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TNA Impact recap & playlist (May 2, 2024): Broken Matt welcomes two honorary members to House Hardy

TNA is on a sprint to Under Siege only two weeks after Rebellion. The build was quick, and the final touches were executed on Thursday night’s go-home episode of Impact (May 2, 2024). Plus, Broken Matt welcomed two honorary members to House Hardy.

Under Siege fires up Friday night (May 3, 2024). The full lineup includes:

  • Matt Hardy, Mike Bailey, & Trent Seven vs. Moose, Brian Myers, & Eddie Edwards
  • Jordynne Grace & PCO vs. Steph De Lander & Big Kon
  • X-Division Championship: Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Ace Austin
  • Josh Alexander & Eric Young vs. Frankie Kazarian & Steve Maclin
  • Jake Something vs. Alexander Hammerstone
  • Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Jody Threat & Dani Luna (c) vs. Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards
  • Jonathan Gresham vs. Kushida
  • Laredo Kid vs. Rich Swann
  • Joe Hendry vs. Zachary Wentz
  • Havok vs. Ash by Elegance (pre-show)
  • Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido, Ray Jaz, & Zack Clayton) in action (pre-show)

Under Siege goes live at 8 pm ET. Viewing is available through TNA+, YouTube for Ultimate Insiders, and TrillerTV.

Matt Hardy stepped in as a substitute for Under Siege when The System ‘injured’ Nic Nemeth. The Broken One consulted with his trios cohorts to welcome Mike Bailey and Trent Seven as honorary members of House Hardy. New names were given for The Ball of Speed and Trent The Seventh. The System must be deleted.

Jordynne Grace had a hard-fought victory over Miyu Yamashita to retain the Knockouts Championship (full details). The champ blocked a skull kick to counter for a spinning backfist. That dazed the challenger enough for Grace to slam the Juggernaut Driver to win. Afterward, Steph De Lander and Big Kon attacked Grace. As Kon was ready to snap Grace’s neck, PCO rumbled in for the save.

Ace Austin wrestled Trey Miguel to determine the X-Division Championship challenger for Mustafa Ali at Under Siege. Ace rallied for The Fold to earn that spot.

Ali was in action earlier against Chris Bey. Non-title bout. The champs prevailed with help from his mischievous security guards. Distractions and physical interference set Ali up to land a 450 splash for victory.

Deaner pushed Alexander Hammerstone into a Sin City Street Fight by the people’s choice. Hammer strong-armed Deaner into a torture rack to win. When Hammerstone wouldn’t release the submission, Jake Something charged in for a fight.

Alisha Edwards picked up momentum with help from Masha Slamovich to defeat Dani Luna. Alisha kicked Jody Threat on the outside, so Slamovich could illegally assist with a Snow Plow on Luna. Alisha made the easy cover to win. Next stop is the Knockouts tag team title bout.

Jonathan Gresham’s return match will be against Kushida. The mysterious vignettes resumed when Gresham chatted with Santino Marella. Gresham doesn’t seem comfortable yet with the metamorphosis combining his three selves. He also leaked octopus ink on Santino’s hand.

In other Impact bits not necessarily related to Under Siege, Sami Callihan debuted Death Machine TV. He returned to TNA to right the wrongs of the past.

Joe Hendry performed a live singing apology to AJ Francis and Rich Swann. Hendry rehashed his diss songs to Top Dolla, then he pointed out Francis playing grab-ass with Swann. Hendry’s apology was basically not an apology. The feud rages on.

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