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Call us on 0800 078 9585
A man presenting on stage in a large auditorium

We find you the perfect venue. Hassle free.

Our experts find venues that match your exact needs, so you don’t have to. All for free, with no hidden fees.

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    We're here to help you find the right venue at the right price.

    You don't need to do all the searching yourself. Our team of experts have years of venue knowledge, contacts and experience booking meetings, conferences and events.

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    Our experts can save you time, money & hassle

    1. Do all the searching for you
    2. Do all the negotiating for you
    3. Propose up to 20 venues that meet your exact requirements with full details and pricing
    4. Confirm the booking on your behalf
    5. Tell you which venue we think is the best option and why
    6. Arrange site inspections if required
    7. Check contracts and flag anything we think can be improved upon

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    Call us on 0800 078 9585 and we’ll save you hours by doing all the searching for you with our 100% free service.

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