4 a g a | d cis b a | fis a d cis8 a | fis4 gis a2 } {\key d \major a4 d, e fis | g fis e a | b a g a8 b | fis4 e d2 }

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  • (Posted 2014-03-19)  CPDL #31519:       
Editor: Charles H. Giffen (submitted 2014-03-19).   Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 57 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC SA
Edition notes: Revised version uploaded 2014-04-13.

General Information

Title: Beaudry
Composer: Charles H. Giffen

Number of voices: 4 + 1vv   Voicing: SATB, with S Descant
Genre: SacredHymn tuneHymn setting   Meter: 87. 87. 87

Language: Unspecified
Instruments: Organ

First published: 2014
Description: Original hymn tune, harmonized three different ways: simple, slightly more elaborate, and festive (with descant).

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