Connectivity Project to come up again with a bang


Image by mediateletipos via Flickr

Finally! I have finally rewritten the bot implementing object-oriented approach. It took me almost 2 weeks to fully rewrite the code. To be honest, not everything was written, say, from scratch. I took some code from the old version and turned it into methods and properties.

In summary, what the new bot is itself and what it is able to do:

  • object-oriented code with almost fully automated editing process,
  • fully automated localization retrieving, storing and loading,
  • custom per-wiki processing rules,
  • marking orphaned, non-categorized and dead-end articles with specified template tags (it’s the main part, yeah :)).

The next step in development is to integrate Melog (it’s my bot codename) into Golem (the main bot for Connectivity Project). Golem processes wiki database to find isolated articles of three different types:

  • orphans – articles which are not linked from other articles,
  • non-categorized articles – articles without categories,
  • dead-end articles – articles not linking other articles.

It was noticed that orphaned articles can form clusters with complex topology. Golem determines if the specified article is of ‘orphan’, ‘ring’, or ‘cluster’ cluster topology type.

For example, orphan is not only an articles not linked from other articles. Orphans can form much more complex orphan clusters. A pure orphan can link another orphan – and now they form a new cluster. And so on…

Imagine Wikipedia in which every single article can freely be accessed through other articles. That’s our commitment.

P.S. Melog’s code is stored in Toolserver SVN. New codes are in /actstack/melog.*.php. I still haven’t decided its license status, maybe GPLv3.

About wizardist

An overrated person.
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