September 2007 update

On 14 September 2007 the alphabetical range proter-purposive was added to the New Edition: every word in this range has been thoroughly revised and updated. Below are listed all the new words in the range. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • protiated, adj.
  • Protoceratops, n.
  • protoctist, n. and adj.
  • Protoctista, n.
  • protoctistan, adj. and n.
  • protohominid, adj. and n.
  • Proto-Luke, n.
  • proto-oncogene, n.
  • protoporcelain, n.
  • Protorosaurus, n.
  • protostomian, adj. and n.
  • prototype, v.
  • protropin, n.
  • protruberance, n.
  • Protura, n.
  • proturan, adj. and n.
  • Prout’s hypothesis, n.
  • Provimi, n.
  • provost marshal general, n.
  • proximation, n.
  • Prozac, n.
  • prozine, n.
  • pruno, n.
  • prutah, n.
  • pry bar, n.
  • pryddest, n.
  • PsA, n.
  • psammology, n.
  • Psc, n.
  • pseudo-cleft, adj. and n.
  • pseudocoelomate, adj. and n.
  • pseudocolouring | pseudocoloring, n.
  • pseudocopulation, n.
  • pseudoephedrine, n.
  • pseudofossil, adj. and n.
  • pseudophotograph, n.
  • pseudy, adj.
  • psilophyte, n.
  • psittacosaur, n.
  • psittacosaurid, n. and adj.
  • Psittacosaurus, n.
  • Psocoptera, n.
  • psorophthalmy, n.
  • Psoroptes, n.
  • psychedelic trance, n.
  • psychobilly, n.
  • psychoeconomic, adj.
  • psycho-educational, adj.
  • psychogeneticist, n.
  • psychogeographer, n.
  • psychogeriatrician, n.
  • psychographist, n.
  • psychohydraulic, adj.
  • psychohydraulics, n.
  • psychoimmunology, n.
  • psycho-killer, n.
  • psychonaut, n.
  • psychoneuroimmunologic, adj.
  • psychoneuroimmunological, adj.
  • psychoneuroimmunology, n.
  • psychonomic, adj.
  • psychospiritual, adj.
  • psychotronic, adj.
  • psychotronics, n.
  • psychrometrically, adv.
  • psychrotherapy, n.
  • psy-trance, n.
  • ptaquiloside, n.
  • pteraspid, n. and adj.
  • Pteridophyta, n.
  • pteropodine, adj. and n.
  • pteroyl, n.
  • -pterygian, comb. form
  • pterygiate, adj.
  • -pterygious, comb. form
  • Ptolemaian, n.
  • Ptolemean, n.1 and adj.1
  • ptui, int.
  • Pu, n.
  • pubbing, n.
  • pubcaster, n.
  • pube, n.
  • public domain, n.
  • public enterprise, n.
  • public key, n.
  • public minister, n.
  • public schooling, n.
  • pudend, n.
  • pudge, n.3
  • pudina, n.
  • Pueblan, n.1 and adj.1
  • Pueblan, n.2 and adj.2
  • Puebloan, n. and adj.
  • pueblo joven, n.
  • puer aeternus, n.
  • Pu-erh, n.
  • puffa, n.
  • puffet, n.
  • puffin, n.3
  • puggy, adj.3
  • pugilistics, n.
  • pugillares, n.
  • Pugin, adj.
  • puh-leeze, adv. and int.
  • puka, n.2
  • pulegone, n.
  • Puligny-Montrachet, n.
  • pull-away, n.2
  • pullikins, n.
  • Pullo, n. and adj.
  • pully, n.
  • pulmonologist, n.
  • pulmonology, n.
  • pulped, adj.2
  • pump-out, n.
  • pump-prime, v.
  • pump-primed, adj.
  • pum-pum, n.
  • pun, n.2
  • punani, n.
  • punchiness, n.2
  • punch-out, n. and adj.
  • punctulate, v.
  • punditocracy, n.
  • punim, n.
  • punk, v.2
  • punkabilly, n.
  • punked, adj.
  • punketto, n.1
  • punky, adj.2
  • punnai, n.
  • punta, n.2
  • punt-out, n.
  • Pup, n.3
  • puppa, n.
  • puppe, n.
  • puppeteer, v.
  • puppeteering, n.
  • puppet-playing, adj.
  • Puppis, n.
  • pupu, n.
  • pupusa, n.
  • pure laine, adj. and n.
  • pure mathematics, n.
  • pur et dur, n. and adj.
  • purloinment, n.
  • purp, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under Proteus, n.)
    • Proteus syndrome
  • (Under prothetely, n.)
    • prothetelous
  • (Under proto-, comb. form)
    • proto-industrial
    • proto-industrialization
    • proto-punk
    • Proto-World
    • prothyalosome
    • protobird
    • protomammal
    • protometabolism
    • protocoel
    • proto-feminist
  • (Under protocone, n.)
    • protoconal
  • (Under protopathic, adj.)
    • protopathic bias
  • (Under protostome, n. and adj.)
    • protostomatous
    • protostomous
  • (Under prototypical, adj.)
    • prototypicality
  • (Under protozoological, adj.)
    • protozoologically
  • (Under protrusible, adj.)
    • protrusibility
  • (Under proviant, n.)
    • proviant master
  • (Under provident, adj.)
    • provident fund
  • (Under province, n.)
    • provincehood
  • (Under proxy, n.)
    • proxy fight
    • proxy server
    • proxy war
  • (Under prune, n.)
    • prune belly
    • prune belly syndrome
    • prune-faced
  • (Under pryan, n.)
    • pryany
  • (Under psammoma, n.)
    • psammoma body
  • (Under pseudo-, comb. form)
    • pseudoautosomal
    • pseudodementia
    • pseudoprime
    • absolute pseudoprime
    • pseudotachylitic
    • pseudovirion
    • pseudo-realistic
  • (Under pseudo-cleft, adj. and n.)
    • pseudo-clefting
  • (Under pseudomonas, n.)
    • pseudomonal
  • (Under pseudorandom, adj.)
    • pseudorandomness
  • (Under psorophthalmy, n.)
    • psorophthalmic
  • (Under psychic, adj. and n.)
    • psychic numbing
  • (Under psychobabble, n.)
    • psychobabbling
  • (Under psycho-, comb. form)
    • psychobiotic
    • psycho-emotional
    • psycho-moral
    • psycho-philosophical
    • psychothriller
    • psychovitalism
    • psychovitalistic
  • (Under psychological, adj. and n.)
    • psychological autopsy
    • psychological block
    • psychological moment
    • psychological operations
    • psychological profile
    • psychological profiler
    • psychological profiling
    • psychological thriller
  • (Under psychometric, adj.)
    • psychometric test
    • psychometric testing
  • (Under psychophysical, adj.)
    • psychophysical parallelism
  • (Under pteridophyte, n.)
    • pteridophytic
  • (Under pteridosperm, n.)
    • pteridospermous
  • (Under pteropod, n.)
    • pteropod shell
  • (Under pub, n.1)
    • pub band
    • pub sign
  • (Under pubic, adj.)
    • pubic bone
    • pubic symphysis
  • (Under public, adj. and n.)
    • public analyst
    • public bar
    • public broadcaster
    • public broadcasting
    • public charge
    • public choice
    • public company
    • public diplomacy
    • public figure
    • public good
    • public holiday
    • public intellectual
    • public language
    • public lavatory
    • public liability
    • public liability insurance
    • public limited company
    • public menace
    • public offer
    • public offering
    • public office
    • public–private
    • public speaker
    • public speaking
    • public switched telephone network
    • public table
    • public toilet
    • public transportation
    • public interest immunity
  • (Under publicity, n.)
    • publicity machine
    • publicity release
    • publicity shot
    • publicity campaign
    • publicity department
    • publicity-shy
    • publicity-driven
  • (Under public service, n.)
    • public service vehicle
  • (Under pubo-, comb. form)
    • pubococcygeal
    • pubo-ischiadic
  • (Under puck, n.5)
    • puck-handler
  • (Under pucker, n.1)
    • pucker factor
  • (Under puckle, n.)
    • puckle’s needle
  • (Under pudding, n.)
    • pudding-poke
  • (Under puddle, n.)
    • puddle jump
    • puddle-jump
    • puddle-jumping
  • (Under puddling, n.)
    • puddling train
  • (Under puff, n. and adj.)
    • puff netting
  • (Under pull-, comb. form)
    • pull factor
    • pull start
    • pull-start
    • pull-quote
  • (Under pull, v.)
    • to pull away
    • to pull away the shoulder
    • to pull back
    • to pull down
    • to pull in
    • to pull off
    • to pull out
    • to pull over
    • to pull up
    • to pull up to
    • to pull up short
  • (Under pulley, n.1)
    • pulley stock
  • (Under pulmonary, adj. and n.)
    • pulmonary pleura
  • (Under pulmonic, n. and adj.)
    • pulmonic valve
  • (Under pulp, n.)
    • pulp cutter
    • pulp fiction
    • pulp log
  • (Under pulpit, n.)
    • pulpit pounder
  • (Under pulsation, n.)
    • pulsation theory
  • (Under pulse, n.1)
    • pulse code
    • pulse coding
    • pulse dialling
    • pulse-Doppler
    • pulse meter
    • pulse oximeter
    • pulse point
    • pulse-taker
  • (Under pulsed, adj.)
    • pulsed Doppler
  • (Under pump, n.1)
    • pump clip
    • pump fake
    • pump-fake
    • pump jockey
    • pump joint
  • (Under pumpkin, n.)
    • pumpkin bread
  • (Under punch, n.1)
    • punch clock
    • punch list
    • punchwork
  • (Under puncture, n.)
    • puncture wound
  • (Under punditocracy, n.)
    • punditocratic
  • (Under punishment, n.)
    • punishment beating
  • (Under punk, n.1 and adj.2)
    • punk funk
  • (Under punnai, n.)
    • punnai spar
    • punnai oil
  • (Under punt, n.1)
    • punt fisherman
  • (Under pupil, n.1)
    • pupil barrister
    • pupil-centred
    • pupil nurse
  • (Under pupil, n.2)
    • pupil constrictor
    • pupil-constricting
  • (Under pupillary, adj.1)
    • pupillary substitution
  • (Under puppy, n.)
    • puppy farm
  • (Under puppy dog, n.)
    • puppy-dog eyes
  • (Under pupu, n.)
    • pupu platter
  • (Under purchased, adj.)
    • purchased life annuity
  • (Under purchaser, n.)
    • purchaser–provider
  • (Under pure, adj., adv., and n.)
    • pure play
    • pure villeinage
  • (Under puritan, n. and adj.)
    • Puritan papist
  • (Under Purkinje, n.)
    • Purkinje effect
  • (Under purple, adj. and n.)
    • purple sea urchin
    • purple cow-wheat
    • purple-flowered moneywort
    • purple jacobaea
    • purple medick
    • purple melic
    • purple melic grass
    • purple milk-vetch
    • purple nut grass
    • purple saxifrage
    • purple sprouting broccoli
    • purple-dyeing
    • purple prose
    • purple-backed
    • purple-throated

Out-of-sequence new entries

13 September 2007 also saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • abdominoplasty, n.
  • acquis, n.
  • acquis communautaire, n.
  • aeroponic, adj.
  • aeroponics, n.
  • akhara, n.
  • angioid, adj.
  • Arethusa, n.
  • aromatase, n.
  • arsewipe, n.
  • attrit, v.
  • balls-out, adv. and adj.
  • baraita, n.
  • bariatric, adj.
  • bariatrics, n.
  • barriada, n.
  • Benford’s law, n.
  • biomimetic, adj.
  • biomimetics, n.
  • bird-dog, v.
  • bisulphite | bisulfite, n.
  • boink, n. and int.
  • boink, v.
  • butylated, adj.
  • Cal-Mex, n.
  • caringly, adv.
  • CD, n.
  • centre stage | center stage, n. and adv.
  • ceratopsian, adj. and n.
  • ceratopsid, n. and adj.
  • chaise lounge, n.
  • charver, n.2
  • chesed, n.
  • chia, n.2
  • chimichanga, n.
  • Chutes and Ladders, n.
  • clootie, adj.
  • close-run, adj.
  • Corbusian, adj.
  • cowabunga, int.
  • craniopagus, n.
  • cubomedusa, n.
  • cubomedusan, n. and adj.
  • cubozoan, n. and adj.
  • cybrid, n.
  • cyclooxygenase, n.
  • Cymraeg, n.
  • dangdut, n.
  • darbuka, n.
  • de minimis, adv. and adj.
  • derro, n.
  • doosra, n.
  • dyskaryosis, n.
  • ebene, n.
  • entheogen, n.
  • fang, n.2
  • fang, v.3
  • farofa, n.
  • feuilleté, n.
  • followership, n.
  • funder, n.
  • Gallo-Romance, adj. and n.
  • gam, n.4
  • gam, v.2
  • gobar, n.
  • guggle, v.3
  • Harrington, n.2
  • havan, n.
  • hoon, v.
  • ijtihad, n.
  • indricothere, n.
  • izakaya, n.
  • jammies, n.
  • kaiseki, n.
  • kibbeh, n.
  • Kuiper belt, n.
  • lawyer, v.
  • over-emote, v.
  • pastilla, n.
  • Pauranic, n. and adj.
  • saketini, n.
  • Salentine, adj.
  • sampladelia, n.
  • sampladelic, adj.
  • samplist, n.
  • sampradaya, n.
  • sarcopenia, n.
  • scratch-off, n. and adj.
  • serovar, n.
  • shop lot, n.
  • skandha, n.
  • slide action, n. and adj.
  • sliotar, n.
  • snow slide, n.
  • tataki, n.
  • tawaf, n.
  • te reo, n.
  • te reo Maori, n.
  • touristed, adj.
  • transdifferentiate, v.
  • transdifferentiation, n.
  • Tshiluba, n.
  • tui na, n.
  • turntablism, n.
  • turntablist, n.
  • typicity, n.
  • untouristed, adj.
  • vaquita, n.
  • vespid, n. and adj.
  • wankered, adj.
  • yas yas, n.
  • ya-yas, n.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under air, n.)
    • air check
  • (Under baby, n.)
    • baby fat
  • (Under bad, adj., n., and adv.)
    • bad trip
  • (Under ball, n.1 and int.)
    • ball carrier
  • (Under barm, n.2)
    • barm cake
  • (Under bass, adj. and n.5)
    • bass-baritone
    • bass bin
    • bass boost
    • bass guitar
    • bass guitarist
    • bass-heavy
    • bass reflex
  • (Under beauty, n.)
    • beauty pageant
  • (Under bio-, comb. form)
    • biomimicry
  • (Under bird, n.)
    • bird dog
  • (Under boiler, n.)
    • boilermaker
  • (Under box, n.2)
    • box jelly
    • box jellyfish
  • (Under boxer, n.2)
    • boxer briefs
  • (Under brain, n.)
    • brain freeze
  • (Under broken, adj.)
    • broken record
  • (Under bunny, n.2)
    • bunny slope
  • (Under California, n.)
    • California king
    • California king size
  • (Under candy, n.1)
    • candy pulling
  • (Under cap, n.1)
    • cap sleeve
    • cap-sleeved
  • (Under centre | center, n. and adj.)
    • centre back
  • (Under cheesy, adj.)
    • cheesily
  • (Under child, n.)
    • child porn
    • child pornography
    • child star
  • (Under chilli | chilly, n.)
    • chilli dog
  • (Under chorus, n.)
    • chorus line
  • (Under city, n.)
    • city break
  • (Under cock, n.1)
    • cock-block
    • cock-blocker
  • (Under community, n.)
    • community garden
  • (Under compartment, n.)
    • compartment syndrome
  • (Under compulsory, adj. and n.)
    • compulsory purchase annuity
  • (Under construction, n.)
    • construction paper
  • (Under conversion, n.)
    • conversion van
  • (Under crab, n.1)
    • crab cake
  • (Under critical, adj.)
    • critical care
    • critical care unit
  • (Under cruciate, adj.)
    • cruciate ligament
  • (Under dark, adj.)
    • darknet
  • (Under D, n.)
    • DHEA
  • (Under death, n.)
    • death match
  • (Under destination, n.)
    • destination wedding
  • (Under drug, n.1)
    • drug-driving
  • (Under dry, adj. and adv.)
    • dry garden
  • (Under E, n.)
    • EKG
  • (Under exercise, n.)
    • exercise ball
    • exercise wheel
  • (Under fear, n.1)
    • fear factor
  • (Under fire, n.)
    • fire truck
  • (Under flag, n.4)
    • flag football
  • (Under fore-, prefix)
    • foregut
  • (Under full moon, n.)
    • full moon festival
  • (Under general, adj. and n.)
    • general counsel
  • (Under goody, n.2)
    • goody-bag
  • (Under grim, adj. and adv.)
    • grim reaper
  • (Under hamster, n.)
    • hamster ball
    • hamster wheel
  • (Under high, adj. and n.2)
    • high dependency
  • (Under hæmo- | hemo- | hæm- | hem-, comb. form)
    • haemocyte
  • (Under honour | honor, n.)
    • honour killing
  • (Under hump, n.)
    • hump day
  • (Under I, pron.)
    • I and I
  • (Under ice-cream, n.)
    • ice cream headache
    • ice cream sandwich
  • (Under Italian, adj. and n.)
    • Italian dressing
  • (Under K, n.)
    • KBO
  • (Under kiddy, n.)
    • kiddy pool
    • kiddies’ pool
  • (Under leaf, n.1)
    • leaf blower
  • (Under legal, adj.)
    • legal pad
  • (Under microsite, n.)
    • microsite
  • (Under S, n.1)
    • STI
  • (Under septic, adj. and n.)
    • septic tank
  • (Under sick, adj. and n.)
    • sick puppy
  • (Under slow, adj.)
    • slow-cook
  • (Under slugging, n.2)
    • slugging average
    • slugging percentage
  • (Under soy, n.1)
    • soyfood
  • (Under spring, n.1)
    • spring break
  • (Under stability, n.)
    • stability ball
  • (Under star, n.1)
    • starfucker
  • (Under steak, n.)
    • steak fry
  • (Under stress, n.)
    • stress ball
  • (Under super-, prefix)
    • superfamily
  • (Under sweater, n.)
    • sweater vest
  • (Under terrible, adj. (and n.))
    • terrible twos
  • (Under tone, n.)
    • tone dialling
  • (Under tonsil, n.)
    • tonsil hockey
    • to play tonsil hockey
  • (Under tool, n.)
    • toolset
  • (Under void, adj. and n.1)
    • void deck
  • (Under warm, adj. and n.2)
    • warm salad
  • (Under water, n.)
    • water feature
  • (Under zz P)
    • ppt

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • ahead, adv. (and prep.)
  • air, n.
  • apple, n.
  • assistive, adj.
  • backing, adj.
  • ball, n.1 and int.
  • base, n.1
  • beef, n.
  • best, adj. and adv.
  • bite, v.
  • body, n.
  • boggle, v.
  • break, n.1
  • cabin, n.
  • chafe, v.
  • champ, v.
  • check, v.1
  • chilli | chilly, n.
  • chomp, v.
  • crisp, n.
  • eight ball | eight-ball | eightball, n.
  • feathered, adj.
  • fry, n.2
  • gut, n.
  • ident, n.
  • Islamism, n.
  • septic, adj. and n.
  • skin, n.
  • soft, adj.
  • spoiler, n.
  • stuck, adj.2
  • stylist, n.
  • that, pron.1, adj., and adv.
  • wadded, adj.
  • zither, n.