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Angelo Dawkins had too much fun with recent Bianca Belair pregnancy rumors

If you’ve spent much time here on Al Gore’s internet, you’re probably seen it happen. Someone thinks they’ve figured something out or that they have some kind of inside information. They post what they believe is knowledge only they possess, a few others share it, and before long there are whole corners of the web that will swear an unsubstantiated tidbit is a certifiable fact.

A version of that phenomena unfolded this week when someone noticed that Montez Ford’s Instagram bio included the phrase “Father of 3”... or Photoshopped an image of Montez Ford’s Instagram bio so that it included the phrase “Father of 3”. Ford has two children from a previous marriage, so — real or not — the assumption drawn from the version of Tez’s bio that was making the rounds was that his current wife, Bianca Belair, must be pregnant.

This may have picked up some steam because The EST recently worked with Asuka. There’s a running joke within the internet wrestling community about how WWE stars have a habit of getting pregnant after working with the Empress of Tomorrow (e.g. Becky Lynch, Lacey Evans, Carmella, Alexa Bliss), and anything that might get a laugh is always going to get shared around.

At some point, talk of Belair having been pulled from house shows also entered the conversation, but I can’t find any source for that “report”. It’s also an odd one because WWE doesn’t currently have any house shows on their schedule until after next weekend’s trip to Saudi Arabia. Perhaps this rumor got mixed up with the one about Bianca’s SmackDown opponent Tiffany Stratton being pulled from their match as punishment for her own unfortunate social media posting?

Anyway... Ford’s bio doesn’t say “Father of 3” anymore (more on that in a sec), and Belair wrestled on television last night — against Stratton as scheduled, btw — so we can put this bit of internet nonsense to bed for now.

Before we did though, Tez’s Street Profits partner Angelo Dawkins had a blast with it.

Dawkins was having so much fun that folks began to wonder if maybe he hadn’t started the whole thing by hacking Ford’s Instagram. He would neither confirm nor deny.

Whether he used one of Mustafa Ali’s old tricks or not, Angelo was enjoying making his friend squirm...

... and doing some more clowning of the wrestle web once Bianca hit the ring on SmackDown:

As for Tez? He’s in on the fun now, too. Or he hasn’t changed his IG password from the one Dawk guessed...

Swear we didn’t Photoshop that. Or did we?

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