March 2001 update

15 March 2001 saw the publication of the range of entries mast-meaty in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the following new entries:

List of new words

  • mastectomee, n.
  • Master Charge, n.
  • Master of the Universe, n.
  • masterstick, n.
  • -mastia, comb. form
  • Mastigophora, n.
  • mastigophoran, n. and a.
  • mastocyte, n.
  • mastocytoma, n.
  • mastocytosis, n.
  • mastopexy, n.
  • masturbating, n.
  • masturbating, a.
  • masu, n.
  • masur, n.
  • matachin, n.2
  • matatu, n.
  • matchlike, a.
  • mater, n.2
  • materia subtilis, n.
  • maternize, v.
  • maternofoetal, a.
  • mathematizing, a.
  • mathlete, n.
  • MathML, n.
  • Matignon, n.
  • Matilija poppy, n.
  • matinée musicale, n.
  • matjes herring, n.
  • mato, n.
  • matriarchic, a.
  • matricial, a.
  • matristic, a.
  • matrona, n.
  • matsutake, n.
  • matt, n.
  • matte, v.
  • Matthew’s pill, n.
  • matting, n.4
  • Mattole, n.
  • mattressed, a.
  • matuku, n.
  • mauger, a.
  • Maughamesque, a.
  • Maughamish, a.
  • Maui, n.
  • mauka, adv. and a.
  • mauling, a.2
  • mauri, n.
  • Maurician, n. (and a.)
  • Mauritan, n. and a.
  • Mauritia, n.
  • Maurrassian, a.
  • Maurusian, n. and a.
  • Mauthner, n.
  • mauvaise foi, n.
  • mauvais langue, n. and a.
  • mauvais langue, v.
  • mauvy, a.
  • Mavron, n.
  • Mavrud, n.
  • maw, int. and n.6
  • mawashi, n.
  • mawed, a.
  • mawk, v.
  • mawkit, a.
  • mawla, n.
  • mawlid, n.
  • mawsonite, n.
  • -max, comb. form
  • maxicircle, n.
  • maxim, n.2
  • maxim, v.1
  • maximin, v.
  • maximining, n.
  • maximizing, n.
  • maximon, n.
  • maximus, n.
  • max-min, a. and n.
  • Maxwellian, a.2
  • Mayfest, n.
  • mayhurt, n.
  • Mayo, n.2 and a.
  • mayorial, a.
  • maza, n.
  • mazaedium, n.
  • mazagran, n.
  • mazak, n.
  • mazarine, n.3
  • Mazda, n.
  • mazdoor, n.
  • mazely, adv.
  • Mazeppa, n.
  • mazer, n.2
  • mazet, n.
  • -mazia, comb. form
  • mazindol, n.
  • mazo-, comb. form1
  • mazoola, n.
  • mazoplasia, n.
  • Mazovian, n. and a.
  • mazy, a.2
  • Mazzaroth, n.
  • mazzebah, n.
  • mazzite, n.
  • mbalax, n.
  • mbaqanga, n.
  • mbari, n.
  • mbube, n.
  • mbuga, n.
  • Mc-, comb. form
  • McDonaldization, n.
  • McDonaldize, v.
  • McDonald’s, n.
  • MC-ing, n.
  • McJob, n.
  • McLuhanized, a.
  • Md, n.
  • m’dear, int.
  • Mdlle., n.
  • Mdme., n.
  • meacon, n.
  • meaconing, n.
  • mead-flower, n.1
  • mead-flower, n.2
  • Meadia, n.
  • meading, n.
  • mealie-meal, n.
  • meal mob, n.
  • meal-mobber, n.
  • meal-mobbing, n.
  • mealy-mouth, v.
  • meandric, a.
  • meanhead, n.
  • Means grass, n.
  • Mearns, n.
  • measly-shankit, a.
  • measurably, a.
  • meat-axe, n.
  • meatish, a.
  • meat meal, n.1
  • meat meal, n.2
  • meatspace, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under master n.1 and a.)
    • master of the feast
    • master equation
    • master eye
    • master file
    • master gland
    • mastergroup
    • master sergeant
  • (Under masthead n.)
    • masthead programme
  • (Under Matabele n.)
    • Matabele flower
  • (Under matai n.1)
    • matai beer
  • (Under match n.1)
    • matchday
    • match fishing
    • match fixing
    • matchpot
    • match rigging
  • (Under matched a.)
    • matched pair
    • matched sample
  • (Under mate n.2)
    • mates rates
  • (Under material a. and n.)
    • material aid
    • material girl
  • (Under maternal a. and n.)
    • maternal inheritance
  • (Under math n.3)
    • math coprocessor
  • (Under mathematical a. and n.)
    • mathematical induction
    • mathematical physics
  • (Under matrimonial a. and n.)
    • matrimonial cake
  • (Under matrix n.)
    • matrix metering
  • (Under mattress n.1)
    • mattress money
  • (Under maturation n.)
    • maturation promoting factor
  • (Under maturing n.)
    • maturing point
    • maturing temperature
  • (Under Maui n.)
    • Maui Wowie
  • (Under maxi- comb. form)
    • maxi-series
    • maxi-trial
  • (Under maxillary a. and n.)
    • maxillary gland
  • (Under max-min a. and n.)
    • max-min thermometer
  • (Under Maxwell n.2)
    • Maxwell bridge
  • (Under May n.2)
    • May ball
    • May-basket
  • (Under mayhem n.)
    • Mayhem Parva
  • (Under maze n.1)
    • maze game
  • (Under mazed a.)
    • mazed-headed
  • (Under me pron.1, n., and a.)
    • me decade
    • me generation
  • (Under meadow n.)
    • meadow barley
    • meadow clover
    • meadow frog
    • meadow oxeye
    • meadow starling
    • meadow thistle
    • meadow violet
  • (Under meal n.2)
    • meal ready to eat
    • meal station
  • (Under mean a.1)
    • mean machine
    • mean streak
    • mean street
  • (Under mean a.2)
    • mean deviation
    • mean libration
    • mean line
    • mean sea level
    • mean solar day
  • (Under meander n.)
    • meander belt
    • meander line
    • meander loop
  • (Under meaning n.2)
    • meaning-text model
    • meaning-text theory
  • (Under meaningful a.)
    • meaningful dialogue
    • meaningful relationship
  • (Under measure n.)
    • measure theory
  • (Under meat n.)
    • meat bag
    • meat-bird
    • meat extender
    • meat thermometer