December 2000 update

14 December 2000 saw the publication of the range of entries marciaton-massymore in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the following new entries:

List of new words

  • Marcosian, a.2
  • marcotted, a.
  • mardana, n.
  • mardle, n.2
  • mardle, n.3
  • mardle, v.
  • Mardyker, n.
  • mareel, n.
  • Marennes, n.
  • Mare Nostrum, n.
  • Mareotic, a. and n.
  • Mareva, n.
  • Marfan, n.
  • marfanil, n.
  • Marforio, n.
  • margarodid, n. and a.
  • Marge, n.3
  • Margery, n.2
  • margherita, a. (and n.)
  • Marginella, n.
  • marginellacean, a.
  • marginelliform, a.
  • marginelloid, a.
  • Margulies, n.
  • marhaenism, n.
  • Mari, n. and a.
  • marialitic, a.
  • Marianist, n. and a.
  • Marianite, a. and n.
  • Maria Theresa, n.
  • maricon, n.
  • Maricopa, n. and a.
  • Marie, n.2
  • Marie Rose, n.
  • Marie-Strümpell, n.
  • maril, n.
  • marimbula, n.
  • marimé, a.
  • marination, n.
  • Marine Corps, n.
  • marine court, n.
  • Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome, n.
  • marine zoological, a.
  • marine zoologist, n.
  • marine zoology, n.
  • Marinid, n. and a.
  • Mariologist, n.
  • marionberry, n.
  • Maris, n.2
  • mariscos, n.
  • Markarian, n.
  • markcourt, n.
  • market forces, n.
  • marketization, n.
  • marketize, v.
  • marketized, a.
  • market leader, n.
  • market leadership, n.
  • market-leading, a.
  • marketless, a.
  • market-like, a.
  • marketor, n.
  • market share, n.
  • market street, n.
  • market test, v.
  • market-tested, a.
  • market testing, n.
  • marking-to-market, n.
  • Markovnikov, n.
  • mark-sensing, a.
  • mark-to-market, a.
  • marl, n.6
  • Marlboro Country, n.
  • Marlboro Man, n.
  • marley, n.
  • marlock, n.2
  • marls, adv.
  • marma, n.
  • marmarization, n.
  • marmoress, n.
  • marmorization, n.
  • marmorosis, n.
  • marmsome, a.
  • Marnian, a. and n.
  • Maronean, a. (and n.)
  • marool, n.
  • Marquis, n.2
  • Marquis of Queensberry rules, n.
  • marriage money, n.
  • marron, n.1
  • marron, n.2
  • Marrubium, n.
  • Marsanne, n.
  • Marsh, n.2
  • marshal general, n.
  • Marsilian, n.1 and a.
  • Marsupialia, n.
  • martabani, n.
  • Martevaan, n.
  • martial artist, n.
  • martial artistry, n.
  • Martii, n.
  • Martinique rose, n.
  • Maru, n.
  • marumage, n.
  • Maruyama, n.
  • MARV, n.
  • marv, a.
  • marvel, n.3
  • marvel, v.2
  • marvy, a.
  • Marxoid, a. and n.
  • mary, n.2
  • Mary Bell order, n.
  • Mary Ellen, n.
  • Mary Gregory, n.
  • Maryknoller, n.
  • Marylandian, n.
  • -mas, comb. form
  • masc., a. (and n.)
  • Mascarene, a.
  • Mascouten, n.
  • masering, n.
  • masering, a.
  • mash, v.3
  • Mashpee, n. and a.
  • mashua, n.
  • maskable, a.
  • maskanda, n.
  • masker, n.2
  • Maskil, n.
  • maskirovka, n.
  • masonné, a.
  • Masoreth, n.
  • mass, n.4
  • mass, v.4
  • Massachusett, n. and a.
  • massative, n.
  • mass customization, n.
  • mass-customize, v.
  • mass function, n.
  • massier, n.
  • massify, v.1
  • massive, n.
  • mass media, n.
  • mass-observed, a. (and n.)
  • mass of manoeuvre, n.
  • Masson, n.
  • mass-thegn, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under margin n.)
    • margin account
    • margin money
  • (Under marginal a. and n.)
    • marginal rate
    • marginal relief
    • marginal revenue
    • marginal value
  • (Under Marie n.2)
    • Marie’s syndrome
    • Marie’s ataxia
  • (Under marine n. and a.)
    • marine architect
    • marine architecture
    • marine borer
    • marine chart
    • marine engineer
    • marine engineering
    • marine ivy
    • marine snow
    • marine toad
  • (Under marital a.)
    • marital aid
    • marital bed
    • marital home
    • marital status
    • marital therapy
  • (Under maritime a. and n.)
    • Maritime Alps
    • maritime court
    • Maritime Provinces
  • (Under marker n.)
    • marker bed
    • marker horizon
  • (Under market n.)
    • market behaviour
    • market capitalism
    • market-driven
    • market indicator
    • market liberalism
    • market mechanism
    • market-oriented
    • market pressures
    • market report
    • market-ripe
    • market society
    • market trader
    • market valuation
  • (Under marking n.)
    • marking-hog
    • marking-lamb
  • (Under mark-up n.)
    • markup language
  • (Under marriage n.)
    • marriage agreement
    • marriage bowl
    • marriage dress
  • (Under married a. and n.)
    • married life
    • married quarters
  • (Under marsh n.1)
    • marsh frog
    • marsh owl
    • marsh rabbit
    • marsh warbler
    • marshberry
    • marsh bugloss
    • marsh elder
    • marsh rose
  • (Under marshmallow n. and a.)
    • marshmallow tea
  • (Under marsupial a. and n.)
    • marsupial cat
    • marsupial lion
    • marsupial mouse
    • marsupial rat
  • (Under martyr n.)
    • martyr-king
  • (Under masala n.)
    • masala dosa
  • (Under masculine a. and n.)
    • masculine protest
  • (Under mask n.3)
    • mask of pregnancy
    • mask-programmable
  • (Under masked a.2)
    • masked ROM
    • masked crab
    • masked owl
  • (Under masking n.2)
    • masking agent
    • masking drug
    • masking fluid
  • (Under mason n.1)
    • mason’s mark
  • (Under masonic a.)
    • masonically
  • (Under mass n.2)
    • mass burn
    • mass burning
    • mass convention
    • mass driver
    • mass fragmentography
    • mass-haul curve
    • mass-haul diagram
    • mass-luminosity
  • (Under massage n.)
    • massage therapist
    • massage therapy
  • (Under massed a.)
    • massed start
  • (Under massive a.)
    • massive black hole
    • massive parallelism
    • massive star
  • (Under massively adv.)
    • massively parallel