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July Date Spotted For "No Game No Life" Anime Movie

Three main voice cast will join the Anime Japan 2017 event

At the beginning of the month, Kadokawa announced that the three lead voice actors from No Game No Life, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Sora), Ai Kayano (Shiro) and Yoko Hikasa (Stephanie Dola), will be joining a stage event for the film to be held at 13:40 at the AnimeJapan event on March 26th. With an anime movie previously announced for this year, an early look at the promo material for the event has shown the movie has been dated for a July 15th opening.


The TV anime's director Atsuko Ishizuka (HanayamataPrince of Stride: Alternative) is confirmed to helm the film as well. But instead of Kouji Ohya for the TV anime, Satoshi Tasaki (Fairy MusketeersRIDEBACK) newly serves as the character designer.







"No Game No Life -Zero-" Main Staff:

 Director: Atsuko Ishizuka (HanayamataPrince of Stride: Alternative)

 Screenplay: Jukki Hanada (Love Live!, Sound! Euphonium)

 Character Design: Satoshi Tasaki (Fairy MusketeersRIDEBACK)

 Anime Production: Madhouse


Spoiler warning if you only know the series from the 2014 TV anime...


Last summer, Thiago Furukawa Lucas, aka Yuu Kamiya, author of the  hikikomori step-siblings gamers sent to a fantasy world series, as well as  A Dark Rabbit Has Seven Lives and soon-to-be-anime-adapted Clockwork Planet, took to Twitter to offer a reaction/big hint. 



"Hmm? Ah, yes. Regarding the No Game No Life movie, as you can see from the announcement image...
Though it can be difficult to tell them apart. that's  Riku and Shuvi. In other words, it's volume 6."


via moetron



Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

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