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Description: Contains around 75,000 books in total that are generally not available elsewhere. Huge potential:-)

URL: https://www.jstor.org/librarians/products/books/subjects/

Proposer: Winged Blades of Godric

Track Progress: T252649

ProQuest Historical Newspapers

Description: ProQuest Historical Newspapers is one of the world's leading newspaper archives. It contains complete access to the digitalized archives of several internationally significant newspapers, including the New York Times, New York Herald-Tribune, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, South China Morning Post and The Times of India. It also includes a unique collection of African American newspapers, which are indispensable when covering the civil rights movement. Most of the newspapers above are only accessible through ProQuest, and ProQuest access can only be acquired through libraries. With access to these quality sources, many important subjects on Wikipedia may be significantly improved.

URL: https://www.proquest.com/products-services/pq-hist-news.html

Proposer: Krakkos

Track Progress: T252641

Oxford English Dictionary

Description: I realize that Oxford Press is already a partner for journals and some other publications. However, it would be wonderful to have the Oxford English Dictionary available online. OED is *the* definitive source for etymology in the English Language.

URL: https://oed.com/

Proposer: Finell

Track Progress: T347866


Description: Books, magazines, newspapers, and user-contributed content, sometimes of high value, including much content originally from NASA.

URL: https://www.scribd.com/

Proposer: Ke4roh

Track Progress: T349177


Description: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has a large repository of academic publications related to software and technology. Reliable sources on specialized software are difficult to find, and the IEEE paywall makes it difficult to write articles on them. Providing access to IEEE through their institutional program would allow editors to use their high-quality publications as sources for these articles (instead of self-published sources).

URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org

Proposer: Newslinger

Track Progress: T252654

Gale Historical Newspapers

Description: Gale Historical Newspapers is one of the world's leading newspaper archives. It contains complete access to the digitized archives of several internationally significant newspapers and magazines, including The Economist, Financial Times, The Times, Sunday Times, Times Literary Supplement, The Independent, Daily Mail, The Mirror, The Telegraph and International Herald Tribune. Most of these publications are only accessible through Gale Historical Newspapers, but Gale Historical Newspapers cannot be accessed individually. It can only be acquired through libraries such as The Wikipedia Library. With access to Gale Historical Newspapers, many important subjects on Wikipedia may be significantly improved.

URL: https://www.gale.com/intl/primary-sources/historical-newspapers

Proposer: Krakkos

Track Progress: T347868

Hathi Trust Digital Library

Description: HathiTrust Digital Library is a large-scale collaborative repository of digital content from research libriaries. Further reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HathiTrust

URL: http://www.hathitrust.org

Proposer: Critical Chris

Track Progress: T252652

Encyclopædia Britannica

Description: The Encyclopædia Britannica is an encyclopaedia.

URL: http://britannica.com

Proposer: Dineshswamiin

Wall Street Journal

Description: Among the most-cited news publications now behind a paywall, and the use of incognito does not work.

URL: https://www.wsj.com/

Proposer: Atsme

Track Progress: T303478

Internet archive (Books)

Description: Some books on archive.org can be only "borrowed", meaning that you can read it only for a short period of time. I don't know it is possible, but can read books limitless will be very usefull to add sources.

URL: https://archive.org/

Proposer: Valcio

Uk National Archives

Description: The name speaks for itself. In the last 10 years in the age of Wikipedia, a vast amount of information that was formerly hidden, particularly in the UK, is now being released. It is right and it is proper that Wikipedia has access to this vast archive. Timely access is needed.

URL: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/

Proposer: Scope creep

Washington Post

Description: Major American newspaper

URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/

Proposer: Sdkb

Track Progress: T315835

The New York Times

Description: A daily newspaper which covers many different topic areas.

URL: https://nytimes.com

Proposer: The person who loves reading

Track Progress: T349183


Description: A great source of archives for french newspapers and magazines (France, Canada..) Content (from most used sources in fr.wiki): Le Monde (since 1944), Le Figaro (1996), Le Parisien (1998), Libération (1995), Ouest France (2003), L'Express (1993), Le Point (1995) Les Echos (1991), L'Obs (2003), La Croix (1995), Sud Ouest (1944)...Radio Canada (2005), La Presse (1985), Le Soir (1997), Le Temps (1998), Le Devoir (1992), Tribune de Genève (2005); 2005: The Economist, 2010: Telegraph,The Independent.

URL: http://www.europresse.com/

Proposer: Jurbop

Track Progress: T349182

National Diet Library, Japan

Description: The national library equivalent to LCC in the States. As many WWII documents have reached expiration of censorship in 1945+70, historical records are provided on library-to-library status. Their catalog UI is already in English language, and catalogs are interlinked with their National Children's Library in both Tokyo and Osaka.

URL: http://ndl.gov.jp

Proposer: Omotecho

Track Progress: T349179

British Online Archives

Description: British Online Archives is one of the United Kingdom’s leading academic publishers. Our goal is to provide students and researchers in the humanities and social sciences with access to unique collections of primary source documents.

URL: https://microform.digital/boa/

Proposer: Rob Kam

Track Progress: T349184


Description: ACM digital library. "The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing: The Full-Text Collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books. A collection of curated and hosted full-text publications from select publishers. The ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database focused exclusively on the field of computing." Thought I'd asked before

URL: https://dl.acm.org/

Proposer: Peter Flass

Track Progress: T252658

University of Chicago Library

Description: The University of Chicago Library appears to have a number of digitized newspaper collections, including "Access World News" / NewsBank, which would be particularly useful since it contains archives of the Chicago Sun-Times, whose own site is unusable for anything more than a few days old because of limited archives and poor search functionality.

URL: https://guides.lib.uchicago.edu/newspapers/ChicagoNewspapers

Proposer: AlanM1


Description: Entertainment-industry resource that can be useful to Wikipedia editors with the following features: Access in-development & production titles - Keep up-to-date on over 25,000 projects not available on IMDb Never miss a cast, crew, or production update - Use IMDbPro Track to follow any of IMDb’s 8 million people and 5 million titles and get alerts on updates to their pages or when they’re in the news Note: It could also be used to ask industry contacts for freely-licensed images.

URL: https://pro.imdb.com/

Proposer: Erik

Proquest Global Newsstream

Description: Recent global news content from over 2,800 news sources, including major outlets from different parts of the world, most updated daily w/o embargo. E.g.: Washington Post (2016-), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (2017-), Le Parisien (2001-), Le Monde (2011-), El Mundo (2008-), Times (UK) (1992-), Financial Times (1996-, 1 day embargo). While many of our newspaper resources focus on historical issues, this resource would help greatly with work on current issues, in many different languages.

URL: https://www.proquest.com/products-services/globalnewsstream.html

Proposer: Pajz

Track Progress: T252641


Description: The International Organization for Standardization is an international standard-setting body which publishes thousands of standards used globally.

URL: https://www.iso.org/standards.html

Proposer: Dhx1

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

Description: The Berlin State Library is a universal library in Berlin, Germany and a property of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. It is one of the largest libraries in Europe, and one of the most important academic research libraries in the German-speaking world.[2] It collects texts, media and cultural works from all fields in all languages, from all time periods and all countries of of the world, which are of interest for academic and research purposes.

URL: http://staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/

Proposer: Feuerrabe


Description: Ethnologue is the worlds most accurate and well-known languages reference material. It would be incredibly useful in helping create language distribution maps.

URL: https://www.ethnologue.com

Proposer: Isochrone

Track Progress: T353319

Simon & Schuster

Description: American publishing company with over 2,000 titles annually.

URL: https://www.simonandschuster.com/

Proposer: NowIsntItTime

朝日新聞聞蔵 IIビジュアル

Description: 朝日新聞社の「聞蔵 II(きくぞうツー)ビジュアル」は、過去の出来事を手軽に調べることができるオンライン記事データベースで、日本国内外の多くの大学や図書館などでご利用いただいています。1879年(明治12年)の創刊号から今日まで 約140年にわたる紙面から約1500万件の記事・広告が検索できる日本国内最大級の新聞記事データベースです。朝日新聞縮刷版のキーワード検索の対象記事の大半は東京本社で発行された紙面ですが、大阪本社発行の紙面も収録されており、発行日による検索で内容が異なる2つの紙面を読み比べることもできます。1985年以降の記事は全文検索方式で、テキスト本文を表示して読むことができます。雑誌「AERA」「週刊朝日」の記事も収録されています  また第二次世界大戦中を中心にアジア各地で特派員やカメラマンが撮影した写真1万枚をデータベース化した「歴史写真アーカイブ」、1923年(大正12年)創刊から1956年(昭和31年)までの2000冊をデータベース化した「アサヒグラフ」、「英文ニュースデータベース」、「朝日新聞縮刷版 全国の地域面」「朝日新聞縮刷版 戦前の外地版」も収録しています

URL: http://database.asahi.com

Proposer: LendingWiki

Track Progress: T349189


Description: Bloomberg is a media company focusing on business and finance. It publishes news articles as well as in-depth features that are important for covering articles in economics and finance. Unfortunately it is paywalled, so a library access will be very useful

URL: https://www.bloomberg.com/

Proposer: HaEr48

Track Progress: T349185

Modern Language Association Bibliography

Description: More often referred to as MLA Bibliography. The most important database for resesrch articles and books on literature (in any language). Also linguistics (of any language). While it is sold through the Ebsco platform it is not available to Wikipedians. ~~~~

URL: https://www.mla.org/Publications/MLA-International-Bibliography

Proposer: Deisenbe

Track Progress: T252657


Description: Includes content from thousands of newspaper titles, plus newswires, web editions, business journals, periodicals, government documents, etc.

URL: https://www.newsbank.com/

Proposer: Bruce1ee

Track Progress: T252664

REUTERS News Agency

Description: The world’s largest multimedia news provider. Coverage in over 16 languages reaching billions of people worldwide every day. Founded in 1851, famous for real-time breaking news, photojournalism and investigative reporting. "We tell all sides, but take none. We go back to the start, where there’s no bias and no agenda to tell the real story." See also: https://www.reutersagency.com/en/about/about-us/ https://www.reuters.com/ (Free but limited version) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuters

URL: https://www.reutersagency.com/

Proposer: History DMZ


Description: One of the largest subscription dictionary and encyclopedia services in Japan, allowing you to search over 70 encyclopedias, series, and journals. 70以上の辞事典、叢書、雑誌が検索できる日本最大級のサブスクリプションの辞書・事典サービス。 日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ)、改訂新版 世界大百科事典、日本国語大辞典 第二版、大漢和辞典、角川古語大辞典、国史大辞典、日本歴史地名大系、新版 角川日本地名大辞典、古事類苑などが利用できる。

URL: https://japanknowledge.com/library

Proposer: 9os8wmkd

Track Progress: T358443


Description: Academia is a platform for sharing academic research. Academics have uploaded 47 million papers, and 72 million academics, professionals, and students read papers on Academia every month. Academia has a "Freemium" business model, providing free access to research for everyone and paid premium capabilities to subscribers. Subscribing to Academia Premium gives researchers access to advanced research discovery tools and gives authors enhanced analytics and impact tracking tools.

URL: http://academia.edu

Proposer: Diego de Tenerife

Web of Science

Description: The world's largest publisher-neutral citation index and research intelligence platform.

URL: http://www.webofknowledge.com/

Proposer: Nardog

Web OYA-bunko

Description: Database of Oya Soichi Library, a Japanese magazine library. This library organizes unique search system, so if you use Web OYA-bunko, you can find more magazine articles than if you use Japanese National Diet Library's OPAC. Moreover, this library is one of the most Wikipedia-friendly Libraries in Japan. I held WikipediaOYA there and staff of the library often introduce this event on various occasions. Wikimedia Foundation's blog https://w.wiki/6Wa9

URL: https://www.oya-bunko.com

Proposer: Eugene Ormandy

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Description: Archive of the Swiss Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Newspaper date back to 1780.

URL: https://zeitungsarchiv.nzz.ch/

Proposer: Malo95

Magnolia Press

Description: I am interested in the journal Phytotaxa: https://www.mapress.com/j/pt as I mainly work on plant articles, although other editors are likely to be interested in Zootaxa. It's increasingly difficult to write about the taxonomy of plants without access to Phytotaxa, which seems to have become one of the main journals for reporting this kind of research. Some Phytotaxa articles are open access, but most are not.

URL: https://www.mapress.com/

Proposer: Peter coxhead

Track Progress: T254993

Taylor & Francis Ebooks

Description: Contains many books, especially books by Routledge Press. Currently Wikipedia only offers Taylor and Francis journals, not books.

URL: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/

Proposer: Ali Khomami P

Irish Newspaper Archives

Description: Irish Newspaper Archives the world’s largest and oldest online database of Irish newspapers. Through the Irish Newspaper Archives gateway you will find the world's most complete Irish newspaper archive. The online newspaper archives provides a fast and easy way to access newspapers from 1738 all the way up to current day.

URL: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/

Proposer: Billinghurst

Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search

Description: It is the database of Asahi Shimbun, Japanese famous newspaper. I believe that this database would strongly support Japanese Wikimedians. FYI, I often use this database to edit Wikipedia and report it on Diff, Wikimedia Foundation's blog. *「ウィキペディアタウン士別にオンラインで参加する」https://w.wiki/6rv6 *「早稲田Wikipedianサークルと稲門ウィキペディアン会が、デジタルアーカイブについての勉強会を開催」https://w.wiki/6rv8 *「東京23区の公共図書館をウィキペディアの編集に活用する #11 豊島区立上池袋図書館」https://w.wiki/6rv9 *「約100年前の火事のウィキペディア記事を編集する」https://w.wiki/6rvB and more

URL: https://xsearch.asahi.com

Proposer: Eugene Ormandy

Track Progress: T349189

Jane's Information Group

Description: Jane's publishes many defense-related publications, including Jane's Airport Review, Jane's Defence Weekly, Jane's Intelligence Review, and Jane's International Defence Review. The articles these outlets produce would be enormously helpful in updating Wikipedia articles related to ongoing military actions and acquisitions, such as the Brazilian amphibious assault ship Atlântico, but they have a hard paywall and are only accessible via an institutional/organizational subscription. Thank you!

URL: https://www.janes.com/

Proposer: The ed17


Description: Leading Italian encyclopedia. It also has an English version. Great resource.

URL: http://www.treccani.it

Proposer: Bbarmadillo


Description: Provides excellent academic metrics

URL: http://scopus.com/

Proposer: BhamBoi


Description: Casetext is a handy-to-use database of U.S. federal and state case law. It has the cases for all states and on the federal level, plus many articles on U.S. law written by verified attorneys. When writing about U.S. court cases and U.S. law in general, this would be really helpful, especially considering that Westlaw/Lexis appear not interested in providing their database. Casetext already provides free full subscriptions to law students and faculty, so they may be willing to provide some for WP

URL: https://casetext.com/

Proposer: MrClog

The New York Review of Books (NYRB)

Description: Literary magazine published since 1963 with articles on world literature, culture, economics, science, and current affairs

URL: https://www.nybooks.com/

Proposer: Czar

Brepols Publishers

Description: Brepols publishes eBooks, periodicals and databases for a range of humanities disciplines. I regularly use parts of what is on offer, e. g. the Lexikon des Mittelalters, via my local library. But there is much more my library did not subscribe to. And many other users do not have access to a libraries like I do.

URL: http://brepols.net

Proposer: HHill

CSIRO Publishing

Description: An independent science publisher within Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO Publishing has a large number of useful titles from the Australian region, but with global reference. Their biology / life sciences / ecology titles are of particular interest.

URL: http://ebooks.publish.csiro.au/

Proposer: Shankar Raman

Columbia University Press

Description: Niche publishing by a University Press that includes a lot of sources for many of the up-and-coming fields of work that need to be documented- inlcuding a heavy focus on climate change and sustainability

URL: https://cup.columbia.edu/

Proposer: Sadads

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

Description: The most comprehensive collection of doctoral theses and dissertations and the official repository of the Library of Congress

URL: https://about.proquest.com/en/dissertations/

Proposer: Czar

Track Progress: T252641

British Newspaper Archive

Description: Hello! The British Newspaper Archive would be an amazing addition to the Wikipedia Library. It is very similar to Newspapers.com, but focuses on the UK.

URL: http://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/

Proposer: BhamBoi

East View

Description: East View (East View) is an international company based in Minneapolis (USA). The company has existed since 1989. The main field of activity is providing access to databases of newspaper articles in Russia and Ukraine over the past 100 years. There is no larger database of such sources. Access to old newspapers is essential for writing tens of thousands of articles on the history of the USSR, as well as modern countries that currently exist on its territory.

URL: https://www.eastview.com/

Proposer: Ctac

Japan Society of Civil Engineering/土木学会

Description: 土木学会(Japan Society of Civil Engineering, JSCE) is the oldest academic society in Japan (since 1879). They have their own publisher, journal, and library about civil engineering in Japanese but not also in Asian languages. Their library has historic and important materials (e.g. photos, diagrams, etc). JSCE would be compliant with Wikipedia Library since they had a committee to contribute to Wikipedia [https://www.jsce.or.jp/archive/project/wiki.html]. They help Wikipedia in Asian Languages.

URL: https://www.jsce-int.org/

Proposer: 青子守歌

Arcanum Digitheca

Description: Contains very important printed sources of the past

URL: https://adt.arcanum.com

Proposer: Itineris55

The Railway Magazine

Description: Monthly British railway magazine, aimed at the railway enthusiast market, that has been published in London since July 1897. The complete archive is now on-line, from issue one in July 1897 right up to May 2018. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Railway_Magazine

URL: https://www.railwaymagazine.co.uk/archive/

Proposer: Pigsonthewing

Oxford University Press

Description: I would like to suggest partnering with the Oxford University Press to access the Very Short Introduction to series.

URL: https://academic.oup.com/pages/very-short-introductions

Proposer: WalkingRadiance

Google Books

Description: Archives anciennes du journal Le Nouvel Observateur, disponibles sur Google Books

URL: https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&q=Le+Nouvel+Observateur

Proposer: Archibald Tuttle

Cumhuriyet newspaper archive

Description: Cumhuriyet (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumhuriyet) is one of the oldest newspapers of the Republic of Turkey and its archive is on the web, but to access, they require for payment and it's slightly expensive for the country's conditions. The free access to its online database would help a lot, especially to the contributers who know Turkish.

URL: https://www.cumhuriyetarsivi.com/

Proposer: Nanahuatl

University of California Press

Description: As one of the world's most forward-thinking publishers, UC Press gives voice, reach, and impact to innovative research and exceptional scholarship. With a global circulation, our journals span the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, with key subject areas that include history, literature & criticism, film & media, music, religion, and sociology.

URL: https://online.ucpress.edu/journals

Proposer: Cyali

AllAfrica (premium)

Description: News aggregator from Africa. Premium provides access to tons of archived news articles that are often no longer hosted by the original newspaper/available online elsewhere.

URL: https://allafrica.com

Proposer: JoelleJay

Rivisteweb - Il Mulino

Description: Historically, the most important and most autoritative source in Italy in the field of social sciences, they publish the journals of the publishing house "Il Mulino" and of the publisher "Carocci": over 80 journals (and they have the archives of 100 journals). Compared to the english-speaking world it may seem not relevant, but for the italian-speaking community is probably the most important source after JSTOR in the field of social sciences.

URL: https://www.rivisteweb.it/

Proposer: Friniate


Description: Torrossa is an online library which stores academic journals and books in the fields of humanities, social sciences and exact sciences. Most of their journals and books cannot be found in any of the other online libraries.

URL: https://www.torrossa.com

Proposer: The Eternal Wayfarer

Oxford Dictionaries Premium

Description: Oxford Dictionaries Premium is the home of our premium language resources for English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

URL: https://premium.oxforddictionaries.com/

Proposer: Nardog


Description: Zootaxa is a peer-reviewed international journal for rapid publication of high-quality papers on any aspect of systematic zoology, with a preference for large taxonomic works such as monographs and revisions. Zootaxa considers papers on all animal taxa, both living and fossil, and especially encourages descriptions of new taxa. All types of taxonomic papers are considered, including theories and methods of systematics and phylogeny, taxonomic monographs, revisions and reviews, catalogues/check

URL: https://www.mapress.com/zt/

Proposer: Ibrahim Muizzuddin

Accessible Archives

Description: Large collection of 18th- and 19th-century newspapers, magazines, and books, focusing on those of value for studying American history and genealogy. List of collections: https://www.accessible-archives.com/collections/

URL: http://www.accessible-archives.com/

Proposer: Deisenbe


Description: "Artstor is the most extensive image resource for educational and scholarly use. We bring together media from the world’s museums, archives, scholars, and artists, with a specialized suite of tools for teaching and learning with visual materials — all rights-cleared for education and research."

URL: https://www.artstor.org/

Proposer: Kaldari


Description: 1913 gegründet, ist das Munziger-Archiv mit mehreren Millionen Eintragungen mein bevorzugter Einstieg für die Recherche, wenn es um Personen des 20./21. Jhs. geht.

URL: https://www.munzinger.de

Proposer: Kolja21


Description: Some function are free but for the main once you need a subscription.

URL: http://www.retronews.fr/

Proposer: Malo95


Description: 350 newspapers, online resources and tv from Switzerland (main), Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Great Britain List of medias: https://swissdox.ch/medien/

URL: https://swissdox.ch/

Proposer: Malo95

Cricket Archive

Description: A statistical and biographical cricket database, it is the world's leading authority on compiling cricket data. It holds statistical and biographical records for all cricketers and officials, plus records on competitions, matches and stadia. The site includes access to more than 300 years' worth of data, containing 1.2 million players, 675,000 scorecards and 14,000 grounds. In addition, it also grants access to archive issues of The Cricketer magazine, dating to 1921. A very useful resource!

URL: http://cricketarchive.com

Proposer: AssociateAffiliate

Dictionnaire universel des créatrices

Description: Dictionnaire biographique en ligne consacré aux femmes créatrices (dans les domaines de l'Histoire humaine, des arts, de la culture et des sciences), constitué de plus de 12 000 entrées.

URL: https://www.dictionnaire-creatrices.com

Proposer: BerwaldBis


Description: The UpToDate system is an evidence-based clinical resource. It includes a collection of medical and patient information, access to Lexi-comp drug monographs and drug-to-drug interactions, and a number of medical calculators. UpToDate is written by over 7,100 physician authors, editors, and peer reviewers. It is available both via the Internet and offline on personal computers or mobile devices. It requires a subscription for full access.

URL: https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search

Proposer: That Coptic Guy


Description: Wikipedians from Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, HK, Macau may need it to contribute to a lot of articles regarding domestic affairs and Chinese culture affairs.

URL: https://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh?docid=a0000095-200801-201308190006-201308190006-101-142

Proposer: It's gonna be awesome

Scientific American

Description: Scientific magazine aimed at a popular audience.

URL: https://www.scientificamerican.com/

Proposer: RoySmith


Description: Main Japanese science aggregator of scientific articles and publishers

URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp

Proposer: IFPNI Staff

ACS Publications

Description: ACS Publications is the publishing division of the American Chemical Society. It is a nonprofit academic publisher of scientific journals covering various fields of chemistry and related sciences. ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Chemical_Society#Journals_and_magazines])

URL: https://pubs.acs.org/

Proposer: JimRenge

Ecology (Ecological Society of America)

Description: Ecology (ESA) publishes articles that report on the basic elements of ecological research. Emphasis is placed on concise, clear articles documenting important ecological phenomena. The journal publishes a broad array of research that includes a rapidly expanding envelope of subject matter, techniques, approaches, and concepts: paleoecology through present-day phenomena; evolutionary, population, physiological, community, and ecosystem ecology, as well as biogeochemistry

URL: https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com

Proposer: Abalg

Gallup Analytics

Description: These are the folks that do all the Gallup polls. In order to get access to all their data you have to either buy a subscription or attend a university with a subscription.

URL: https://www.gallup.com/analytics/213617/gallup-analytics.aspx

Proposer: Kaldari

Les Échos

Description: Most known French economic/financial newspaper (see [[:en:Les Echos (France)]]). Could be used very often on Wikipedia (about companies, politics), but most articles are behind a paywall.

URL: https://www.lesechos.fr/

Proposer: Jules*

Beck eLibrary: Scientific eBooks & ePape

Description: The Beck eLibrary, comparable to the nomes eLibrary, is one of the largest libraries of books for medicine, law, economics and journals in the German-speaking countries. 3000+ books, 1000+ Journals

URL: https://www.beck-elibrary.de/

Proposer: Mustermaster


Description: Kompas.id is the award-winning subscription-based website of Kompas, a network of Indonesian-language newspapers and publications known for their in-depth independent journalism since 1965. It primarily focuses on putting their print headlines to the digital domain. Providing this subscription will heavily benefit Wikipedians with an interest in Indonesian-based or Indonesian-language articles, or simply those willing to expand their project's scope with non-US sources.

URL: http://kompas.id

Proposer: Gerald Waldo Luis

Ulrich's Web Global Serials Directory

Description: Ulrich's is an invaluable source of information about periodicals such as academic journals. The database gives details of the history of individual periodicals, such as changes in titles. Available through ProQuest.

URL: http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com/

Proposer: Laughing sandbags

The Spectator (Archives)

Description: Important British magazine on politics, culture, and current affairs, published since 1928.

URL: http://archive.spectator.co.uk/

Proposer: Muzilon

Oxford Scholarly Editions Online

Description: Some excellent secondary sources here, as well as the primary texts, many of which are very difficult to find anywhere else.

URL: https://www.oxfordscholarlyeditions.com/

Proposer: Yodin

Le Monde

Description: Le Monde is a French generalist newspaper

URL: https://www.lemonde.fr/

Proposer: Manjiro5

National Geographic

Description: Entire archive of the National Geographic magazine.

URL: https://archive.nationalgeographic.com/

Proposer: Jake-jakubowski


Description: Biographical and monographic database containing more than 100000 entries since 1946, mainly French political, media, administrative and business personalities

URL: https://www.lesbiographies.com/

Proposer: Ayack

Thieme / Georg Thieme Verlag

Description: Has useful German biomedical journals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thieme_Medical_Publishers

URL: https://www.thieme-connect.de/


Birds of the World (CornellLab)

Description: Comprehensive guide to the birds of the world, available in public and academic libraries as well as in government agencies, consulting firms, nature centers, and nonprofits in more than a forty countries.

URL: https://birdsoftheworld.org/bow/home

Proposer: Dick Bos


Description: CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure, 中国知网) is a key national research and information publishing institution in China. CNKI has built a comprehensive China Integrated Knowledge Resources System, including journals, doctoral dissertations, masters' theses, proceedings, newspapers, yearbooks, statistical yearbooks, ebooks, patents and standards.

URL: https://cnki.net/

Proposer: Steven Sun

University Press Scholarship Online

Description: It's an online library that partners with presses such as: Oxford Scholarship Online Princeton Scholarship Online Stanford Scholarship Online Yale Scholarship Online Chicago Scholarship Online Columbia Scholarship Online Cornell Scholarship Online Edinburgh Scholarship Online Florida Scholarship Online MIT Press Scholarship Online A partnership with this library would make 35,000+ titles available to Wikipedia editors.

URL: https://www.universitypressscholarship.com/

Proposer: Thenightaway


Description: Westlaw is an online legal research service and proprietary database for lawyers and legal professionals available in over 60 countries. Information resources on Westlaw include more than 40,000 databases of case law, state and federal statutes, administrative codes, newspaper and magazine articles, public records, law journals, law reviews, treatises, legal forms and other information resources.

URL: https://legal.thomsonreuters.com/en/westlaw

Proposer: Anil1956


Description: Major Indonesian news magazine.

URL: https://majalah.tempo.co

Proposer: Affandy Murad

Routledge Handbooks Online

Description: Routledge Handbooks Online is a platform that offers more than 1,800 books, including the latest research summaries, from Routledge and CRC Press in 50 fields, including the humanities, social sciences, psychology, engineering, and the built environment.

URL: https://www.routledgehandbooks.com

Proposer: 9os8wmkd

Track Progress: T314654

Who's Who

Description: Who's Who provides paywalled biographical info similar to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, so Wikipedia could re-partner with Oxford.

URL: https://www.ukwhoswho.com/

Proposer: BhamBoi

CAB Direct

Description: CAB Direct is the most thorough and extensive source of reference in the applied life sciences, incorporating the leading bibliographic databases CAB Abstracts and Global Health. CAB Direct provides a convenient, single point of access to all of your CABI database subscriptions.

URL: https://www.cabdirect.org

Proposer: Awkwafaba

Svenska dagstidningar

Description: Digital archive of Swedish newspapers but only the once witch are older as 100 years are accessible and the others you have to be in a library.

URL: https://tidningar.kb.se/

Proposer: Malo95

Naxos Music Library

Description: from about NML: NML is aimed at and used by *Teachers and students at universities, conservatories and other music schools and primary and secondary schools. *Public libraries. *Performing arts organizations such as symphony orchestras, opera companies, choirs and more. *Classical radio stations. *Professional musicians [instrumental soloists, orchestra musicians, conductors].

URL: https://www.naxosmusiclibrary.com

Proposer: MonkeyPython

The British Library

Description: Archives de toutes sortes, à propos de musique, de la recherche et bien d'autres choses.

URL: http://www.bl.uk

Proposer: Manjiro5

Republic Hindi

Description: news channel

URL: http://republichindi.com

Proposer: Gbdw

The Hindu

Description: An Indian media group which started on 1878. The group consist of following publications, 1-The Hindu Daily 2-Frontline Magazine 3-The Hindu Business Line 4-Sportstar Magazine

URL: https://www.thehindu.com/

Proposer: Irshadpp

eLibrary Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlaget

Description: Over 6200 E-Books and 53 E-Journals covering history, pedagogy, Germanic studies, psychology, religious studies and other humanities with c. 700 new titles annually

URL: https://www.vandenhoeck-ruprecht-verlage.com/elibrary/

Proposer: Concord

John Benjamins e-Platform

Description: Academic publisher of books and journals, with focus on languages and literary studies.

URL: https://www.jbe-platform.com/

Proposer: Austronesier

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Description: FAZ https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurter_Allgemeine_Zeitung

URL: https://fazarchiv.faz.net/

Proposer: PS2801


Description: AIAA provides a significant trove of aerospace publications, both in their well-respected journal and in their book series.

URL: https://www.aiaa.org/publications

Proposer: Kees08

EBSCO's Historical Abstracts

Description: Useful for history editors: "Historical Abstracts is the definitive index of literature covering world history (excluding the United States and Canada) from the 15th century to the present. Indexing thousands of journals in over 40 languages, it is an invaluable bibliographic database for history students."

URL: https://www.ebsco.com/products/research-databases/historical-abstracts

Proposer: Czar

Société française de Musicologie

Description: société savante éditrice de plusieurs revues consacrées à l’étude scientifique de la musique

URL: http://sfmusicologie.fr/

Proposer: Mandariine


Description: Eine sehr umfangreiche deutschsprachige Datenbank mit Wirtschaftsauskünften, Volltexten aus Tageszeitungen und Fachzeitschriften sowie zahlreichen anderen Informationen. Aus meiner Sicht vor allem wegen der vielen lokalen Tageszeitungen interessant für die Arbeit an lokalen Themen. Die Datenbank bietet aber sicher umfangreiches Material für die Arbeit an sehr vielen verschiedenen Themenfeldern.

URL: https://www.genios.de/

Proposer: Asdrubal


Description: 1946 - 1990 archive of "Neues Deutschland", the main newspaper of German Democratic Republic. This is an original source for the history of East Germany and other communist countries.

URL: https://www.nd-archiv.de/

Proposer: Sebastian Wallroth


Description: OOR is a major Dutch alternative music magazine with an international scope. It was founded fifty years ago, still exists and is considered to be one of the biggest music magazines in the country. I often find myself looking for information about a band or artist, only to find articles on OOR hidden behind a paywall. The subscription isn't expensive at €40 per year for website access, but one can only afford so much subscriptions.

URL: https://oor.nl/

Proposer: Hiro

ヨミダス歴史館(Yomiuri Database Service)

Description: This is an online database of over 14 million articles published in the Yomiuri Shimbun from 1874 to yesterday. It includes articles from the Meiji era to modern times and also features a clipping of the text for articles from December 2008 onward. The database also includes various dictionaries and Gendai Jinmeiroku, a database of people. The Yomiuri Shimbun is a Japanese national newspaper with a 145-year history and the largest circulation in the world.

URL: https://database.yomiuri.co.jp/about/rekishikan/

Proposer: 9os8wmkd


Description: Hilfe bei der Recherche für die Bearbeitung bzw. Neuerstellung von Personenartikeln, Vervollständigung von Familien und genealogischer Zusammenhänge

URL: http://www.myheritage.de/

Proposer: Wikiwikiwikinger

The Ken

Description: The Ken is an Indian business news website based out of Bangalore, India. It was launched in 2016 as a premium subscriber-only platform that publishes one article per day.

URL: https://the-ken.com/

Proposer: Naveenpf

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynae

Description: All the UK based Royal Colleges has an archive, library and journal. There is several of them and prestigious. They may be under the aegis e.g. Oxford University but don't know.

URL: http://www.rcog.org.uk

Proposer: Scope creep


Description: Pearson is the publisher of many textbooks in a variety of fields. I propose adding Pearson to the Wikipedia library so Wikipedia users can use Pearson textbooks for writing articles. While some may object that thi would make it easy for people who would normally buy the textbook to not purchase the textbook, I would argue that only people with extended confirmed rights should be considered for access to Pearson texts for free. This would incentive people to make 500 edits to Wikipedia.

URL: https://www.pearson.com/us/

Proposer: WalkingRadiance

Taylor & Francis Online

Description: Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society Please subscribe to this important Biodiversity journal for the Editors of the WikiSpecies; not included by T&F in the present access Anna Pavlova

URL: https://www-tandfonline-com.wikipedialibrary.idm.oclc.org/journals/tmps20

Proposer: IFPNI Staff


Description: Archives (dating to 1930) of the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad, which are only fully accessible through paywall at the moment.

URL: https://www.nrc.nl/index/archief/

Proposer: That Article Editing Guy

Genome Web

Description: (From the "about us" page at genomeweb.com) "GenomeWeb is an independent online news organization based in New York. Since 1997, GenomeWeb has served the global community of scientists, technology professionals, and executives who use and develop the latest advanced tools in molecular biology research and molecular diagnostics."

URL: https://www.genomeweb.com/

Proposer: Laatu


Description: Newspapers from Statens Avissamling (National Collection of Newspapers in Denmark) - volumes older than 100 years are free

URL: http://www2.statsbiblioteket.dk/mediestream/avis

Proposer: Malo95

La Croix

Description: French known generalist newspaper (with a little focus on catholic news).

URL: https://www.la-croix.com/

Proposer: Jules*


Description: 北海道を中心に読まれる地域紙。 北海道に関するローカルな情報を掲載する。

URL: https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/

Proposer: IRishikawa521


Description: 鉄道技術の進歩改善、鉄道技術に関する知識の普及及び鉄道技術者の技術の向上を促進、支援することにより鉄道の安全性と鉄道技術の向上を図り、もって鉄道事業の振興を通じて国民生活の安定向上と利益の増進に寄与することを目的として設立された、日本の一般社団法人。

URL: https://www.jrea.or.jp/

Proposer: IRishikawa521


Description: 約150紙誌・過去30年分の新聞・雑誌記事、帝国データバンク、東京商工リサーチなど与信調査に役立つ企業情報に加え、人物プロフィール情報、学術文献の複写サービスなど、150以上のデータベースが利用可能。

URL: https://g-search.or.jp/

Proposer: 9os8wmkd


Description: Factiva products claim to provide access to more than 32,000 sources such as newspapers, journals, magazines, television and radio transcripts, photos, etc. These are sourced from nearly every country in the world in 28 languages, including more than 600 continuously updated newswires. (From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factiva) This could be useful for many wikipedians all over the world.

URL: https://www.dowjones.com/products/factiva/

Proposer: Hadi

Bloomsbury Collections

Description: Delivers online access to scholarly books from Bloomsbury’s Academic division. Spanning the arts, humanities and social sciences, the site features the latest research publications from Bloomsbury, T&T Clark, The Arden Shakespeare and Hart Publishing, alongside scholarship from Continuum, Berg and Bristol Classical Press. New collections are added each year.

URL: http://www.bloomsburycollections.com/

Proposer: Pafsanias


Description: AnthroSource is a service of the American Anthropological Association that offers members and subscribing libraries full-text anthropological resources from the breadth and depth of the discipline. AnthroSource is: - a digital searchable database containing past, present and future AAA publications, - more than 250,000 articles from AAA journals, newsletters, bulletins and monographs in a single place, and - 24/7 access to scientific research information across the field of anthropology.

URL: https://www.americananthro.org/StayInformed/Landing.aspx?ItemNumber=14876

Proposer: Sunwin1960

El Siglo de Torreón

Description: Spanish-language newspaper from Mexico with archives dating back to 1922. Was previously available to the public until August 2020 when the archives became subscription-only.

URL: https://www.elsiglodetorreon.com.mx/hd/

Proposer: Magiciandude


Description: Australian collection of databases on humanities, engineering, health

URL: http://www.informit.org

Proposer: INS Pirat


Description: Kirchenbuchportal der evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland. Es sind noch nicht alle Kirchenbücher digitalisiert, aber das was vorhanden ist, ist richtig hilfreich bei der Recherche zu Biografien.

URL: https://www.archion.de/

Proposer: S. F. B. Morse

Lausitzer Rundschau

Description: Regionale Tageszeitung für die Lausitz (Deutschland, Bundesländer Brandenburg und Sachsen), bisher genutzt für WP-Artikel. Das zuerst offene Archiv ist in letzter Zeit (seit der Übernahme durch einen anderen Verlag) in der Oberfläche immer weiter "versteckt" worden und die Artikel-Suche ohne bezahlten Zugriff erschwert. Suche ist möglich über https://www.lr-online.de/suche/?q=Suchbegriff1+Suchbegriff2+.... findet aber ohne Sonderrechte nicht alle vorhandenen Artikel

URL: https://www.lr-online.de

Proposer: Wilhelm Zimmerling PAR

Polski Słownik Biograficzny

Description: The Polish Biographical Dictionary is a Polish-language biographical dictionary, comprising an alphabetically arranged compilation of authoritative biographies of some 25,000 notable Poles and of foreigners who have been active in Poland – famous as well as less-well-known persons at the dawn of Polish history, to persons who died in the year 2000. It is a WIP that can be an excellent biographical resource.

URL: http://www.psb.pan.krakow.pl/

Proposer: Ciridae

British Archaeological Reports

Description: Monographs on British Archaeology

URL: https://www.fulcrum.org/concern/monographs/ff365675n?locale=en

Proposer: Mike Christie


Description: ICHUSHI is a repository by a Japanese NPO for medical papers, and maybe the longest running if not fully on the web for their entire history. Abstracts in English for most entries. Managing body announced: The Japan Medical Abstract Society (JAMAS) accumulated medical literature information published in Japan for 116 years since 1903, and already built the search system named “Ichushi-Web” containing more than 13 million data.

URL: https://www.jamas.or.jp/english/

Proposer: Omotecho

Publishers Weekly

Description: Digital archive of all issues of Publishers Weekly since 1872

URL: https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/home/index.html

Proposer: Mike Christie

Ingenta Connect

Description: Ingenta Connect claims to be "the world's largest resource for scholarly publications." Includes "Medical Problems of Performing Artists," the first clinical medical journal devoted to the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of medical and psychological disorders related to the performing arts.

URL: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/

Proposer: Larrykoen

OCLC FirstSearch

Description: It's kind of "premium WorldCat". Books and ebook location results are displayed in a more compact format, thus saving some lookup time. More info: https://www.oclc.org/en/firstsearch.html

URL: https://firstsearch.oclc.org/

Proposer: Mizukane203

American Physical Society

Description: Collection of all the paper published in their publications: Physical Review, Physical Review Letters, Review of Modern Physics

URL: https://journals.aps.org/archive/

Proposer: Pra1998


Description: Identify the notability of scholars

URL: https://www.scival.com/

Proposer: Shizhao


Description: Filae is a genealogical database which give an instant access to billions of digitalized and indexed civil records for France. It could be very useful to complete and source biographies on Wikipedia and Wikidata.

URL: https://www.filae.com

Proposer: Ayack


Description: Le Dictionnaire des anarchistes - Le Dictionnaire biographique des cheminots (DBC) - Le Dictionnaire biographique des enseignants et personnels de l’éducation (DBE) - Le Dictionnaire biographique des fusillés et exécutés (DBFE) - Le Dictionnaire biographique des Gaziers-électriciens (DBGE) - Le Dictionnaire biographique des militants du Val-de-Marne (DBMVM) etc.

URL: https://maitron.fr/spip.php?article140550

Proposer: Madelgarius


Description: Marianne est un journal d'investigation, en politique et sociologie.

URL: https://www.marianne.net

Proposer: CreativeC

Open Research Library

Description: This resource provides Open Access to a growing array of scholarly book collections and other academic materials.

URL: https://openresearchlibrary.org/home

Proposer: Pbmarkin

Éditions Faton

Description: French-language high-quality publisher of magazines on art, archaeology, art history, sports and more with several specialised publications. It would be great to have access to digitised back issues, many of which contain scholarly articles not accessible anywhere else.

URL: https://www.faton.fr/

Proposer: Yakikaki

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)

Description: "Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) is an American imprint of the publishing conglomerate Wolters Kluwer. Under the LWW brand, Wolters Kluwer publishes scientific, technical, and medical content such as textbooks, reference works, and over 275 scientific journals (most of which are medical or other public health journals). Publications are aimed at physicians, nurses, clinicians, and students." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lippincott_Williams_%26_Wilkins

URL: https://lww.com/


Royal United Services Institute

Description: Website says : "The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is the world’s oldest and the UK’s leading defence and security think tank. Our mission is to inform, influence and enhance public debate to help build a safer and more stable world... Become a RUSI Member. Enjoy exclusive access to high profile events and authoritative publications throughout the year". Background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_United_Services_Institute

URL: https://rusi.org/

Proposer: Pigsonthewing

Swiss Library Service Platform

Description: SLSP at a glance Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP) is a service provider for libraries and collaborates with them to run the national library platform swisscovery. The swisscovery platform brings together scientific resources from a current total of 490 libraries in Switzerland, making information easily accessible and simple to find. On behalf of the libraries, SLSP invoices services provided by the libraries to swisscovery users.

URL: http://slsp.ch/en

Proposer: Diddou


Description: "Thousands of newspapers and magazines."

URL: https://www.pressreader.com/

Proposer: Pigsonthewing

Harvard Library

Description: Harvard University's library is the academic library in the world. In addition to having a vast multitude scholarly content it is also home to documents unavailable anywhere else in the world such as the personal correspondence of Leon Trotsky with his family and supporters in the 1930s. I staunchly believe having access to the library would provide a great benefit to our editors, and the millions of readers on Wikipedia looking for accurate yet digestible information.

URL: http://library.harvard.edu/

Proposer: FictiousLibrarian

Schweizerbart and Borntraeger science publishers

Description: Schweizerbart und Borntraeger are scholarly publishing houses. They publish books (print and electronic) and journals and series in the Earth and environmental sciences (geology, mineralogy, paleontology), biosciences (plant sciences, zoology, phycology), aquatic ecology and human biology.

URL: http://www.schweizerbart.de/home/start

Proposer: Unnamed&co

AAPG Datapages

Description: Archives and proceedings of publications in geoscience with lots of publications and research papers on geology, petroleum, and natural gas research. A lot of research papers on the formation of the world's continents, mountains, islands, and oceans.

URL: http://www.datapages.com

Proposer: RXerself

Schaffhauser Nachrichten

Description: Online Archive of the Schaffhauser Nachrichten date back to 1861

URL: http://archiv.shn.ch/

Proposer: Malo95

Ulster Historical Foundation

Description: This site includes various databases related to the history of Ireland, including Biographies of Members of the Irish Parliament 1692-1800 which has the personal information, family life, career, political life, appointments, voting in divisions and contribution to the life of parliament for each Irish MP in the period of 1692-1800.

URL: https://www.ancestryireland.com/

Proposer: ネイ


Description: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen (Revue pour la psychanalyse et ses applications)

URL: https://elibrary.klett-cotta.de/journal/ps/75/1

Proposer: Bruinek

Metropol Verlag, Berlin

Description: Metropol Verlag contains a) online Edition of a 63-books-collektion titeld "Justiz und NS-Verbrechen - Die deutschen Strafurteile wegen nationalsozialistischer Tötungsverbrechen" (german language) and "Nazi Crimes on Trial - German court judgments concerning Nazi crimes" - Online-Edition 4950,00 Euro each b) further in coopertion with  "Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung der Technischen Universität Berlin" ca. 150 books subject „Nationalsozialismus (1933-1945) +ZfG

URL: http://metropol-verlag.de/verlag/

Proposer: H.Parai

Equinox Publishing

Description: Equinox publishes a 50 scientific journals at time of this request, including those on very niche subjects which are crucial for topics with less academic intrigue covering four topic areas — Religion and Ethics, Linguistics and Communication, Archaeology and History, and Popular Music.

URL: https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/

Proposer: Gwennie-nyan

AIP - American Institute of Physics

Description: AIP Publishing with Physics Today and other significant sources for science and engineering.

URL: https://publishing.aip.org/publications/find-the-right-journal/

Proposer: 17387349L8764


Description: This is a database of newspapers and magazines from all over Japan since 1986. The data of articles can be viewed in PDF format.

URL: http://www.elnet.co.jp/portal/autologin.do

Proposer: China

Foreign Policy

Description: An American journal of international relations and foreign policy. It frequently features content published by recognized experts.

URL: https://foreignpolicy.com/

Proposer: Thenightaway


Description: Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law would be very helpful. Thank you.

URL: http://home.heinonline.org/content/slavery-in-america-and-the-world/

Proposer: Deisenbe

Proquest Historical Newspapers Chinese E

Description: Proquest Historical Newspapers, Chinese Edition has the only extensive record of The South China Daily, North China Daily, China Herald, plus during the period before 1949, the journalists and writers reporting through newspapers in China. Anyone doing research on the fall of the Qing Dynasty, western imperialism, the roots of WWII, fascism, militarism, or Asia really needs the resource. It's very difficult to find and universities who have it won't allow access to anyone.

URL: https://about.proquest.com/en/products-services/hnp_cnc/

Proposer: Gminiace

Track Progress: T252641

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)

Description: Die zentrale Publikationssammlung gemäß Sammelauftrag sämtlicher in Deutschland veröffentlichter Werke mit stehts wachsendem Digitalisat. Auch integriert historische Archive wie etwa die Bibliothek der Deutschen Reichsversammlung von 1848/49, Spezialsammlungen wie das Deutsche Exilarchiv 1933–1945 sowie das ehemalige Deutsche Musikarchiv Leipzig - n. eig. Ang. Literatur, Periodika, Noten, Karten, Ton und weitere Archivalien im Bestand von über 43.600.000 Werken.

URL: http://www.dnb.de

Proposer: Agastro2

Cornell University Library

Description: So many usefull and insightfull books and journals that are not available to the public, not even a single preview page. This library contains a huge knowledge everyone should know.

URL: https://library.cornell.edu/

Proposer: Kris Simbolon


Description: GenealogyBank provides access to over 15,000 American historical newspapers, 95% of which are unique to the site.

URL: https://www.genealogybank.com/

Proposer: Extraordinary Writ

Times Now News

Description: indian news channel

URL: http://timesnownews.com

Proposer: Gbdw

Clarivate Analytics

Description: Clarivate Analytics is a global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics to accelerate the pace of innovation. Our vision is to improve the way the world creates, protects and advances innovation.

URL: http://isiknowledge.com

Proposer: Scholarwind

Berghahn Journals

Description: Some 40 academic journals on the humanities and social sciences

URL: https://www.berghahnjournals.com

Proposer: INS Pirat

The Lawyer

Description: British legal monthly magazine founded in 1987

URL: https://www.thelawyer.com

Proposer: INS Pirat


Description: Karger Publishers is an academic publisher of scientific and medical journals and books.

URL: http://karger.com

Proposer: Shadowrvn728

Boydell & Brewer

Description: They publish lots of nonfiction literature on historical subjects.

URL: https://boydellandbrewer.com/

Proposer: Tyrone Madera

The Architectural Review

Description: Contains extensive archive of essays, interviews, and surveys of architecture, written by professionals.

URL: http://www.architectural-review.com

Proposer: Reify-tech

ZBW (Zentralbibliothek Wirtschaft)

Description: Dort gibt es die alten Pressemappen, Presseausschnittssammlungen, siehe hier: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressearchiv_20._Jahrhundert Ein Teil davon ist digitalisiert. Ein kleiner Teil der digitalisierten Bestände ist online erreichbar. Der große Teil der digitalisierten Bestände ist nur vom Lesesaal der ZBW in Hamburg nutzbar. Wenn ihr für die Library einen "kontrollierten" Zugang schaffen könntet, wäre das genial. Eine Kontaktperson im ZBW könnte ich nennen. Grüße - Peter Wuttke

URL: http://webopac.hwwa.de/PresseMappe20/

Proposer: Atomiccocktail

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Description: Magazine covering American higher education

URL: https://www.chronicle.com

Proposer: Sdkb

taz - die Tageszeitung

Description: Für mich ist die taz eine wichtige Quelle, um Demonstrationen zu finden, die ich dann für Commons fotografiere.

URL: http://taz.de

Proposer: C.Suthorn


Description: Infomedia is the largest media archive in Denmark with 75+ million articles from 2500+ sources going back to 1990. Article access would be useful to cover recent Danish history as well as Danish products, companies and persons of interest.

URL: https://infomedia.dk/dansk-mediearkiv/

Proposer: Kimsey0

NARA National Archives and Records Admin

Description: Die National Archives and Records Administration, abgekürzt NARA, mit Sitz in Washington, D.C. ist das Nationalarchiv der Vereinigten Staaten und damit für den Schutz und Erhalt historischer und staatlicher Dokumente verantwortlich.

URL: https://www.archives.gov/

Proposer: GeeGee

Gazeta Wyborcza archive

Description: Access to the archive of one of Polish biggest newspapers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gazeta_Wyborcza) would be useful as contributors to articles on Polish topics sometimes need access to such articles. This request is made on behalf of WikiProject Poland, but the tool would also be useful for the entire Polish Wikipedia community.

URL: https://classic.wyborcza.pl/archiwumGW/0,0.html

Proposer: Piotrus


Description: Access 4,000,000+ academic papers and 4,000+ journals from South Korea and internationally.

URL: https://www.dbpia.co.kr/

Proposer: Poirot09

de Gruyter

Description: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik Online (HWR)

URL: https://doi.org/10.1515/hwro

Proposer: Diego de Tenerife

Der Spiegel

Description: Wochenzeitschrift für Politik, Kultur und Zeitgeschehen

URL: https://www.spiegel.de

Proposer: Kaubuk

Sindh Archives

Description: Sindh Archives is a directorate working under Information & Archives Department, Govt. Of Sindh, Pakistan. It contains one of the richest, extensive and enviously protected centuries old government records, books and literary rare material. The bare bone is to bring history to life for satisfying the growing appetite of present and future researchers by making this valuable national information easily accessible.

URL: http://www.sindharchives.gov.pk/

Proposer: JogiAsad


Description: Some newspapers are free but not all.

URL: https://www.nb.no/

Proposer: Malo95

Tashkent Medical Academy

Description: Leading Medical School in Uzbekstan and Central Asia

URL: http://www.tma.uz

Proposer: Musahonov


Description: A major publisher of leading-edge art and artists from its founding in 1984 through 2017, when it published its 100th issue and transitioned to an archival mode. Contains in-depth material from hundreds of late-20th and 21st century artists. Authentic original hardcopy publications are now collector's items, but much material is partially-accessible on the Web. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkett

URL: https://www.parkettart.com

Proposer: Reify-tech

LDBV (https://www.ldbv.bayern.de/)

Description: LDBV = Bayerisches Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung Produktt (Online-Dienst): BayernAtlas Plus Im Gegensatz zum BayernAtlas (https://geoportal.bayern.de/bayernatlas) ist der BayernAtlas Plus (Anmeldelink in der vorstehenden URL) kostenpflichtigt. Nur der BayernAtlas Plus zeigt Gemarkungsgrenzen innerhalb von Gemeinden. Diese sind nützlich für hunderte, wenn nicht sogar einige tausende Artikel zu ehemaligen und gegenwärtigen bayerischen Gemeinden.

URL: https://geoportal.bayern.de/bayernatlas

Proposer: Ratzer

American National Standards Institute

Description: American standards organisation which publishes standards used in America and globally, and provides access to standards from ISO, IEC, etc.

URL: https://webstore.ansi.org/

Proposer: Dhx1


Description: CABI is Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (no space to write that in the box above). Significant publisher in those fields. The most useful single resource is Valerie Porter, Lawrence Alderson, Stephen J.G. Hall, D. Phillip Sponenberg (2016). ''Mason's World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding'' (sixth edition), ISBN 9781780647944, which I have cited hundreds of times, and would have cited hundreds of times more if it weren't so hard to get GBooks to cough up the pag

URL: https://www.cabi.org/what-we-do/cabi-centre/wallingford/

Proposer: Justlettersandnumbers

Beltz Verlag

Description: Important German publisher in sociology, politics, and psychology. Provides ebooks and journals.

URL: https://content-select.com/

Proposer: Aschmidt


Description: Askart is an auction website, containing a database of both artists and auctions. They are providing access to their Professional level subscription with millions of auction records and information on more than 350,000 artists.

URL: https://www.askart.com/index.aspx

Proposer: Niketto sr.


Description: 专业的多语种学术数据库,以中文为主。

URL: https://www.wanfangdata.com.cn/index.html

Proposer: Taeas

Classiques Garnier

Description: Les Classiques Garnier is a publishing house specialising in the publication of classic works of European literature, characterised by a rigorous textual editing and a reliable critical apparatus written by the best specialists of each author. Since 2009, the company publishes specialised studies and journals on literature, linguistics, history, art, law and economic and social sciences.

URL: https://classiques-garnier.com

Proposer: ElioPrrl

Lexis Advance®

Description: Lexis Advance is a game changer in the way that lawyers use computerized legal research for their clients. It offers the ability to perform sophisticated searches without additional search-based fees, thus providing significant economic advantages to their clients.

URL: https://www.lexisadvance.com

Proposer: Rfffchry

UK Pressonline

Description: Another UK newspaper archive resource.

URL: https://ukpressonline.co.uk/ukpressonline/

Proposer: Benriggers


Description: One of the most important portals for IT and tech news in German language.

URL: https://www.heise.de/plus/

Proposer: Flexman

Early English Books Online (EEBO)

Description: Something approaching a comprehensive library of full scans and transcriptions of the surviving English books & other pubs. from c. 1450—1700: https://proquest.libguides.com/eebopqp/content . Seems to be pretty essential for research in related areas. (Apparently an outgrowth of the original short-title union catalogues https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short-title_catalogue and the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_Creation_Partnership .) Now part of ProQuest, but not in WL's ProQuest package yet.

URL: https://proquest.libguides.com/eebopqp

Proposer: RW Dutton

El País

Description: daily newspaper in Spain.

URL: https://elpais.com

Proposer: Diego de Tenerife

C. H. Beck

Description: Major German publisher in the humanities, especially law.

URL: http://chbeck.de

Proposer: Attizist

V&R eLibrary

Description: Though the German publisher Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht is now an imprint of BRILL, its eLibrary seems not to be covered by the WP-Library agreement with BRILL. It contains articles and books in the subjects of Classical Studies, German Studies, History, Humanities and Social Sciences, Pedagogy, Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology.

URL: http://www.vr-elibrary.de/

Proposer: Concord

Folha de S.Paulo

Description: Folha de S.Paulo (sometimes spelled Folha de São Paulo), also known as simply Folha, is a Brazilian daily newspaper founded in 1921. Ever since 1986, Folha has had the biggest circulation among the largest Brazilian newspapers.

URL: https://www.folha.uol.com.br/

Proposer: Albertoleoncio

NK News (Korea Risk Group)

Description: Site d'analyse et d'actualité à propos de la Corée du Nord

URL: https://www.nknews.org

Proposer: Koreller

BMJ Best Practice

Description: This is a product of the British Medical Journal where they provide recent evidence-based reviews on various medical ailments. It looks like they did not bundle access to this product along with the BMJ Journals subscription (I just received access to the BMJ Journals through the Wikipedia Library. Very exciting! But no BMJ Best Practice, sadly). If we could get access to a few accounts on this service, that would be a huge benefit to editors that focus on medicine!

URL: https://bestpractice.bmj.com/info/us/

Proposer: Ajpolino


Description: Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse : Revue d'histoire de la psychanalyse en langue allemande Siehe / voir l'article créé sur Wikipedia.fr https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luzifer-Amor

URL: https://www.luzifer-amor.de/index.php?id=16

Proposer: Bruinek

National Digital Library of India

Description: Virtual repository of over 71,002,171 resources

URL: https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/

Proposer: Ankit2299

Austria Presse Agentur / APA Defacto

Description: The Austria Press Agency is the national news agency and the leading information provider in Austria. Their service "Defacto" provied Newspapers since 1990 and APA announcements since 1955. DE: Auf http://www.defacto.at finden sich nationale und internationale tagesaktuelle und historische Zeitungen, Zeitschriften und Magazine zum Teil rückreichend bis 1990 sowie APA-Meldungen aus den Jahren 1955 bis heute. Weiters stehen Ihnen für Ihre Recherchen Abschriften von Radio- und TV-Nachrichte

URL: https://apa.at

Proposer: Flexman

New York Genealogical & Biographical Soc

Description: "We're a non-profit genealogical society dedicated to preserving, documenting, and sharing the stories NY State families. See how we've been helping New Yorkers learn more about their family history for over 150 years."

URL: https://www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org/

Proposer: RoySmith


Description: Modern encyclopedia in German

URL: http://brockhaus.de

Proposer: АлександрЛаптев

Réseau Mikanda

Description: Première plateforme en ligne pour la lecture numérique et Réseau des bibliothécaires en RD Congo rassemblant quantité de bibliothèques et centres de documentations avec un fond collectif important.

URL: https://katalog.mikanda.info/pmb/opac_css/

Proposer: CapitainAfrika

Embase (by Elsevier)

Description: A biomedical bibliographic database by Elsevier. Similar to but more publications than MEDLINE/PubMed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embase

URL: https://www.embase.com/


Canadian Science Publishing

Description: A non-profit publisher of 20+ academic journals covering a variety of topics in physical sciences, engineering and health sciences.

URL: https://cdnsciencepub.com/

Proposer: OhanaUnited


Description: Edition numérique d'environ 60 000 livres publiés en France au XXe siècle et qui ne sont plus commercialisés. Titres parus pour 75% d'entre eux de 1981 à 2000. Domaines : Littérature: 45%, Sciences humaines et sociales: 42%, Histoire: 13%. A ce jour, Gallica propose un feuilletage partiel (en entier = payant) de 5421 des ouvrages du dispositif ReLIRE. Cf. [[Projet:La bibliothèque Wikipédia/Suggestions/Archive obsolète#Livres numériques : ReLIRE|Thématiques détaillées de ces livres numériques]]

URL: http://relire.bnf.fr/registre-gestion-collective

Proposer: Etienne M

The Institution of Structural Engineers

Description: Curated by qualified librarians, our collection of structural engineering literature spans more than 250 years; making it one of the UK's most comprehensive specialist engineering resources.

URL: https://www.istructe.org/resources/library-services/

Proposer: Grotte

Bundesarchiv Abteilung Militärarchiv

Description: Die Bestände der Abteilung Militärarchiv umfassen die Überlieferung (insbes. Sachakten, Karten, Konstruktionspläne, Fotos) staatlicher militärischer Stellen seit dem Jahre 1867 bis in die Gegenwart: die erhalten gebliebenen Unterlagen der preußisch-deutschen Armee, der Kaiserlichen Marine, der Schutztruppen und der Freikorps, der Reichswehr sowie der Wehrmacht. Des weiteren werden in Freiburg die Unterlagen der Nationalen Volksarmee und der Grenztruppen der DDR archiviert.

URL: https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Navigation/Meta/Ueber-uns/Dienstorte/Freiburg-im-Breisgau/freiburg-im-breisgau.html

Proposer: GeeGee


Description: A refereed scientific journal concerned with all forms of knowledge in Islam. It publishes studies in Turkish and English and is one of the most important journals in Turkey https://islamiarastirmalar.com

URL: https://islamiarastirmalar.com

Proposer: Solman9

Gale Microform

Description: The Gale Microform collection is one of the world's largest microform archives of exclusive primary source materials in fields of study that include the humanities, social sciences, and international news.

URL: https://www.gale.com/intl/microform

Proposer: Семён Семёныч

Track Progress: T347868

WorldCat Search APIs (versions 1 and 2)

Description: WorldCat's search APIs seems to be restricted to member libraries, and to "commercial partners". Access to these APIs would be extremely useful for many kinds of serious library research. Naturally WL would not need to implement some kind of Web interface to the APIs: it would just need to hand out API keys to approved users.

URL: https://www.oclc.org/developer/api/oclc-apis/worldcat-search-api.en.html

Proposer: RW Dutton

Eighteenth Century Collections Online

Description: Scans of many eighteenth-century British books. Integrated search with Early English Books Online (see EEBO request). Owned by Gale, but not included in WL's Gale package. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eighteenth_Century_Collections_Online

URL: https://www.gale.com/intl/primary-sources/eighteenth-century-collections-online

Proposer: RW Dutton

Track Progress: T347868

Art Index (Ebsco)

Description: Art Index is an art research database providing high-quality indexing for hundreds of national and international art journals, plus thousands of art dissertations. Art Index contains 391 indexed art journals/magazines, 270 peer-reviewed journals, 14,000 indexed art dissertations and 229,000 indexed art reproductions. The addition of Art Index to the Wikipedia Library would be a useful resource for improving articles on the Arts internationally (not just the UK and Europe.)

URL: https://www.ebsco.com/products/research-databases/art-index

Proposer: Netherzone

Lyell Collection

Description: Journals, conference abstracts, and special volumes published by the Geological Society of London. A useful resource for editors and researchers in the geosciences.

URL: http://lyellcollection.org/

Proposer: Shuvuuia

Credo Reference

Description: Credo Reference is an online reference library that offers access to hundreds of authoritative reference books and encyclopedias on various subjects, including art, literature, history, science, and medicine. Users can search, browse, create and share customized collections of resources, and integrate reference content into other online platforms.

URL: https://search.credoreference.com/

Proposer: 9os8wmkd

Philosophy Documentation Center

Description: The Philosophy Documentation Center is a major repository and publisher of scholarly journals and books that involve philosophy or its related fields. It has over two-hundred publications and has been in operation for over fifty years. Several of its publications are not fully accessible through any other service. Access to this repository and publisher would improve our editors' ability to write on the subject of philosophy.

URL: https://www.pdcnet.org/wp/

Proposer: Susmuffin

Franz Steiner Verlag eLibrary

Description: In the humanities, Franz Steiner Verlag is one of the most important publishers in all of Europe, which is particularly important for history and classical studies. The publishing house belongs to the media group Deutscher Apotheker Verlag. Mainly English and German titles as well as internationally renowned journals such as "Hermes" or "Historia" are published. Practically the entire publishing program, which includes thousands of titles, is accessible online via the eLibrary.

URL: https://www.steiner-verlag.de/

Proposer: Procopius

JAMA Network

Description: JAMA Network is a publication body of the American Medical Association. It publishes many journals (14 as of 2023) in various branches of medicine. The JAMA journal has a 2021 impact factor of 157.335, ranking it 3rd out of 172 journals in the category "Medicine, General & Internal". The journal was established in 1883 and contains historical and novel medical accounts valuable to Wikipedia. The publisher also hosts a number of medical resources.

URL: https://jamanetwork.com

Proposer: Chhandama


Description: GSW is a large nonprofit aggregate that publishes some of the world’s most trusted earth science periodicals for dozens of the world’s leading geological societies & scientific publishers, including Geological Society of America, Geological Society of London, Paleontological Society, Cambridge University Press, & more. As a WikiProject Geology & Volcanoes member & GSA member familiar with this collection, I can say that access would be invaluable for our work on earth science-related topics.

URL: https://pubs.geoscienceworld.com

Proposer: Hermes Thrice Great

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Description: Over 2,800 articles on important topics in philosophy

URL: https://www.rep.routledge.com

Proposer: Shapeyness

Track Progress: T314654

Princeton University Press

Description: Lot of prominent academic author published their work here.

URL: https://press.princeton.edu

Proposer: Hadithfajri


Description: IOP Publishing is the publishing company of the Institute of Physics. It is the home of scientific content from IOP Publishing and our partners.

URL: https://iopscience.iop.org/

Proposer: DC Assam

O Globo

Description: O Globo (lit. "The Globe") is a Brazilian newspaper based in Rio de Janeiro founded in 1925. O Globo is the leading daily newspaper in the country and the most prominent print publication in the Grupo Globo media conglomerate.

URL: https://oglobo.globo.com/

Proposer: Albertoleoncio

The Popular Indian

Description: news website

URL: http://thepopularindian.com

Proposer: Gbdw

Gurjar Today

Description: News Channel

URL: http://gurjartoday.com

Proposer: Gbdw


Description: Indian News Channel

URL: http://patrika.com

Proposer: Gbdw

Bhojpuri Media

Description: Bhojpuri news Channel

URL: http://bhojpurimedia.net

Proposer: Gbdw

Lokmat News

Description: news channel

URL: http://lokmatnews.in

Proposer: Gbdw

Magazines World

Description: Magazines World, an educational blog which shares the news, information and articles about travel, health, food, wine, finance and education as well as exams, results, colleges and universities.

URL: http://www.magazinesworld.org

Proposer: Vinodsainiindian

Opinion Archives

Description: Full-text archives of a number of opinion periodicals

URL: https://opinionarchives.com

Proposer: INS Pirat


Description: Was for a short time freely accessible in Spring 2020. I found it very useful for finding sources for rather obscure medieval latin writers and for disambiguation purposes. Contains among others Medioevo Latino and Compendium Auctorum Medii Aevi

URL: https://www.mirabileweb.it

Proposer: HHill

International Energy Agency

Description: Top-quality source for articles on energy and on climate change

URL: https://webstore.iea.org/statistics-data

Proposer: Clayoquot

USC Shoah Foundation

Description: Contains over 55,000 videos of survivor testimonies from various genocides including the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide, Nanjing massacre, Armenian genocide and Guatemalan genocide. As a great-grandson of an Armenian Genocide survivor, the collection is useful in preserving the stories and memories of the survivors, which can help on the corresponding Wikipedia articles.

URL: https://sfi.usc.edu/

Proposer: Yoshiman6464

Zhejiang University

Description: Useful University-powered knowledge bookstore for ZJU campus.

URL: https://libweb.zju.edu.cn/

Proposer: Liuxinyu970226

British Standards Online

Description: BSOL contains standards used in the UK and international ISO, IEC, etc standards.

URL: https://www.bsigroup.com/en-AU/Standards/BSOL-online-standards-list/

Proposer: Dhx1

Standards Australia

Description: Publishes standards used within Australia and New Zealand, particularly in relation to construction, building and engineering.

URL: https://www.standards.org.au/access-standards/buy-standards

Proposer: Dhx1

haz Hannoversche Allgemeine

Description: Dei HAZ oder eine beliebige andere Tageszeitung aus dem Madsack-Verlag, als wichtige Quelle zu großen Teilen Niedersachsens (Demos, Events) - Fotolocations mit Relevanz für MW.

URL: http://haz.de

Proposer: C.Suthorn

Jacoby Online

Description: "Jacoby Online is a digital edition of fragments and testimonia of Greek historians, and other authors from antiquity. Although the works of these historians are now lost, we still have passages in the form of citations and paraphrases in ancient texts that are preserved."

URL: https://scholarlyeditions.brill.com/bnjo/

Proposer: Piero~commonswiki

American Meteorological Society

Description: A great resource for publications on meteorology, climatology, earth science and ocenaography.

URL: https://journals.ametsoc.org/

Proposer: OhanaUnited


Description: Turcademy is a domestic e-book platform developed by Informascope company in order to collect all academic publications in Turkey under a single portal and to deliver academic publications digitally to academics, researchers and students in an easy way and to contribute to e-book publishing in Turkey.

URL: https://www.turcademy.com/en

Proposer: ZeusAmmon1

Vereniging voor vrouwengeschiedenis

Description: Historica (since 1995) is a Dutch 4-monthly scientific and peer reviewed magazine on the subject of women and gender history. Old numbers are available through their website as open access, but recent numbers (up to 3 years) are not.

URL: https://www.gendergeschiedenis.nl/tijdschrift/historica

Proposer: Ciell

Book Review Digest Plus | EBSCO

Description: Getting an understanding of academic perspectives towards a book is critical for improving the quality of Wikipedia articles. Often books are cited as authoritative resources without mention of responses/criticisms of the content by the field at large. This is the premier collection of book reviews published in peer-reviewed journals.

URL: https://www.ebsco.com/products/research-databases/book-review-digest-plus

Proposer: Tr3ndyBEAR

Schwabe online

Description: Schwabe online is a service that provides databases, books, and journals, including HWPh (Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie online) and Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie.

URL: https://www.schwabeonline.ch/

Proposer: 9os8wmkd

KITLV Digital Collections

Description: So many documentations regarding colonisation in Southeast Asia and Karibia that should be useful and very informative to be served to the publics, but so little open access documents that they permit. If we want to advance the understanding of Southeast Asia from pre-colonisation to post-colonisation, then KITLV Library is a must.

URL: http://digitalcollections.universiteitleiden.nl/

Proposer: Kris Simbolon

Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism

Description: Biographical articles from the modernist period across various disciplines.

URL: https://www.rem.routledge.com/

Proposer: Ciridae

Track Progress: T314654

Online Archive of California

Description: About OAC The Online Archive of California (OAC) provides free public access to detailed descriptions of primary resource collections maintained by more than 300 contributing institutions including libraries, special collections, archives, historical societies, and museums throughout California and collections maintained by the 10 University of California (UC) campuses.

URL: https://oac.cdlib.org/

Proposer: Balph Eubank

Spektrum der Wissenschaft

Description: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spektrum_der_Wissenschaft In Spektrum der Wissenschaft werden Themen aus Forschung und Wissenschaft aus einer naturwissenschaftlichen Perspektive behandelt. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei Archäologie, Astronomie, Biologie, Chemie, Geowissenschaften, Mathematik, Medizin, Neurowissenschaften, Physik und Technik.

URL: https://www.spektrum.de/

Proposer: Diego de Tenerife

Hackett Publishing Company

Description: Hackett is a publisher of translations, editions, and original works in the arts and humanities, with a focus on producing high-quality books that will remain in demand for many years. eBooks are available for most Hackett titles.

URL: https://hackettpublishing.com/

Proposer: Cengime

RSNA RadioGraphics

Description: Trusted collection of radiology reference journals. Reader-friendly when compared to a typical radiology journal on PubMed. There are various radiology-related wiki pages that need citations such as CT scans, MRI sequences, ultrasonography, fluoroscopy, interventional radiology etc.

URL: https://pubs.rsna.org/journal/radiographics

Proposer: Cerevisae

KUNSTFORUM International GmbH

Description: Well-illustrated full-color contemporary commentary on visual arts and exhibitions. Published in Germany, but has a global scope.

URL: http://kunstforum.de

Proposer: Reify-tech

Edition text+kritik

Description: CineGraph – Lexikon zum deutschsprachigen Film https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/CineGraph_%E2%80%93_Lexikon_zum_deutschsprachigen_Film bzw. CineGraph - Lexikon zum deutschsprachigen Film Herausgegeben von Hans-Michael Bock. München: edition text + kritik. ISBN 978-3-86916-222-5. Loseblattwerk, z. Zt. ca. 12.000 Seiten in neun Ordnern. Erhältlich im Abonnement mit ca. 2 Lieferungen pro Jahr. http://www.cinegraph.de/CGLex.html

URL: https://www.etk-muenchen.de/

Proposer: Popmuseum

European Parliamentary Research Service

Description: The European Parliament's in-house research service and think tank. It publishes papers and reports for the MEP and for the public however most of the papers are give exclusively to the MEP's etc, that is say services exclusive to the European Union. I think it would be a good idea to get access to the papers they publish. It would allow better information regarding the complex European Union institutions.

URL: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/at-your-service/en/stay-informed/research-and-analysis

Proposer: Chefs-kiss

The Poetry Society

Description: The Poetry Society has two publications of interest, that being the Poetry Review and Poetry News. Wikipedia is lacking in high-quality articles about poetry, so including these (as well as perhaps other magazines here https://www.nationalpoetrylibrary.org.uk/write-publish/magazines) would help turn this niche but vitally important corner of Wikipedia into something grander than any print encylopedia can spit.

URL: https://poetrysociety.org.uk/

Proposer: 1TWO3Writer

Variety Archives

Description: Access to over 115 years of entertainment history through the archives of Variety Magazine.

URL: https://subscribe.variety.com/site/archives-subscribe

Proposer: Dream out loud

African Journal Online

Description: AJOL, the world's largest and preeminent platform of African-published scholarly journals, is a Non-Profit Organisation that (since 1998) works to increase global & continental online access, awareness, quality & use of African-published, peer-reviewed research

URL: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajol

Proposer: Bukky658

O Estado de S. Paulo

Description: O Estado de S. Paulo (lit. 'The State of São Paulo'), also known as Estadão, is a daily newspaper published in São Paulo, Brazil. It is the third largest newspaper in Brazil.

URL: https://www.estadao.com.br/

Proposer: Albertoleoncio


Description: Portuguese daily newspaper of record. Published since 1990 and currently the most read daily newspaper in Portugal.

URL: https://www.publico.pt/

Proposer: JMagalhães

utb elibrary

Description: „Die utb elibrary ist eine verlagsübergreifende Online-Bibliothek mit über 25.000 Titeln von 49 Verlagen. Sie wird von der Stuttgarter Verlagskooperation utb betrieben und bereitgestellt.“

URL: https://elibrary.utb.de/

Proposer: Polibil

Country Life Archive (Proquest)

Description: This is probably one of the best single resources for British Architectural History. The period 2013-2024 is already covered by another group which is accessible through the Wikipedia Library, but this archive runs 1897-2005. I have used it on several articles already through the British Library (which is currently down due to the hack).

URL: https://proquest.libguides.com/countrylife

Proposer: EPEAviator

Daily Trends

Description: Hindi tips, Blog and Magazine in Hindi. Updated on daily bases

URL: https://dailytrends.co.in/

Proposer: Ankit240


Description: Medical news, health tips, gym tips.

URL: https://medicallyinfo.com/health/gym-workout-schedule-for-men-pdf/

Proposer: Saucrack

Crockford's Clerical Directory

Description: The definitive guide to Anglican clergy and churches in the Church of England, the Church of Ireland, the Church in Wales and the Scottish Episcopal Church, with biographies of over 27,000 Anglican clergy dating back to 1968.

URL: https://www.crockford.org.uk/

Proposer: Qazwsx777

Leo Baeck Institute Yearbooks

Description: The yearbooks can be read and downloaded for a fee via the website listed below, and for free via the university accounts. The website mentioned below leads through "Oxford Academic", which is apparently not part of the Wikipedia Library repertoire. The yearbooks, published since 1956, are of unique value for the study of the history of anti-Semitism.

URL: https://academic.oup.com/leobaeck/pages/General_Instructions

Proposer: Bernd Wältz


Description: Hinari Access to Research for Health Programme. The World Health Organization's database of the biomedical and health books and journals

URL: https://www.who.int/hinari

Proposer: INS Pirat

The Japan Times

Description: The Japan Times Archives enables users to easily search for articles on about 500,000 pages across 120 years, ranging from the inaugural issue in March 1897 to December 2018. The Japan Times continues to report with perspectives absent from Japanese-language papers, as well as clear, contextual explanations for non-Japanese readers. The database offers valuable historical content covering domestic and international politics, economy, culture, TV schedules,

URL: https://info.japantimes.co.jp/archives/

Proposer: Flicky1984

Track Progress: T358441

Ad Fontes Media

Description: This is not really a source per se, but the Ad Fontes Media Bias chart is enormously valuable in evaluating sources and weight, and the $50/year tier is a substantial improvement to what is available freely.

URL: https://www.adfontesmedia.com/interactive-media-bias-chart/

Proposer: GorillaWarfare

American Economic Association

Description: The American Economic Association oversees a number of the most prominent journals in the field of economics, including the American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Economic Perspectives, and the AEJ journals. Access to these journals would be a boon to editors who add content related to economics and the social sciences.

URL: https://www.aeaweb.org/journals

Proposer: Thenightaway


Description: It's a gated website with high-quality historical content.

URL: https://www.historytoday.com

Proposer: Thenightaway

IHP Archive

Description: Archive of digital collections from Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.

URL: https://ihparchive.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/ihpkmc/ihpkm

Proposer: 沈澄心

Social Science Open Access Repository

Description: German Government's Social Science Open Access Repository

URL: https://www.gesis.org/ssoar/home

Proposer: Hatchens


Description: Mention aggregator, useful for finding secondary sources

URL: https://www.altmetric.com

Proposer: Blindlynx

پرتال جامع علوم انسانی

Description: موقع ضخم يحوي دراسات انسانية وفلسفية واجتماعية..

URL: http://ensani.ir/fa

Proposer: Solman9


Description: Norwegian magazine with lots of news and facts about ships and shipping companies worldwide.

URL: http://kyst.no

Proposer: Vasmar1


Description: Databases on the History of Contemporary Chinese Political Movements published by CUHK

URL: http://ccrd.usc.cuhk.edu.hk/

Proposer: 沈澄心


Description: Livres/documents physiques et en accès virtuels de Suisse romande. Catalogue RERO+ Vous pouvez y découvrir, rechercher et demander des documents. Le catalogue global contient les collections des bibliothèques RERO+. À propos de RERO+ RERO+ est un centre de compétences et de services destinés aux bibliothèques. C’est aussi une fondation à but non-lucratif basée à Martigny, en Valais (Suisse).

URL: http://www.rero.ch

Proposer: Diddou


Description: Online website for reading text and audio books, magazines and newspapers in Persian and English.

URL: https://fidibo.com/

Proposer: Mohammad ebz

American University in Cairo Press

Description: University press of American University in Cairo. Academic books

URL: https://cairo.universitypressscholarship.com/

Proposer: Werter1995

Macquarie Dictionary

Description: The standard reference on Australian English.

URL: https://www.macquariedictionary.com.au/

Proposer: Nardog

Choice Reviews

Description: Provides access to more than 200,000 academic book reviews from Choice magazine

URL: https://www.choice360.org/products/choice-reviews/

Proposer: Shapeyness

American Botanical Council

Description: Finding high quality scientific sources in the field of economic botany can be really tricky. ABC is an independent, non-profit, research organization and one of the few reputable sources on these topic. Resources like HerbMedPro can really go a really long way in improving the quality of articles related such topics.

URL: https://www.herbalgram.org/

Proposer: Tr3ndyBEAR

Dictionary of American Regional English

Description: The digital Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE), located at daredictionary.com, offers powerful reference searching and interactive browsing by region, quotations with a complete bibliography extending from the seventeenth century through the twenty-first, and maps illustrating where words were collected. The addition of DARE Survey data and audio recordings provides an incredibly valuable, dynamic resource for understanding the demographic, topical, and regional nature of words and t

URL: https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674425071

Proposer: TeiseiMG

Coherent Digital Policy Commons

Description: High-quality aggregator of 30 million policy papers across hundreds of nonpartisan and worldwide NGOs and think tanks, and across thousands of policy libraries, including many defunct ones. Relies on both extensive manual vetting and AI techniques for verification. Decentralized global leadership may address questions of global inequality. Management has a collective experience span of centuries.

URL: https://coherentdigital.net/policycommons

Proposer: Jarrod Baniqued

Otzar HaChochma

Description: The world's largest Jewish digital library. Its books are not only scanned to PDF, but OCR-ed and made searchable. Topics include Scripture, Talmud, Halacha, Kabbalah, sermons, and other encyclopedias.

URL: https://tablet.otzar.org/#/

Proposer: Musashiaharon

ABC newspaper

Description: daily newspaper in Spain. ABC es un diario español

URL: https://www.abc.es

Proposer: Diego de Tenerife


Description: The leading international journal in pure and applied metrology, published by IOP Publishing on behalf of Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). This journal would be a very good resource for metrology articles and articles relating to the SI, including the second, meter, kilogram, and ampere.

URL: https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0026-1394

Proposer: WalkingRadiance

Meiner eLibrary

Description: Die »Meiner eLibrary« bietet Wissenschaftlern und Studierenden einen komfortablen Zugang zu über 1.250 eBooks aus allen Programmbereichen des Verlages: von der Blauen Reihe und der Philosophischen Bibliothek über wissenschaftliche Monographien bis hin zu unseren Editionen, Jahrbüchern und Bei- und Sonderheften.

URL: https://meiner-elibrary.de/

Proposer: Nullibiquite

Encyclopædia Universalis

Description: Depuis l'arrêt de l'édition livre, cette encyclopédie a énormément développé son potentiel numérique. Cela vaudrait vraiment le coup qu'elle intègre les collections de la Bibliothèque Wikipédia et que son contenu puisse être accessible à tous les membres de la Wikimedia Foundation.

URL: https://www.universalis.fr/

Proposer: David89

The Manila Times

Description: The oldest English-language newspaper in the Philippines. Also being one of the biggest in the country.

URL: https://www.manilatimes.net/

Proposer: Arconning

Scholarly Publishing Collective

Description: Publishes online editions of journals from Michigan State University Press, Penn State University Press, SBL Press, University of Illinois Press and Duke University Press.

URL: https://scholarlypublishingcollective.org/

Proposer: Srnec

Billboard Pro

Description: The most useful parts of the website (chart archives, boxscores, etc.) are mostly behind a paywall now. For articles about current musical artists / tours / releases, these sources are essential.

URL: https://www.billboard.com

Proposer: XanonymusX


Description: European ancestry / Genealogical website

URL: https://en.geneanet.org/

Proposer: Broichmore


Description: ArcGIS Online of ESRI has better datasets of Shapefiles than are freely available in the internet, including lower levels of subdivisions of various countries

URL: http://www.arcgis.com

Proposer: Ratzer

Budrich Journals

Description: For German-language research in pedagogy, philosophy and the social sciences in general, Budrich is still an important publisher. Since many of the articles published in Budrich journals are behind a paywall and are not published anywhere else, access would greatly support editors' work.

URL: https://www.budrich-journals.de/

Proposer: Polibil

ספריית כותר/Kotar Reference Library

Description: The Kotar Reference Library is an online library containing many leading academic works (reference books, encyclopedias, journals, etc.) published over the past half century in Hebrew and English. ספריית כותר היא ספרייה מקוונת, פרי שיתוף פעולה עם המו״לים המובילים בישראל שפותחה במטח ומטרתה להעמיד לרשות תלמידים, מורים, סדודנטים ושוחרי דעת את מיטב מקורות המידע (ספר עיון, אנציקלופדיות, כתבי עת) שפורסמו ביובל השנים האחרונות בשפה העברית.

URL: https://kotar.cet.ac.il

Proposer: לוכסן

Archives Direct

Description: Archives Direct is a suite of collections sourced from the UK government's official archive. It would be very helpful for history, particularly diplomatic history. The open access Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series has certainly been very helpful.

URL: https://www.archivesdirect.amdigital.co.uk/

Proposer: TantPersis

Mathematical Sciences Publishers

Description: MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers) is a non-profit publishing company run by and for mathematicians. It publishes several journals and the book series Geometry & Topology Monographs. It is run from a central office in the Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley.

URL: https://msp.org/

Proposer: Lucho

World Religion Database

Description: The World Religion Database (WRD) contains detailed statistics on religious affiliation for every country in the world. It is the major source to render a definitive picture of international religious demography. The WRD provides both current and historical data. The WRD is updated quartely, such as estimates of religious affiliation at the province level as well as religious freedom. No other database available today is as comprehensive.

URL: https://worldreligiondatabase.org/

Proposer: Belson 303


Description: Jaxsta collects songwriting and production credits from official sources, such as record labels. They bill themselves as "the world's ONLY official music credits database". This would be useful when writing about music on Wikipedia. Previously, Jaxsta has shared some of their data on Wikidata as a Mix'n'Match set, and this highlighted how many people are in the Jaxsta database but not Wikidata. A subscription would allow a wider group of users to access Jaxsta and improve.

URL: https://jaxsta.com

Proposer: Jimmyjrg


Description: A good collection of Legal journals, legal cases etc.

URL: https://www.lexisnexis.com/en-us/professional/academic/nexis-uni.page

Proposer: Anil1956

MGG Online

Description: Musikenzyklopädie, Standardwerk

URL: https://www.mgg-online.com/

Proposer: Gubeko

Cryptologia- Taylor & Francis

Description: Only major journal covering historical cryptography

URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/ucry20

Proposer: Mixmon

The Oregonian via NewsBank

Description: The Oregonian is a large newspaper based in Portland, Oregon. I am not 100% sure of this but I think the only way to access their fulltext archives is via subscription through NewBank. I often see results for The Oregonian in ProQuest, but they are not fulltext and often only have a one or two sentence abstract.

URL: https://oregonlive.newsbank.com/about

Proposer: Siroxo

Track Progress: T252664

Art & Architecture ePortal (A&AePortal)

Description: The A&AePortal is an authoritative eBook resource that features important works of scholarship in the history of art, architecture, decorative arts, photography, and design.

URL: https://aaeportal.com/home

Proposer: The wub

Reference Universe

Description: "Discover the zenith of cross-disciplinary search with Reference Universe—the absolute best in its class. Offering absolutely the largest breadth and volume of searchable specialized dictionaries, this service is intricately linked with elite publishers like Elsevier, Oxford U.P., Springer, and MIT Press. This isn't just another search service; it's the definitive first step in any research journey, illuminating the diverse fields your inquiry touches upon

URL: https://reference.paratext.com/ru/landing/index.php

Proposer: Makaron212


Description: Statistica is a data site and has very good information not found else where

URL: https://www.statista.com/

Proposer: Cyberwolf

SAGE Knowledge

Description: A large collection of reference works from SAGE, including their encyclopedias and handbooks about many scientific topics.

URL: https://sk.sagepub.com/

Proposer: Maddy from Celeste

Archivio Storico Il Messaggero

Description: Archives of the Rome-based Italian newspaper dating back to 1880.

URL: https://archivio.ilmessaggero.it/

Proposer: That Article Editing Guy

Digitalni arhiv - "Infobiro"

Description: "Infobiro" is a digital, online archive of "Mediacentar" Sarajevo. The archive stores huge number of digital copies of articles (up to 300 daily entries) from wide variety of magazines, daily newspapers, reports from NGO's, research from organisations and scientific institutions, both historic and contemporary, from across the former Yugoslavia region of Balkans. It offers search for articles, stored in pdf, via keyword, set in 3 categories: historic, contemporary, research-analysis.

URL: http://www.infobiro.ba/

Proposer: Santasa99

Cameroon Tribune

Description: Journal Officiel de Cameroun

URL: https://www.cameroon-tribune.cm/

Proposer: Score Beethoven

Journal of the American Academy of Derma

Description: The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, sometimes abbreviated JAAD, is a monthly peer-reviewed medical journal covering dermatology.

URL: http://jaad.org

Proposer: Shadowrvn728


Description: Biggest project in the world about Taiwan in Russian language. Information about Taiwan, news about Taiwan, education in Taiwan. Project have been selected as finalist for Red Herring's Top 100 Asia award, which honors the most promising private technology ventures in Asia annually. Jen-Ai Hospital's included text and media content from project in its First English press release. Governments of both countries cooperate with project about Taiwanese-Russian relationship.

URL: https://intaiwan.ru

Proposer: Cartwheelpiano


Description: EVIDYALAM is the e-learning platform for the students. EVIDYALAM is an Indian Interactive Online and offline tutoring platform where teachers provide tuitions to students over the internet. EVIDYALAM is founded in 2020 by Shrikant Rana at Saharanpur. It primarily provides services to students of grade 5th to 12th for the Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh & Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

URL: https://www.evidyalam.com

Proposer: MyGreenPlanet

Telangana Government

Description: Telangana, as a geographical and political entity was born on June 2, 2014 as the 29th and the youngest state in Union of India.

URL: https://www.telangana.gov.in

Proposer: Pranayraj1985

Standards New Zealand

Description: Publishes standards used within New Zealand (and also Australia), particularly in relation to construction, building and engineering.

URL: https://www.standards.govt.nz/get-standards/standards-access-solutions/online-library-subscriptions/online-library-catalogues/

Proposer: Dhx1

IHS Markit Online Standards

Description: Standards supplier which is affiliated with some national standards organisations (for example, Standards Council of Canada) and publishes standards from many different standards organisations.

URL: https://global.ihs.com/online_solutions.cfm

Proposer: Dhx1

OLE Nepal's Epustakalya

Description: E-Pustakalaya is an education-focused digital library containing full-text documents, books, images, videos, audio files, and interactive educational software that can be accessed through an intranet or on the Internet. OLE Nepal started the development of E-Pustakalaya in 2008 with the aim to improve children's reading skills and develop a reading culture in schools by giving them free and open access to age-appropriate reading materials and to enable students to do research projects and promot

URL: https://pustakalaya.org/en/

Proposer: Wallflowernepal


Description: 这个网站是目前最大的英文书法网站了,上面有许多的英文书法书籍等等,还有他们的期刊对于维基百科相关内容的补充也很重要,我希望图书馆可以与他们合作来为图书馆成员有免费申请到他们的订阅的可能 多谢

URL: https://www.iampeth.com/

Proposer: Catowen

a+t Online Library

Description: Books, magazines and catalogues from a+t architecture publishers (Architecture, Urbanism, Housing). Subscription for institutional access is available.

URL: https://aplust.net/tienda/tarifas-biblioteca/idioma/en/

Proposer: Mizukane203


Description: The RIBA Journal ("RIBAJ"; formerly 'Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects') was established in 1893 and continues to be published. The online edition is updated daily and has additional content. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIBA_Journal

URL: https://www.ribaj.com/

Proposer: Pigsonthewing


Description: ES: Ofrece algunas publicaciones y libros en campos relacionados a la arqueología. EN: It offers some publications and books in topics related to archaeology.

URL: http://ehrafarchaeology.yale.edu

Proposer: ErickAmílcar2008


Description: Multi-disciplined e-library with various language books

URL: https://hiperkitap.com

Proposer: ZeusAmmon1

Association for Information Systems

Description: Proceedings of the high-ranked conferences ICIS, ECIS, PACIS, AMCIS on Information Systems.

URL: https://aisel.aisnet.org/

Proposer: Rocket1

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathe

Description: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) fosters the development of applied mathematical and computational methodologies needed in various application areas. Applied mathematics, in partnership with computational science, is essential in solving many real-world problems. Through publications, research and community, the mission of SIAM is to build cooperation between mathematics and the worlds of science and technology.

URL: https://www.siam.org/

Proposer: Lucho

NCTM, Nat'l Council of Teachers of Math.

Description: The NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) publishes a number of current and former journals related to elementary mathematics and mathematics education. It seems like their journals are primarily available only to NCTM members, but libraries may also be able to subscribe and access their archives. It’s hard to tell for sure.

URL: https://pubs.nctm.org/page/subscriptions

Proposer: Jacobolus

Island Press

Description: Nonprofit publisher of nonfiction books concerning the environment and the built environment.

URL: http://www.islandpress.org

Proposer: Superb Owl

Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition

Description: Encyclopaedia of Islam is provided by BRILL and it's a very important source for the knowledge of the Islamic World

URL: https://referenceworks.brillonline.com/browse/encyclopaedia-of-islam-2

Proposer: Mastrocom


Description: Adweek.com is a weekly American advertising trade publication that is useful for researching articles about marketing and companies.

URL: https://www.adweek.com/corporate-subscriptions/

Proposer: FormalDude

Kvant (magazine)

Description: Kvant is a popular science magazine in physics and mathematics for school students and teachers, issued in print between 1970 and 2011 (in russians)

URL: http://kvant.mccme.ru/

Proposer: Dnikitin

Les Jours

Description: Information website that deals with current events through a series of articles, called "obsessions", similar to the way television series work.

URL: https://lesjours.fr/

Proposer: Wyslijp16

Corpus Hedendaags Nederlands

Description: Collection of 800,000+ texts from newspapers, magazines, news broadcasts and legal writings (1814-2013). A combination of the 5, 27 and 38 Million Words Corpora and the PAROLE Corpus, plus newspaper texts from NRC and De Standaard (until 2013). For copyright reasons one needs an account.

URL: https://chn.ivdnt.org/

Proposer: Bertux

Bild der Wissenschaft

Description: Schwerpunkt von bdw sind die Naturwissenschaften

URL: https://www.wissenschaft.de/

Proposer: Diego de Tenerife


Description: Darwinbook is the digital archive/online database of two of the leading Italian scientific publishers: il Mulino and Carocci. The database gives access to around 1,300 Italian books in the areas of history, philosophy, literary criticism, sociology and political science.

URL: https://www.darwinbooks.it/

Proposer: Gitz6666


Description: Food nutritional value database financed from federal tax funds. However, you have to buy a license key. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundeslebensmittelschlüssel

URL: https://www.blsdb.de/

Proposer: KleinerKorrektor

Rock Paper Shotgun

Description: A PC-oriented gaming news and review website, part of the Gamer Network family of sites. It is considered a high-quality reliable source by WP:VG. A partnership would allow editors to use articles locked behind the site's RPS Premium paywall, which has been a hindrance for some editors.

URL: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/

Proposer: TheJoebro64


Description: It has huge open access and premium content from different disciplines. According to the website they have 285.1m publications.

URL: https://zendy.io

Proposer: Ianaso

Tribune de Genève

Description: A French newspaper in Switzerland dating back to 1879.

URL: https://www.tdg.ch/

Proposer: Filmforme


Description: LLMC Digital describes itself as "a nonprofit committing to saving the law," and from what I understand about its content, it could be a great resource to those of us trying to cite and source info, especially (in my case) state government proceedings and journals.

URL: https://llmc.com/

Proposer: Golbez

World Christian Database

Description: The World Christian Database, complementing the World Religion Database, includes details on Christian denominations and other religions in every country of the world. Information is readily available on religious activities, literature, worker activity, and demography. It is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in Christian and religious demography and the history of Christianity. There is no other resource completely focused on providing global statistics on World Christianity today.

URL: https://worldchristiandatabase.org/

Proposer: Belson 303

Marquis Biographies Online

Description: A collection of biographical information used in ''Who's Who in America'' etc.

URL: https://marquiswhoswho.com/marquis-biographies-online/

Proposer: BhamBoi

MusicID / Academic Rights Press

Description: Music ID contains music chart information from around the world. It would be useful for comparing and compiling chart performance for albums by musicians when writing about them on Wikipedia.

URL: https://www.musicidhub.com

Proposer: Jimmyjrg

DPG Media

Description: DPG Media publishes a number of high quality newspapers in the Netherlands, including Volkskrant, Trouw and Parool. These archives are behind a paywall but contain high quality source materials for Wikipedia articles on topics from the Netherlands. DPG now provides access to all these archives to subscribers of these newspapers so there must be an access system that could be used.

URL: https://www.dpgmediagroup.com/nl-NL

Proposer: Effeietsanders

Drama Online

Description: Drama Online is an award-winning digital library that has been created as a response to the need for a high-quality online research tool for drama and literature students, professors, and teachers. It combines exclusively available playtext content and scholarly publications with filmed live performances, film adaptations and audio plays.

URL: https://www.dramaonlinelibrary.com

Proposer: Enverates


Description: Revue d'histoire francophone

URL: https://www.lhistoire.fr/

Proposer: Archibald Tuttle


Description: Contains news articles from Singapore's 19 national newspapers (English, Chinese, Malay, and Tamil) from 1989 onwards, and Asia News Network's 27 news media dated 2008 onward.

URL: https://www.newslink.sg/

Proposer: Robertsky

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Description: Contains over 2,700 books, including a large number of critical texts that are necessary for editing a wide range of topics.

URL: http://www.austriaca.at/

Proposer: Antiquistik

Vertebrate Zoology

Description: This has many informative research papers on zoology, it is super helpful.

URL: https://vertebrate-zoology.arphahub.com/

Proposer: AtharvK

NZZ -Ausgabe für Deutschland

Description: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neue_Z%C3%BCrcher_Zeitung The Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ; "New Journal of Zürich") is a Swiss, German-language daily newspaper, published by NZZ Mediengruppe in Zürich.[1] The paper was founded in 1780. It was described as having a reputation as a high-quality newspaper, as the Swiss-German newspaper of record, and for objective and detailed reports on international affairs.

URL: https://www.nzz.ch/deutschland

Proposer: Diego de Tenerife

The Athletic

Description: Sports news website with high-quality journalism and depth pieces in addition to regular reporting. Includes substantial coverage of American men's sports leagues as well as international soccer and women's sports. Owned by The New York Times.

URL: https://theathletic.com/

Proposer: SounderBruce

British History Online (BHO)

Description: British History Online is a huge collection of digitised materials, including The Survey of London, the Victoria County Histories, and State Papers.

URL: https://www.british-history.ac.uk/

Proposer: Protalina

Ch. Links Verlag

Description: Numerous books on politics and contemporary history, focus on Germany. A valuable source for Wikipedia.

URL: https://www.aufbau-verlage.de/ch-links-verlag

Proposer: Asperatus

Bloomsbury Food Library

Description: This is an interdisciplinary collection looking at food in its widest academic sense - culture, security, history, etc.

URL: https://www.bloomsburyfoodlibrary.com/about-bloomsbury-food-library

Proposer: SchroCat


Description: Has useful biomedical journals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioscientifica

URL: https://www.bioscientifica.com/


Tech Heralds

Description: Tech Heralds, We here ensure to provide the latest news to our viewers. Our main purpose is to give news in its most raw form without any unnecessary alternation.

URL: https://www.techheralds.com/

Proposer: Kelvin Katie

The Municipal Journal

Description: United Kingdom publication with a stated target audience of "council chief executives and their teams of decision-makers in local authorities and allied sectors"; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Municipal_Journal The current issue is usually free to read, but older issues are paywalled.

URL: https://www.themj.co.uk

Proposer: Pigsonthewing

Corpus of Global Web-Based English

Description: "GloWbE contains about 1.9 billion words of text from twenty different countries. This makes it about 100 times as large as other corpora like the International Corpus of English, and it allows for many types of searches that would not be possible otherwise." (excerpt from its self-description)

URL: https://www.english-corpora.org/glowbe/

Proposer: PauAmma


Description: American Theological Library Association (ATLA) hosts a series of study and research tools such as the ATLA Religion Database, ATLAserials, ATLA Religion Library, and the like. ATLA Religion Database (ATLA RDB) is the premier resource for scholarly works pertaining to the study of religion and spirituality (all religions). The resource is managed by EBSCO.

URL: http://atla.com

Proposer: TrulyShruti


Description: قاعدة معلومات علمية متخصصة في المجالات البحثية والأكاديمية العربية

URL: http://mandumah.com/

Proposer: Sharriffo

ASPET Journals Online

Description: The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics publishes many influential journals in these disciplines

URL: https://aspetjournals.org/

Proposer: Tamunro

Geological Institute RAS

Description: Publications of the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (in PDF, since 1927, mostly in Russian): Proceedings, micropaleontology, Bulletin of the Commission for the study of the Quaternary period, Essays on the history of geological knowledge, Stratigraphy. Geological correlation, Lithology and minerals, Geological knowledge of the USSR, Geotectonics, etc.

URL: http://www.ginras.ru/publications/index-t.php

Proposer: Ivtorov


Description: Hungarian textbooks and secondary literature.

URL: https://www.szaktars.hu/

Proposer: Adam Harangozó (NIHR WiR)

El Día

Description: spanische Tageszeitung der wkanarischen Inseln

URL: https://www.eldia.es/

Proposer: Diego de Tenerife

PEP Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing

Description: PEP-Web (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing Web) is a subscription-based online collection of current and past psychoanalytic journals and papers. PEP-Web holds all the major psychoanalytic journals. PEP-Web has the full text of over 44,000 articles and 54 classic books, covering well over 100 years of psychoanalytic scholarship. Subscribers can also access the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (1886-1939).

URL: https://pep-web.org/

Proposer: Nullibiquite


Description: Partie du projet Z-Library. La plus grande bibliothèque électronique au monde

URL: http://z-lib.is/

Proposer: Souvarina


Description: The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) is an international society for practitioners in the fields of operations research (O.R.), management science, and analytics. It was established in 1995 with the merger of the Operations Research Society of America (ORSA) and The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS).

URL: https://pubsonline.informs.org/

Proposer: Lucho

Inorganic Crystal Structure Database

Description: The "Inorganic Crystal Structure Database" (ICSD) provides the most accurate crystallographic data of minerals and inorganic compounds worldwide, along with highly reliable citations of the sources. Access to the ICSD would be a great help for all authors working in the fields of crystallography, minerals and inorganic compounds as well for creating and providing accurate pictures of crystal structures to improve the overall quality of our projects.

URL: https://icsd.products.fiz-karlsruhe.de

Proposer: Solid State

Peeters Publishers Leuven

Description: Why not add Peeters Publishers Leuven, an important academic publisher from Belgium.

URL: https://poj.peeters-leuven.be/content.php

Proposer: Espadille

eHRAF World Cultures (Yale University)

Description: A large collection of ethnographical data on various pre-industrial societies. Access is today limited to academic institutions that are partners in the "Files".

URL: https://ehrafworldcultures.yale.edu/

Proposer: Espadille


Description: An online archive of Singapore newspapers (since 1827). Unfortunately some of the articles can only be viewed from the multimedia stations at local NLB Libraries, so it would be brilliant if they could somehow be made available online for Wikipedia authors.

URL: https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/

Proposer: 147snooker


Description: a german academic repository with books and journals covering a wide range of subjects.

URL: https://biblioscout.net/

Proposer: Miyoharu

Märkische Oderzeitung (MOZ)

Description: Regional newspaper reporting from the region east of Berlin with a population of around 600,000.

URL: https://www.moz.de/

Proposer: Molgreen

Osteuropa Zeitschrift

Description: Osteuropa analysiert Politik und Kultur, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Osten Europas. Themenhefte rücken Probleme in eine vergleichende Perspektive; Länderhefte bieten Orientierung zur Osterweiterung des europäischen Denkens; handbuchartige Doppelhefte stellen als Referenzwerke die Grundlagen des Wissens zur Verfügung: von Beutekunst bis Zentralasien. Aufwendige Farbkarten gestatten ungewohnte Blicke. Osteuropa wird herausgegeben von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde (DGO) e.V.

URL: https://zeitschrift-osteuropa.de

Proposer: Rkendlbacher

Met Opera On Demand

Description: For students and faculty, and particularly music departments, Met Opera on Demand is an essential collection of unique quality, artistic and historic significance, and substantial breadth and depth. An invaluable resource to serious students and lovers of opera, the Met Opera on Demand: Student Access catalog is also wonderfully accessible as an introduction to opera for all members of your academic community.

URL: https://www.metopera.org/discover/education/student-access/

Proposer: Enverates

Getty Research Institute

Description: Can be useful for many, among other, for the library of the Getty Research Institute.

URL: https://www.getty.edu/research/

Proposer: Kemkhachev


Description: Art auction data from "over 5,000 of the world’s premier auction houses". We had access for a while, in 2018. I never used my code, because it required me to supply credit card details, even though the charge was "$0.00". Maybe worth trying again, as the organisation was amenable? [Added 2024-01-24]

URL: https://www.invaluable.com/

Proposer: Pigsonthewing

The Information

Description: American technology publication founded in 2013.

URL: https://www.theinformation.com/

Proposer: Frostly

La Nazione

Description: È un giornale d’informazione Italiano e di alta qualità.

URL: https://www.lanazione.it/

Proposer: 9002Jack

Gale Archives of Latin America and Caribbean History, Sixteenth to Twentieth c.

Description: Covering Latin America culture and society from the fifteenth century to the twentieth century, the collection consists of over 1.3 million pages of archival material. The multidisciplinary range of Archives of Latin America and Caribbean History, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century ensures it meets the needs of researchers, postgraduates, and undergraduates with interests in regional studies, history, political science, anthropology, sociology, economics, and international relations.

URL: https://www.gale.com/c/archives-of-latin-american-and-caribbean-history

Proposer: Romano1920


Description: Access to the Ouest-France archive is only possible for Pack numerique/Pack familie abonnent users and only for French users. The archive is very rich in articles, especially about French products, news, etc. It is not good for users who do not have a subscription to use links to premium articles because Wikipedia converts them badly as a reference.

URL: https://www.ouest-france.fr/premium/

Proposer: Serek17

Dagens Nyheter Arkivet

Description: The presently-paywalled archives of Sweden's newspaper of record.

URL: https://arkivet.dn.se/

Proposer: That Article Editing Guy

Scholars Portal Books

Description: Offers sources in English and French, as well as a minor collections of other languages. Taken from https://books.scholarsportal.info/en/about "Most of our content is from academic publishers, and is available to Ontario universities that have purchased ebooks with perpetual access rights....Publishers represented on the platform include Oxford University Press, Emerald, IEEE, Springer, Taylor & Francis, and most Canadian University Presses."

URL: https://books.scholarsportal.info/en

Proposer: Z1720

National Diet Library of Japan (NDL)国立国会図書館

Description: Abiding to Japan's Law, anybody publishing books and journals in Japan are deemed to donate a copy per issue to NDL: the collection cosists of books for general readers as well as children's books; * Its own news letter, the term "Wikipedia" hits 400+ times; https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/data/index.html * its international hub : https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/international/index.html * Wikimedia Commons will gain historical images/photographs at: https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/d_exhibitions/index.html.

URL: https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/registration/organization.html

Proposer: Omotecho

Pyramid (magazine) published by Steve Jackson Games

Description: Contains reviews of many board and role-playing products. Very hard to find anyone with access. Requested by WikiProject Role-playing games and Board game project. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Role-playing_games#Pyramid_reviews_and_archives

URL: https://www.sjgames.com/pyramid/

Proposer: Piotrus


Description: BioOne operates the BioOne Digital Library (https://bioone.org/), which provides access to hundreds of biology-related scientific journals and ebooks from reputable publishers such as the American Museum of Natural History, CSIRO, the Entomological Society of America, Missouri Botanical Garden Press, the Paleontological Society, etc. BioOne's collection would be an excellent resource for editors working on biology topics.

URL: https://bioonepublishing.org/

Proposer: Ethmostigmus

Répertoire international de la presse musicale

Description: According to their How to Access RIPM’s Online Publications page, they are available through EBSCOHost, but apparently not with The Wikipedia Library's current access. See discussion at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:WikiProject_Women_in_Red#Great_source_for_writing_on_women_in_classical_music,_opera,_etc.

URL: https://ripm.org/

Proposer: Nick Number

ATF Press

Description: ATF Press Publishing Group, established in 1993, is an Australian-based independent publisher with an international reach. Titles focus on ethical and social issues, including the environment, science, space exploration, art and religion. ATF Press Publishing Group publishes academic books and peer-refereed journals as well as trade books with a popular appeal in print, ePub and PDF formats. This could also be added by adding JSTOR books.

URL: https://atfpress.com/

Proposer: Sawyer777


Description: OpenCorporates is "the world’s largest open legal-entity database". Some of their data is behind a registration form which requires a company email. It would be great if Wikipedia and Wikidata editors had access to this data.

URL: https://opencorporates.com/

Proposer: PKM

אוצר החכמה

Description: ספריית יהדות מקוונת עם למעלה מ100,000 כותרים. שימושי מאוד בכתיבת ערכים בנושא יהדות. זמינה בחינם באופן חלקי.

URL: https://tablet.otzar.org/#/loading

Proposer: יהוצפלח

NOLA.com Archives (via Newsbank)

Description: Daily newspaper archives for the Times Picayune of New Orleans. At present, these are accessible only via Newsbank.

URL: https://nola.newsbank.com/

Proposer: That Article Editing Guy

Plain Dealer Archives

Description: A NewsBank-exclusive archive for the Cleveland-based newspaper.

URL: https://cleveland.newsbank.com/

Proposer: That Article Editing Guy

Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF)

Description: The Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF) is an internationally recognized organization in the field of cultural anthropology. Founded in 1949 at Yale University, HRAF is a not-for-profit membership consortium of universities, colleges, and research institutions. Its mission is to encourage and facilitate the cross-cultural study of human culture, society and behavior in the past and present.

URL: https://hraf.yale.edu/ehc/

Proposer: Espadille

Times of London

Description: The entry for [[Anthony Trollope]] is sadly incomplete and to improve it, I need to read some reviews from the Times of London in January 1860. The Times claims to have a pretty complete archive, but subscriptions are expensive and my local public library doesn't have it. Looking for alternatives but I would think this would be a rich source of high-value citations in centuries past.

URL: https://www.thetimes.co.uk

Proposer: TimBray


Description: Chessable is an online chess publishing platform that has increasingly become known for its vast collection of opening theory courses that are created by titled players (such as grandmasters and international masters). It's relatively new, being founded in 2018, but it's come onto the chess scene like a bolt of lightning and has revolutionized how new opening theory is learned and taught. There are some freely available courses, but the vast majority of the site's course material is paywalled.

URL: https://www.chessable.com/

Proposer: Red-tailed hawk


Description: DIE WELT - deutsche Tageszeitung https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Welt

URL: https://www.welt.de/weltplus/

Proposer: PS2801

Süddeutsche Zeitung - Archiv

Description: deutsche überregionale Abonnement-Tageszeitung https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%BCddeutsche_Zeitung

URL: https://www.sz-archiv.de

Proposer: PS2801

ADAC Motorwelt

Description: Mitgliederzeitschrift des ADAC

URL: https://www.adac.de/der-adac/motorwelt/

Proposer: PS2801

Badische Neueste Nachrichten

Description: einzige gedruckten regionalen Tageszeitung im Stadt- und Landkreis Karlsruhe

URL: https://bnn.de/plus

Proposer: PS2801

Antiques Trade Gazette

Description: Highly-respected trade journal covering antiques, including jewellery and silverware

URL: https://www.antiquestradegazette.com/

Proposer: Pigsonthewing

Alcohol Research Documentation, Inc

Description: The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs is quite specialized, but it also does not seem to be available via any of the current subscriptions. A one-year subscription combined with a group of editor's efforts to improve encyclopedic coverage in this area may produce good results.

URL: https://www.jsad.com/pb-assets/2024%20price%20list%20-%20Journal%20of%20Studies%20on%20Alcohol%20and%20Drugs-1691438049733.pdf

Proposer: Mathnerd314159

The News &amp; Observer

Description: Long-running newspaper covering Raleigh and the surrounding Research Triangle in North Carolina since 1865. Much of their modern work cannot be accessed due to paywall, and other sources like newspaper.com are slow to add their work to their collection, if at all. The removal of this barrier would help provide sources to better cover this area on Wikipedia!

URL: https://www.newsobserver.com/

Proposer: Johnson524

Editora da Universidade de São Paulo

Description: Academic publisher of one of the most renowned universities in Brazil.

URL: https://www.edusp.com.br/

Proposer: Linguistcorner


Description: a platform dedicated to scholar books in French.

URL: https://www.scholarvox.com/

Proposer: Pyb

Silesian Digital Library

Description: They have a collection of historic material for the Silesian area, yet some material is not open to the public online.

URL: https://sbc.org.pl/dlibra

Proposer: Tuexss


Description: A known catalogue that contains information regarding auctions, about art pieces etc.

URL: https://www.artprice.com/

Proposer: Kemkhachev

ProQuest Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive

Description: This digital archive is sure to receive rave reviews from those wanting to know more about behind-the-scenes activities of the music, film, gaming and entertainment industries. By providing major trade and consumer magazines, from their inception to recent times, it arms students and researchers with the primary source material needed to develop a contextual understanding of the entertainment industry as it evolved over the 20th and 21st centuries.

URL: https://about.proquest.com/en/products-services/eima/

Proposer: AstonishingTunesAdmirer


Description: Would be an asset to do some researches, for contributing on WP.

URL: https://www.bepols.net

Proposer: CathSoph

National Library of Norway

Description: The national library of Norway contains material that is might not be easily accessible to those outside of Norway. The material in the collection can help those outside of the country learn and better their work.

URL: https://www.nb.no/en/

Proposer: Tobost06


Description: Предлагаю Scopus. Это удобная база публикаций, которая позволяет отобрать список литературы по теме и использовать его для написания статей в Википедии. Это качественный ресурс, хорошо отбирающий источники. У этого ресурса есть ряд преимуществ по сравнению с бесплатными базами такими как Lens или OpenAlex - там гораздо "чище" метаданные публикаций (меньше явных ошибок), много возможностей отобрать библиографию среди уже заранее отобранных издательств, журналов, и книг.

URL: https://scopus.com

Proposer: Всезнайка

Web of Science

Description: Предлагаю Web of Science. Это крупный библиографический ресурс, с качественно отобранными источниками, позволяющий увидеть список литературы за последние 125 лет практически по любой теме, при этом это будут очень качественные источники - академические журналы и книги. Есть множество возможностей для удобного поиска и подбора этой литературы. Благодаря этому можно писать статьи в Википедии на основе наилучших академических источников.

URL: https://www.webofknowledge.com/

Proposer: Всезнайка

The Glendale Independent

Description: a periodical published by Independent Newspapers Inc.

URL: https://iniusa.org

Proposer: Mike Schwartz

Israel State Archives

Description: The official archive of Israel. Among other, includes: Cabinet meeting protocols since 1948 Protocols of Parliamentary (Knesset) comities British Mandatory documents

URL: https://catalog.archives.gov.il/en/

Proposer: Refael Ackermann


Description: Moltissime recensioni di libri altrimenti a pagamento

URL: https://www.lastampa.it/tuttolibri/

Proposer: GabrieleBellucci