New words list: June 2012

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New word entries
New sub-entries
New senses

New word entries

  • acidulum, n.
  • Aftonian, adj. and n.
  • apatosaur, n.
  • Apatosaurus, n.
  • aptronym, n.
  • aptronymic, n. and adj.
  • araneid, n. and adj.
  • arene, n.
  • Babalawo, n.
  • bimble, n.
  • bimble, v.
  • BitTorrent, n.
  • blacked-up, adj.
  • blacking up, n.
  • blacktop, v.
  • bling, v.
  • bogan, n.
  • bustler, n.2
  • capitalism, n.1
  • carpet-bomb, v.
  • chondral, adj.
  • command line, n.
  • conservatress, n.
  • cortado, n.
  • crureus, n.
  • cybercast, n.
  • cybercast, v.
  • cybercasting, n.
  • dance-off, n.
  • deinonychosaur, n.
  • Deinonychus, n.
  • digipak, n.
  • dogfighter, n.
  • dogleg, v.
  • dogsbody, v.
  • dogsbodying, n.
  • dogtrot, v.
  • dom, n.4 (and adj.)
  • earthlike, adj.
  • earthscape, n.
  • earth-stopping, n.
  • echinacea, n.
  • falcial, adj.
  • folate, n.
  • galaktoboureko, n.
  • Gallimimus, n.
  • Gaysoc, n.
  • Godwin’s Law, n.
  • half-caf, n. and adj.
  • Hooverian, adj. and n.
  • H-R diagram, n.
  • hypergranulation, n.
  • iguanodontid, n. and adj.
  • i-mind, n.
  • Irishy, n.
  • Kennedyesque, adj.
  • Kennedyism, n.
  • Kennedyite, n. and adj.
  • khanda, n.
  • MRS, n.2
  • oppo, n.2
  • paywall, n.
  • quantitative easing, n.
  • retcon, n.
  • retcon, v.
  • sauropodomorph, n. and adj.
  • Scotchgarding, n.
  • semispecies, n.
  • spirulina, n.
  • sriracha, n.
  • Struthiomimus, n.
  • sub clover, n.
  • sub tegmine fagi, adv.
  • sub, n.11 (and adj.)
  • sub, prep.
  • sub, v.5
  • subadditivity, n.
  • subalternate, v.
  • subalternated, adj.
  • subatmospheric, adj.
  • sub-band, n.2
  • subbing, n.4
  • sub-branched, adj.
  • subcanopy, n.
  • subcentric, adj.
  • sub-chantry, n.
  • subchondral, adj.
  • subcingle, n.
  • subcloning, n.
  • sub-commandant, n.
  • subcommander, n.
  • subcommunity, n.
  • subcontinuous, adj.
  • subcool, v.
  • sub-county, n.
  • subcrystalline, adj.
  • subdelegating, n.
  • subdial, n.
  • subdirectory, n.
  • subdomain, n.
  • subducting, n.
  • Suberite, n. and adj.
  • sub-ether, n.
  • sub-etheric, adj.
  • subfix, n.
  • subfix, v.
  • subform, n.
  • subimpose, v.
  • subinvoluted, adj.
  • subinvolution, n.
  • subirrigated, adj.
  • subjecter, n.
  • subjectivization, n.
  • subjector, n.
  • subjunctivity, n.
  • subleased, adj.
  • sublet, adj.
  • sublicence | sublicense, n.
  • sublicense, v.
  • subluminary, adj.
  • submacroscopic, adj.
  • submarine, v.
  • submergent, adj. and n.
  • submerse, adj.
  • submicron, n. and adj.
  • submodifier, n.
  • submove, n.
  • subnet, n.
  • subnival, adj.
  • subobscured, adj.
  • suborder, v.
  • subordinal, adj.
  • subordinate, v.1
  • suboscine, n. and adj.
  • subpar, adj.
  • subperitoneo-, comb._form
  • subpersonality, n.
  • subprimal, adj. and n.
  • subprocess, n.
  • sub-protector, n.
  • subrecent, adj.
  • sub-rented, adj.
  • sub-renter, n.
  • sub-renting, n.
  • sub-scribe, n.
  • subserosal, adj.
  • subserving, n.
  • subshaft, n.2
  • subsidation, n.2
  • subsidist, n.
  • subsign, n.
  • subsistence allowance, n.
  • substand, v.
  • substantiated, adj.
  • substantivate, v.
  • substitute teach, v.
  • substitute teacher, n.
  • substitute teaching, n.
  • substituting, n.
  • substration, n.2
  • subsultatory, adj.
  • subterposed, adj.
  • subterrean, adj.
  • subtractable, adj.
  • subtractible, adj.
  • subtractively, adv.
  • subtribal, adj.
  • subtropically, adv.
  • subungulate, adj. and n.
  • subunist, n.
  • subventive, adj.
  • subverser, n.
  • subvertor, n.
  • subvocalized, adj.
  • super heavyweight, n. and adj.
  • super PAC, n.
  • super, n.13
  • superacidified, adj.
  • superannuant, n.
  • superantigen, n.
  • superatom, n.
  • superbabe, n.
  • superbad, adj.
  • superbase, n.
  • superboy, n.
  • supercalendering, n.
  • supercarbonate, n.
  • supercavitating, adj.
  • supercavitation, n.
  • supercentenarian, n.
  • super-chilled, adj.
  • superclass, n.
  • supercold, adj.
  • super-compact, adj. and n.
  • supercomputing, n.
  • supercross, n.
  • superculture, n.
  • superdelegate, n.
  • superelevated, adj.
  • superencipher, v.
  • superencipherment, n.
  • super-eruption, n.
  • super-fact, n.
  • Supergirl, n.
  • superglue, v.
  • superhive, v.
  • superintelligence, n.
  • superior court, n.
  • superkingdom, n.
  • superlight, adj.1
  • superlight, adj.2
  • supermania, n.
  • super-maximum, adj.
  • supermolecular, adj.
  • supermom, n.
  • supermum, n.
  • supernaturalizing, n.
  • superordinated, adj.
  • superparamagnetic, adj.
  • superparamagnetism, n.
  • superparasitism, n.
  • superplasticizer, n.
  • superpowered, adj.
  • superrotate, v.
  • superrotation, n.
  • Supersaurus, n.
  • superscalar, adj.
  • superseding, adj.
  • supersessionism, n.
  • supersessionist, n. and adj.
  • superstock, n.
  • superstrate, n.
  • supertaster, n.
  • supertitle, n.
  • supertitle, v.
  • supertwist, n.
  • supertwisted, adj.
  • superuser, n.
  • supervillain, n.
  • supervolcano, n.
  • suplex, n.
  • suppeditation, n.1
  • suppl., adj.
  • Suppl., n.
  • Supplex, n. and adj.
  • supplicating, n.
  • supposingly, adv.
  • suprascrive, v.
  • supremism, n.
  • tumoricidal, adj.
  • Ultrasaurus, n.
  • Urbanite, n.1 and adj.1
  • urbanscape, n.
  • usen, v.
  • -verse, comb._form

New sub-entries

  • BCS
  • blinging
  • chicken supreme
  • cloud computing
  • subfixed
  • subjugating
  • superglued
  • supervised
  • supinated
  • endostylar
  • subluxated
  • sub-imposed
  • superconsciously
  • superparamagnetically
  • expiratory reserve volume
  • genital wart
  • grid computing
  • heather line
  • i-mind-day
  • multiple superparticular
  • SP
  • SSI
  • sub bench
  • subacute bacterial endocarditis
  • subalpine warbler
  • subangled wave
  • subatomic particle
  • sub-commissar
  • sub-commissary
  • sub-curator
  • subdiversified
  • subjectified
  • substantivated
  • subtidally
  • subfolder
  • subject header
  • subject line
  • sublicence agreement
  • sublivid
  • submammalian
  • submarine canyon
  • submarine meadow
  • submarine tackle
  • submenu
  • submicrometer
  • subnotebook
  • subolivaceous
  • subpixel
  • sub-postmistress
  • subs bench
  • subscription seat
  • subsector
  • subsidy publisher
  • subsidy publishing
  • subspecialist
  • subspecialization
  • subspecialize
  • substance abuser
  • substance-free
  • substantive rationality
  • substitute bench
  • substituted service
  • substitutes' bench
  • substitutional service
  • substrain
  • subterranean clover
  • subthalamic nucleus
  • subtherapeutic
  • subtonicity
  • subventricular
  • subway car
  • subway fare
  • subway platform
  • subway ride
  • subway rider
  • subway riding
  • Subway Series
  • subway stop
  • subway ticket
  • suited-booted
  • super soap
  • superabsorbent
  • superaffuse
  • superb blue wren
  • superb fairy wren
  • superb lily
  • superb lyrebird
  • superb parrot
  • superbaby
  • superbank
  • superbitch
  • superbrand
  • supercapacitor
  • supercarnal
  • supercasino
  • supercentre
  • superchef
  • superchip
  • supercollider
  • supercruise
  • supercruiser
  • superdeformation
  • superdeformed
  • superelevating
  • super-easy
  • super-efficient
  • superfish
  • super-fit
  • superforce
  • superformicine
  • superfortress
  • super-fresh
  • superfruit
  • superfund
  • supergod
  • supergraphic
  • superhard
  • superhero cartoon
  • superhero comic
  • superhero comic book
  • superhero comic strip
  • superhero costume
  • superhero film
  • superhero genre
  • superhero movie
  • super-hip
  • superhiving
  • super-hot
  • superhunk
  • super-injunction
  • superkid
  • superlative absolute
  • superlative relative
  • supermajority
  • supermarket giant
  • supermarket tabloid
  • super-maximum security
  • super-myth
  • super-obese
  • super-obesity
  • superomedial
  • superordinate goal
  • superparamagnetic limit
  • superpartner
  • superphylum
  • superpipe
  • superplume
  • superquarry
  • supersaver
  • supersedure cell
  • super-self
  • super-smart
  • super-soft
  • supersolary
  • superspreader
  • superstorm
  • superstrain
  • super-strength
  • super-submarine
  • supertask
  • supertree
  • super-variety
  • supervision order
  • supervisory board
  • supper gong
  • supper hall
  • supper plate
  • supple silk
  • Supplemental Security Income
  • supply–demand
  • suppositiousness
  • support act
  • support service
  • suppression order
  • suppressive fire
  • supra-ethnic
  • supragingival
  • supra-historically
  • supra-individualism
  • supra-individually
  • supraphysiological
  • suprasensitivity
  • supratidal
  • supreme bench
  • supreme good
  • sursumduct
  • VGA
  • water footprint
  • white supremism
  • white supremist

New senses

  • cacique, n.
  • cloud, n.
  • domain, n.
  • dominant, adj.and n.
  • emergent, adj.and n.
  • folder, n.
  • granulation, n.
  • gyre, n.
  • inscription, n.
  • insertion, n.
  • luminal, adj.
  • suited, adj.
  • taster, n.1
  • thread, n.
  • threading, n.
  • vulnerable, adj.