UCT studies in English See Studies in English (University of Cape Town)

Ubaldini’s (P.) Discourse concerninge the Spanish fleet invadinge Englande tr. 1590

Udall, Ephraim
        Funeral sermon 1643 (1645)
        The good peace and ill of warre; set forth in a sermon 1642
        Noli me tangere, is a thinge to be thought on (anon.) 1642

Udall, John
        A demonstration of the trueth of that discipline which Christe hath prescribed (anon.) 1588 (Arber 1880)
        The state of the Church of Englande, laide open in a conference betweene Diotrephes, a byshop, Tertullus, a papist, etc. (anon.) 1588 (Arber 1880)

Udall, Nicolas
        Apophthegmes, that is to saie, prompte saiynges. First gathered by Erasmus tr. 1542 (1564, 1877)
        Floures for Latine spekynge. Selected and gathered out of Terence tr. 1533
        Gemini’s (T.) Compendiosa totius anatomie delineatio tr. 1553
        The noble tryumphaunt coronation of quene Anne 1533 (in Arber, Eng. Garner II; Pollard 1903)
        Ralph Roister Doister, a comedy a 1553 (Arber 1869; in Manly, Specim. pre-Shaks. drama II, 1898)

—— et al.
        The first tome or volume of the paraphrase of Erasmus upon the Newe Testament tr. 1548

Udden, A. D.
tr. N. Bohr’s The theory of spectra and atomic constitution 1922

Ude, Louis E.
        The French cook 1813 (1822, 1827)

Udny, Alexander
        A golden bell and a pomgranate 1625
        The voyce of the cryer 1628

Ueberweg’s (F.) History of philosophy tr. by G. S. Morris 1872–74

Uhland’s (W. H.) Corliss-engines and allied steam-motors tr. by A. Tolhausen 1879–82

Ulanov, Barry
        A history of jazz in America 1952 (UK 1958)

Ullman, Stephen
        The principles of semantics 1951

Ulverston News (Ulverston, Cumbria) 1883–

Uncle Philip’s conversations about the whale fishery and Polar seas 1836

Undercurrents 1972–

Underdowne, Thomas
        The excellent historye of Theseus and Ariadne 1566
        Ovid his invective against Ibis tr. 1569

Underhill, Edward
        A note off the examynacyon and impresonmentt off E.U. 1553 (in Narratives of the days of the Reformation, Camden Soc. 1859; Arber, Eng. Garner IV)

Underhill, Evelyn
        Mysticism: a study in the nature and development of man’s spiritual consciousness 1911

Underwood, Benton J.
        Experimental psychology: an introduction 1949

Underwood, Michael
        A treastie on the diseases of children 1784
—ed. 3, entitled A treatise on the disorders of childhood 1797 (1799)

‘Underwood, Michael’ (John Michael Evelyn)
        Murder with malice 1977
        A pinch of snuff 1974
        Reward for a defector 1973

Unfortunate sensibility 1784

United Free Church magazine, The 1904–06

United Free Church of Scotland
        Missionary record (title varies) 1901–29

United Kingdom. Admiralty
        Manual of seamanship 2 vols. 1908–9
—Vol. II (rev. ed.) 1923
        Manual of seamanship for boys’ training ships of the Royal Navy 1883

United Kingdom. Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (
        later Aeronautical Research Committee; later Aeronautical Research Council) Technical reports 1910–

United Kingdom. Department of Education and Science
        A Language for life. Report of the Committee of Inquiry..under the chairmanship of Sir Alan Bullock 1975

United Kingdom. Department of Employment
        Classification of occupations and directory of occupational titles 3 vols. 1972

United Kingdom. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Forest Products Research Laboratory
        A handbook of hardwoods 1956 (for ed. 2, see below)
        A handbook of softwoods 1917

United Kingdom. Department of the Environment. Building Research Establishment
        Handbook of hardwoods (ed. 2, rev. by R. H. Farmer) 1972 (for ed. 1, see above)

United Kingdom. General Medical Council (
        later British Pharmacopoeia Commission) Approved names 1957–66; 1970–

United Kingdom. General Register Office
        Classification of occupations 1960

United Kingdom. Meteorological Off
        Meteorological glossary 1918 (and several later editions used)

United Kingdom. Ministry of Agriculture
        Journal 1919–

United Kingdom. Ministry of Information
        Manpower: the story of Britain’s mobilization for war 1944

United Kingdom. Ministry of Labour
        A dictionary of occupational terms, based on the classification of occupations used in the census of population, 1921 1927

United Kingdom. Parliamentary papers [
        Note Volume numbers in citations refer mostly to the bound collections in the Bodleian Library. The second page number in citations is the starting-page of the particular report, etc., in the overall numbering within the volume.] Committee on Broadcasting, 1960 (Chairman: H. Pilkington) Report 1962 in Parl. Papers 1961–2 (Cmnd. 1753) IX. 259
Committee of Inquiry on Decimal Currency (Chairman: the Earl of Halsbury) Report 1963 in Parl. Papers 1962–3 (Cmnd. 2145) XI. 195
Committee on Higher Education, 1961–3 (Chairman: Lord Robbins) Higher education: report 1963 in Parl. Papers 1962–3 (Cmnd. 2154) XI. 639

United Kingdom. Patent Office
        Official journal (title varies) 1884–
See also Trade marks journal

United Service journal and naval and military magazine (title varies) 1829–43

United service magazine, The 1890–

United States. Arctic, Desert and Tropic Information Center
        Glossary of arctic and subarctic terms 1955

United States. Bureau of American Ethnology
        Annual report 1881–1933
        Bulletin 1886–.

United States. Bureau of Fisheries
See: United States. Commissioner of Fisheries

United States. Bureau of Forestry
        See —— Department of Agriculture

United States. Commissioner of Fisheries
        Report (title varies) 1873–1941

United States. Commissioner of Patents
        Annual report 1839–

United States. Congress. Debates
        Congressional globe, The: containing the debates and proceedings..of Congress 1834–73
        Congressional record, The: containing the proceedings and debates..of the Congress 1873–
        Debates and proceedings in the Congress of the United States, 1789–1824 42 vols. 1834–56

        Register of debates in Congress, 1824–37 14 vols. 1825–37
Senate hearings Illicit narcotics traffic: hearings before the Subcommittee..of the Committee on the Judiciary (84th Congress, 1st Session) 1956

United States. Department of Agriculture
        Bulletin 1913–27
        Farmers’ bulletin 1889–
        Yearbook 1894– (1923–5 with title Agricultural yearbook; 1926– with title Yearbook of agriculture)
Bureau of Animal Industry Annual report 1884–1911
Bureau of Forestry Bulletin 1887–1913
        Terms used in forestry and logging 1905 (Bulletin No. 61)

United States. Geological Survey
        Annual report 1880–1932
        Bulletin 1883–
        Monographs 1882–1929
        Professional papers 1902–
        Water-supply papers (title varies) 1896–

United States. Laws and statutes
        The statutes at large of the United States of America 1845–

United States. National Bureau of Standards
        Journal of research 1928–

United States. National Cancer Institute
        See United States. Public Health Service

United States. National Museum
        Bulletin 1875–
        Proceedings 1878–
        Reports 1884–

United States. Patent Office
        Official gazette 1872–

United States
        Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior (title varies) 1825–

United States
        Senate hearings VIII
        See United States. Congress. Senate hearings

United States. Statutes
        See United States. Laws and statutes

United States. War Department
        Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean made in 1853–54 12 vols. 1855–9
        Short guide to Great Britain 1942

United States magazine and democratic review 1837–51

United States 1980/81 (Penguin Travel Guides) 1979

United Telephone Company, Ltd.
        List of subscribers 1885 [preface reproduced in facsimile in Three Victorian telephone directories 1970]         List of subscribers..classified into professions and trades (ed. 6) 1885 [ibid.]

Universal magazine of knowledge and pleasure, The 1747–1803
—continued as The universal magazine 1804–14

Universal review, The 1866

Universe, The 1860–

Unton inventories, relating to Wadley and Faringdon, Co. Berks 1596, 1620 (1841)

Unton, Sir Henry
        Correspondence 1591–92 (Roxb. Cl. 1847)

Upcott, Lewis E.
        An introduction to Greek sculpture 1887 (1899)

Updike, Daniel Berkeley
        Printing types: their history, forms and use 2 vols. 1922

Updike, John Hoyer
        The coup 1978 (UK 1979)
        Couples 1968
        Rabbit, run 1960 (UK 1961)

Upfield, Arthur William
        Bony and the white savage 1961
        Bushranger of the skies 1940
        Murder must wait 1953
        The will of the tribe 1962

Upton, John
        Critical observations on Shakespeare 1746
        Spenser’s Faerie queene. A new ed. with a glossary, and notes explanatory and critical 1758

Upton, William
        Physioglyphics 1844

Upton-on-Severn glossary 1884
        See Lawson, R.

Upward, Allen
        Songs in Ziklag 1888

Urban, Charles
        The cinematograph in science, education, and matters of state 1907

Urban, Wilbur Marshall
        Valuation: its nature and laws; being an introduction to the general theory of value 1909

Ure, Andrew
        The cotton manufacture of Great Britain systematically investigated 1836 (1861)
        A dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines 1839 (1843, 1853)
—ed. 5, by R. Hunt (1860); ed. 7, by R. Hunt & F. W. Rudler (1875)
Supplement (1878)
        A dictionary of chemistry 1821
        A new system of geology 1829
        The philosophy of manufactures 1835 (1861)

Ure, David
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Dumbarton 1794
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Roxburgh 1794
        The history of Rutherglen and East-Kilbride 1793

Ureisun a 1240 (in Old Eng. homilies, I, E.E.T.S. 1868)

Urie, The court book of the barony of 1604–1747 (S.H.S. 1892)

Urmson, James Opie
ed. The concise encyclopaedia of Western philosophy and philosophers 1960
        Philosophical analysis: its development between the two world wars 1956

Urquhart, John W.
        Dynamo construction: a practical handbook for the use of engineer-constructors and electricians-in-charge 1981

Urquhart, Sir Thomas
        Works a 1600 (Maitland Cl. 1834)
        or, the discovery of a most exquisite jewel 1652
        The first (second) book of the works of Mr. Francis Rabelais 1653 (1664)
The third book (1693, 1694) See Also Motteux, P. A.

Urry, John
ed. The works of Geoffrey Chaucer, compared with the former editions, and many valuable MSS. Together with a glossary by (Timothy Thomas) 1721

Ursula, St., The Life of c 1480 (Roxb. Cl. 1818)

Ushaw magazine, The 1891–

Usk, Thomas
        The testament of love 1387–88 (in Chaucer’s Works, ed. Thynne 1532; Chaucerian pieces, Skeat 1897)

Ussher, James
        The annals of the world deduced from the origin of time a 1656 (1658)
        An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland 1624 (1625)
        A body of divinitie 1645 (1647)
        Immanuel; or, the mystery of the incarnation of the son of God unfolded 1638 (1643)
        The power communicated by God to the prince a 1656 (1661, 1683)
        The reduction of episcopacie unto the form of synodical government received in the antient church 1656
        A sermon preached before the Commons 18 Feb. 1620 (1621, 1624)
        The life of James Ussher. With a collection of three hundred letters. Collected and published by Richard Parr (1686)

Utterson, Edward V.
ed. Select pieces of early popular poetry v.d. (1817)

Uttley, Alison (Alice Jane Uttley)
        The country child 1931
