
Pomet’s (J.) Compleat history of drugs tr. 1712
See also Hill, John

Pomey’s (F. A.) Pantheon (tr. by A. Tooke) 1698

Pomfret, Henrietta L. Fermor, Countess of
        See Hertford, Countess of

Pomfret, John
        Poems upon several occasions a 1702 (1790)
        Poetical works a 1702 (1833)

Ponting, Herbert George
        The great white south: being an account of experiences with Captain Scott’s South Pole Expedition 1921

Pontoppidan’s (E.) Natural history of Norway tr. 1755

Poole, A. L. & Adams, Nancy M.
        Trees and shrubs of New Zealand 1963

Poole, Charles H.
        An attempt towards a glossary of the archaic and provincial words of the county of Stafford 1880
        The customs, superstitions, and legends of the county of Somerset 1877
        The customs, superstitions, and legends of the county of Stafford 1883

Poole, George A.
        Peterborough (Diocesan histories) 1881

Poole, Joseph
        The practical telephone handbook 1891

Poole, Joshua
        The English Parnassus; or, a helpe to English poesie a 1646 (1657, 1677)

Poole, Matthew
        Annotations upon the Holy Bible a 1679 (1688)
        A dialogue between a Popish priest and an English Protestant 1667 (1735)

Poole, Stanley Lane
        See Lane-Poole, S.

Poor man’s plea against the extravagant price of corn 1699

Poor Nellie 1887 (1888)

Poor Robin’s almanack 1664–1776

Poor Robin’s visions 1677

Pope, Alexander
        Works; verse 1717–41; prose 1737–41 (1751)
        Poetical works a 1744 (Globe ed. 1869)
        The Dunciad 1728–42
        An essay on criticism 1709
        An essay on man 1732–34
        Homer’s Iliad tr. 1715–20
        Homer’s Odyssey tr. 1725–26
        Letters 17.. (1735–37, 1751)
        Miscellanies in prose and verse (by Swift and Pope) 1727–
        Moral essays. Epistle I. To Sir Richard Temple, Lord Cobham 1732; Epistle II. To a lady 1735; Epistle III. To Allen Lord Bathurst 1732; Epistle IV. To Richard Boyle,
Earl of Burlington
1731; Epistle V. To Mr. Addison 1715–20
        Pastorals 1704
        The rape of the lock 1712–14
        Satires and epistles of Horace imitated 1732–38
        Satires of Dr. Donne versified 1735
        The temple of fame 1711
        Windsor-Forest 1704–10

—— & Gay, John
        What passed in London 1727

——et al.
        The art of sinking 1727

Pope, Frank L.
        Modern practice of the electric telegraph 1870 (1872)

Pope, Walter
        The life of Seth (Ward), lord bishop of Salisbury 1697

Pope-Hennessy, James
        Robert Louis Stevenson 1974

Popenoe, Wilson
        Manual of tropical and subtropical fruits 1920

Popish plot, The, taken out of several depositions made and sworn before the Parliament c 1680

Popley, Herbert Arthur
        The music of India 1921

Popper, Karl Raimund
        The logic of scientific discovery 1959
        The open society and its enemies 2 vols. 1945
        The poverty of historicism 1957

Popple, William 1689
        See Locke, J.

Popular science monthly, The 1872–

Popular science review, The 1861–81

Popular tales of the Germans tr. 1791
        See Beckford, W.

Popular treatises on science written during the middle ages, in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English v.d. (ed. Thomas Wright 1841)

Porcupine, The 1860–1915; 1923

Pordage, John
        Theologica mystica, or the mystic divinitie of the æternal invisibles. By J. P. (i.e. John Pordage; ed. Edward Hooker) 1683

Pordage, Samuel
        The medal revers’d; a satyre against persecution (anon.) 1682

Porny, Mark A.
        The elements of heraldry 1765 (1766, 1777, 1787)

Porson, Richard
        Letters to Mr. Archdeacon Travis 1790

Porta’s (G. B. della) Natural magick tr. 1658

Portal, Sir Gerald
        The British mission to Uganda in 1893 1894

‘Porte Crayon’ (David Hunter Strother)
        Virginia illustrated 1857

Porteous, M.
        The realSouter Johnny’ 1858

Porter, Anna M.
        The Hungarian brothers 1807

Porter, Edmund
        Christophagia: the mystery of eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ 1680

Porter, Frank T.
        Gleanings and reminiscences 1875

Porter, Mrs. G. S.
        See Stratton-Porter, Mrs. Gene

Porter, George R.
        Statistics 1849 (in Manual of scientific enquiry 1859)
        A treatise on the origin, progressive improvement, and present state of the manufacture of porcelain and glass (anon.) 1832
of the silk manufacture (anon.) 1831

Porter, Henry
        The pleasant history of the two angry women of Abington 1599 (Percy Soc. 1841)

Porter, Horace C.
tr. E. Strasburger’s A textbook of botany 1898

Porter, Jane
        The Scottish chiefs 1810 (1856)
        Thaddeus of Warsaw 1803 (1831)

Porter, Joyce
        The chinks in the curtain 1967
Dover two
        It’s murder with Dover 1973
        A meddler and her murder 1972
        Rather a common sort of crime 1970
        Sour cream with everything 1966

Porter, Katherine Anne
        Ship of fools 1962

Porter, Sir Robert K.
        Travelling sketches in Russia and Sweden 1809 (1813)

Porter, Whitworth
        A history of the Knights of Malta 1858

Porter, William T.
ed. The big bear of Arkansas, and other sketches (by various authors) 1847
        A quarter race in Kentucky 1847

Porter’s Spirit of the times 1856–59

Porteus, Bp. Beilby
        Lectures on the Gospel of St. Matthew 1802
        Sermons on several subjects 1783

        The polite lady; or, a course of female education. In a series of letters, from a mother to her daughter (Signed, Portia. The replies are signed Sophia) 1760

Portland papers. The manuscripts of his Grace the Duke of Portland, preserved at Welbeck Abbey 16..–17.. (Historical MSS. Comm. 1891– )

Portlock, Joseph E.
        A rudimentary treatise on geology 1849

Portlock, Nathaniel
        A voyage round the world 1785–88 1789

Portola Institute
        The last whole earth catalog 1972

Portsmouth, Rhode Island
        Early records ed. A. Perry & C. S. Brigham 1901

Pory, John
        Leo’s (J.) Geographical historie of Africa tr. 1600

Post, Waldron Kintzing
        Harvard stories: sketches of the undergraduate 1893

Post-Herald (Birmingham, Alabama) 1951–

Post Office electrical engineers’ journal 1908–

Postal, Paul Martin
        Aspects of phonological theory 1968

Poste, Edward
        Gaii institutionum juris civilis commentarii. With a translation and commentary by E. Poste 1875

Postgate, Raymond William
        The plain man’s guide to wine 1951
—(ed. 2) 1965

Postlethwayt, Malachy
        Savary des Bruslons’ (J.) Universal dictionary of trade and commerce 1751–55 (1774)

Postman, Neil
        Crazy talk, stupid talk 1976

Poston, Edward
        The pratler 1747

Pote, Joseph
        The history and antiquities of Windsor Castle 1749

Potok, Chaim
        The chosen 1967
        In the beginning 1975
        My name is Asher Lev 1972

Pott, Percivall
        Chirurgical works a 1788 (1790)

Potter, Christopher
        Sarpi’s (P.) History of the quarrels of Pope Paul V with the state of Venice tr. 1626
        A sermon preached at the consecration of Barnaby Potter, Bishop of Carlisle 1629

Potter, David
        British Elizabethan stamps: the story of the postage stamps of the United Kingdom 1971

Potter, Dennis Christopher G.
        The glittering coffin 1960

Potter, Francis
        An interpretation of the number 666 1642

Potter, Helen Beatrix
        Journal, 1881–1897 transcribed from code by L. Linder 1966

Potter, Humphry T.
        A new dictionary of all the cant and flash languages a 1790 (1795)

Potter, Jeremy
        Foul play 1967

Potter, John
        Archæologiæ Græcæ: or, the antiquities of Greece 1697–99 (1715)
        A discourse of Church government 1707

Potter, John
        The virtuous villagers 1784

Potter, Robert
        The tragedies of Æschylus tr. 1777

Potter, Simeon
        Language in the modern world 1960
        Modern linguistics 1957
        Our language 1950

Pottle, Frederick Albert
        Stretchers: the story of a hospital unit on the Western Front 1929 (UK 1930)

Potts, Alexander W.
        Hints towards Latin prose composition 1869 (1870)

Potts, Jean
        Death of a stray cat 1955 (UK 1956)
        The evil wish 1962

Potts, Thomas
        The wonderfull discoverie of witches in the countie of Lancaster 1613 (Chetham Soc. 1845)

Potts, Thomas Henry
        Out in the open: a budget of scraps of natural history, gathered in New Zealand 1882

Pouchet’s (F. A.) Universe; or, the infinitely great and little tr. 1869 (1871)

Poulet, Sir Amias
        Letter-books 15.. (1874)

Poulton, Edward B.
        The colours of animals 1890
        Essays on evolution 1889–1907 (1908)
See also Weismann, A.

Poultry chronicle 1854–5

Pound, Ezra Loomis
        Cantos LII–LXXI 1940
        Canzoni 1911
        Cathay: translations for the most part from the Chinese of Rihaku 1915
        The classic anthology defined by Confucius 1955
        A draft of XXX cantos 1930
        Gaudier-Brzeska, a memoir 1910
        Hugh Selwyn Mauberley: life and contacts 1920
        Letters See Selected letters
        Lustra 1916
—(another ed., with earlier poems) 1917
        Pavannes and divisions 1918
        Personae: the collected poems 1909
        The Pisan cantos 1948 (UK 1949)
        Section: rock-drill; 85–95 de los cantares 1955
—(another ed.) 1957
        Selected letters, 1907–1941 ed. D. D. Paige 1971
        Thrones: 96–109 de los cantares 1959
tr. Sophocles’ Women of Trachis 1956

Pouqueville’s (F. C. H. L.) Travels through the Morea, Albania, and other parts of the Ottoman empire tr. 1806 (1813)

Poutsma, Hendrik
        A grammar of late modern English 2 parts in 4 vols. 1904–26
—(ed. 2 of Part I) 2 vols. 1928–9

Powdrill, Ernest Arthur
        Vocabulary of land planning 1961

Powel, David
        Caradoc’s Historie of Cambria tr. by Humphrey Lhuyd, corrected and continued by D. Powel, and newly augmented by W. Wynne 1584

Powel or Powell, Gabriel
        A refutation of an epistle apologeticall written by a puritan-papist 1605

Powell, Anthony Dymoke
        The acceptance world 1955
        Afternoon men 1931
        A buyer’s market 1952
        Casanova’s Chinese restaurant 1960
        A question of upbringing 1951
        The valley of bones 1964
        Venusberg 1932
        What’s become of Waring? 1939

Powell, Baden
        Christianity without Judaism 1856–57
        Essays on the spirit of the inductive philosophy etc. 1855

Powell, Dawn
        A time to be born 1942 (UK 1943)
        Turn, magic wheel 1936

Powell, John J.
        An essay on the learning of devises 1788
—ed. 3, enlarged by T. Jarman (1827)

Powell, John Leonard & Crasemann, Bernd
        Quantum mechanics 1961

Powell, Martin Beynon & Higman, Graham
eds. Finite simple groups 1971

Powell, Thomas
        Tom of all trades; or the plaine path-way to preferment 1631 (New Shaks. Soc. 1876)

‘Power, Cecil’
        See Allen, Grant

Power, Henry
        Experimental philosophy 1664

Power, Henry & Sedgwick, Leonard W.
        New Sydenham Society’s Lexicon of medicine and allied sciences 1879–99

Power, John
        A handy book about books 1870

Power, Marguerite A.
        Arabian days and nights 1863

Power, Tyrone
        Impressions of America, 1833–1835 2 vols. 1836

Power, William James Tyrone
        Sketches in New Zealand, with pen and pencil 1849

Power farming 1957–

Power of the keyes 1647
        See Hammond, H.

Power of love 1720
        See Manley, Mrs.

Power of prosaic numbers 1749
        See Mason, John

Powerfull favorite, The 1628
        See Matthieu, P.

Pownall, Thomas
        The administration of the Colonies 1764 (1774)
        A treatise on the study of antiquities 1782

Powys, John Cowper
        A Glastonbury romance 1932 (UK 1933)
        Maiden Castle 1936 (UK 1937)
        Visions and revisions: a book of literary devotions 1915

Powys, Marian
        Lace and lace-making 1953

Poynet, John
        A shorte treatise of politike power 1556

Poynter, Edward J.
        Ten lectures on art 1879 (1880)
See also Head, Percy R.

Poynting, John H. & Thomson, Joseph J.
        A text-book of physics. Heat 1904

Practical magazine, The 1873–77

Practical motorist 1954–

Practical wireless 1932–

Practitioner, The: a monthly journal of therapeutics and public health 1868–

Practitioners library of medicine and surgery, The ed. G. Blumer 16 vols. 1932–41

Practyse of cyrurgyons of Mountpyller, The ?1540

Praed, Mrs. Campbell (Rachel M. Praed)
        The head station 1885
        Miss Jacobsen’s chance 1886
        Outlaw and lawmaker 1893
        Policy and passion 1881
        The romance of a station 1890
        Zéro 1884

Praed, Winthrop M.
        Poems a 1839 (1864, 1865)

Praise of musicke, The (by John Case) 1586

Prance, Miles
        The additional narrative, containing his vindication of the machinations of the Papal and Jesuitical party 1679
        True narrative and discovery of several remarkable passages relating to the horrid Popish plot 1679

Prantl’s (K.) Elementary text-book of botany tr. by S. H. Vines 1880

Prat, W.
        The discription of the contrey of Aphrique tr. 1554

Pratt, Anne
        The British grasses and sedges 1859
        Chapters on the common things of the sea-side 1850
        The flowering plants and ferns of Great Britain 1854–57
        Our native songsters 1852

Pratt, Lyde S.
        The chemistry and physics of organic pigments 1947

Pratt, Samuel J.
        Emma Corbett 1780
        Liberal opinions 1775 (1783)
        The pupil of pleasure 1776

Prayers, Private, put forth in the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1544–78 (Parker Soc. 1851)

Preble, George H.
        Our flag. Origin and progress of the flag of the United States of America 1872
—ed. 2, entitled History of the flag of the United States of America 1880

Preece, William H. & Maier, Julius
        The telephone 1889

—— & Sivewright, J.
        Telegraphy 1876

Prehistoric Society (of East Anglia)
        Proceedings 1908–

Prelatical episcopacy, Of 1641
        See Milton, J.

Prentice, Archibald
        History of the Anti-Corn-Law League 1853

Presbytery book of Strathbogie, Extracts from the 1631–54 (Spalding Cl. 1843)

Prescott, George B.
        History, theory, and practice of the electric telegraph 1860
        The speaking telephone 1878 (1879)

Prescott, William H.
        History of the conquest of Mexico 1843 (1864)
        History of the conquest of Peru 1847 (1850)
        History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella 1838 (1846)
        History of the reign of Philip the second 1855 (1857)

Present interest of Tangier, The c 1680

Present state of Russia (1671)
        See Collins, Samuel

Present state of Russia, The tr. 1722–23

Presentation in the temple, The; a pageant, as originally represented by the Corporation of Weavers in Coventry 14.. (Abbotsford Cl. 1836; in Two Coventry Corpus Christi plays, E.E.T.S. 1902)

Press, The (Christchurch, N.Z.) 1861–

Press and Journal (Aberdeen) 1939– (continuation of Aberdeen Press and Journal)

Prestis of Peblis, The (thre)
See Peebles

Preston, John
        The breast-plate of faith and love a 1628 (1630, 1631)
        Mount Ebal, or a heavenly treatise of divine love a 1628 (1638)
        The new covenant, or the saints portion a 1628 (1629, 1634)

Preston, Richard
        The godly mans inquisition 1622

Preston, Richard Graham, Viscount
        A. M. S. Boethius of the consolation of philosophy tr. 1695

Preston, Thomas
        A lamentable tragedy mixed ful of pleasant mirth conteyning the life of Cambises King of Percia 1569 (in Manly, Specim. pre-Shaks. drama II, 1898; Hazl., Dodsley)

Prestwich, Joseph
        Geology, chemical, physical, and stratigraphical 1886–88

Prestwick, Records of the burgh of 1470–1782 (Maitland Cl. 1834)

Pretences of the French invasion examined 1692
        See Lloyd, Bp. William

Prevost, E. W. 1899
        See Dickinson, W.

Price, Anthony
        The Alamut ambush 1971
        Colonel Butler’s wolf 1972
        The ’44 vintage 1978
        October men 1973
        Other paths to glory 1974
        Our man in Camelot 1975
        War game 1976

Price, Bonamy
        Chapters on practical political economy 1878

Price, Daniel
        Prælium et præmium. The Christians warre and reward 1608
        Prince Henry, his first (second) anniversary 1613–14

Price, Henry Habberley
        Perception 1932
        Thinking and experience 1953

Price, John
        Some considerations offered to the House of Commons for building a stone-bridge over the Thames 1735

Price, Pamela Vandyke
        France: a food and wine guide 1966

Price, Stanley
        Just for the record 1961

Price, Thomas
        The life, voyages, and adventures of Bampfylde-Moore Carew ?1810
See also Carew, Bampfylde Moore

Price, Uvedale
        An essay on the picturesque as compared with the sublime and the beautiful 1794–98

Price, William
        Mans delinquencie 1646
        A sermon preached on Aprill 13, 1642, before the Lord Maior 1642

Prichard, James C.
        The eastern origin of the Celtic nations proved 1831
        Ethnology 1849 (in Manual of scientific enquiry 1859)
        The natural history of man 1843 (1848)
        Researches into the physical history of man 1813; ed. 2, of mankind 1826

Prichard, Katharine Susannah
        Coonardoo: the well in the shadow 1929
        Winged seeds 1950

Pricket, Robert
        Honors fame in triumph riding 1604 (1881)

Pride and lowlines c 1570
        See Debate

Pride of life, The c 1400 (Brandl 1898)

Prideaux, Humphrey
        Circular letter 1692
        Directions to church-wardens for the faithful discharge of their office 1701 (1712)
        Letters to John Ellis 1674–1722 (Camden Soc. 1875)
        Life of Mahomet 1697
        The Old and New Testament connected in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations 1716–18
        The original and right of tithes 1710

Prideaux, Bp. John
        Euchologia: or, the doctrine of practical praying a 1650 (1656)

Pridham, Charles
        An historical, political and statistical account of Ceylon and its dependencies 1849

Priebsch, Robert Charles & Collinson, William Edward
        The German language 1934

Priest, William
        Travels in the United States of America 1793–97 1802

Priestley, John Boynton
        Angel Pavement 1930
        Bright day 1946
        Daylight on Saturday 1943
        Delight 1949
        English journey 1934
        Festival at Farbridge 1951
        The good companions 1929
        Home is tomorrow 1949
        It’s an old country 1967
        Let the people sing 1939
        The magicians 1954
        Margin released 1962
        Salt is leaving 1966
        Saturn over the water 1961
        They walk in the city 1936
        Three men in new suits 1945

—— & Hawkes, Jessie Jacquetta
        Journey down a rainbow 1955

Priestley, Joseph
        Disquisitions relating to matter and spirit 1777 (1782)
        The doctrine of philosophical necessity illustrated 1777
        Hartley’s (D.) Theory of the human mind; with essays relating to the subject of it 1775
        An history of the corruptions of Christianity 1782
        Institutes of natural and revealed religion 1772 (1782)
        Lectures on history and general policy 1788
        Philosophical empiricism; interspersed with various observations relating to different kinds of air 1775

Priestley, Ronald & Wisdom, Thomas Henry
        Good driving—the B.S.M. way 1965

Primatt, Stephen
        The city and country purchaser and builder 1667

Prime, John
        The consolations of Dauid breefly applied to Queene Elizabeth, in a sermon 1588

Primer. The prymer or prayer-book of the lay people in the middle ages a 1400 (in Maskell, Monumenta rit. Eccl. Angl. II. 1846; Littlehales 1891)
        The prymer, or lay folks’ prayer book c 1420 (E.E.T.S. 1895)
        The prymer of Salysbury vse 1527
        A goodly prymer in englyshe, newly corrected 1535
        Prymer in Englyshe and Laten 1536
        The primer, set foorth by the Kynges maiestie and his clergie 1545 (1546)
        A prymmer or boke of priuate prayer nedeful to be vsed of al faythfull Christians 1553
        The prymer in Englysshe and in Latin after the vse of Sarum 1555 (1557)
        The primer set furth at large, with many godly and deuoute prayers 1559
        The primer or office of the blessed virgin Marie in English 1615 (1631)

Primrose’s (J.) Popular errors tr. 1651
        See Wittie, R.

Prince, Ælian
        Of joyous gard 1890

Prince, Thomas
        A chronological history of New England in the form of annals 1736 (in Arber, Eng. Garner II)

Prince Rupert’s speech to his Majesty and the Lords of his Privie Councell 1642

Prince Society
        Publications (Albany, N.Y., 1865–77)

Princely pellican, The, or royall resolves presented in sundry choice observations extracted from (K. Charles I’s) divine meditations 1649

Princeton review, The 1878–82

Pringle, Sir John
        Six discourses delivered before the Royal Society 1773–78 (1783)

Pringle, Mrs. M. A.
        Towards the mountains of the moon: a journey in East Africa 1884

Pringle, Thomas
        African sketches 1834
        Poetical works a 1834 (1838)

Pringle-Pattison, Andrew Seth
        The idea of God in the light of recent philosophy 1917

Prinsep, Augustus
        The Baboo; and other tales descriptive of society in India (anon.) 1834

Prinsep, Mrs. Augustus
        The journal of a voyage from Calcutta to Van Diemen’s Land 1833

Prinsep, Henry T.
        A narrative of the political and military transactions of British India 1820 (1825)

Prinsep, James
        Essays on Indian antiquities 1858

Printers’ ink 1888–1967

Printing trades’ journal
See Paper

Prior, Allan
        The interrogators 1965
        The operators 1966

Prior, Arthur Norman
        Formal logic 1955
        Time and modality 1957

Prior, James
        Forest folk 1901

Prior, Matthew
        Poems on several occasions 1709, 1718
        Poetical works a 1721 (1892)
        Writings a 1721 (1905–07)

Prior, Richard C. A.
        Notes on croquet 1872
        On the popular names of British plants 1863 (1870, 1879)

Priory of Hexham
See Hexham

Pritchard, Charles
        Occasional thoughts of an astronomer 1889

Pritchett, Victor Sawdon
        A cab at the door, an autobiography: early years 1968
        The gentle barbarian: the life and work of Turgenev 1977

Pritt, Thomas E.
        Yorkshire trout flies 1885
—ed. 2, entitled North country flies 1886

Private devotions, Collection of 1627
        See Cosin, Bp. J.

Private eye 1962–

Private prayers
See Prayers

Privy Council acts
See Acts

Privy Council of Scotland, Register of
See Register

Privy purse expenses
See Elizabeth of York; Henry, VIII; Mary, Princess

Proceedings. An impartial account of divers remarkable proceedings the last sessions of parliament, relating to the horrid Popish plot 1679

Proceedings against the late traitors (A true and perfect relation of the whole proceedings against the late traitors, Garnet a Iesuite, etc.) 1606

See under the names of particular institutions

Proclamation. The only English proclamation of Henry III 1258 (Philol. Soc. 1868)

Procter, Bryan W. (‘Barry Cornwall’)
        Poetical works 1822
        The flood of Thessaly, the girl of Provence, and other poems 1823
        A Sicilian story, with Diego de Montilla and other poems 1820

Procter, Francis & Frere, Bp. Walter H.
        A new history of the Book of Common Prayer 1901

Procter, Henry Richardson
        The principles of leather manufacture 1903

Procter, Maurice
        Exercise Hoodwink 1967
        Man in ambush 1958

Procter, Richard W.
        The barber’s shop 1856

Proctor, George
        The lucubrations of Humphrey Ravelin 1823

Proctor, John
        The historie of Wyates rebellion 1554 (in Arber, Eng. Garner VIII)

Proctor, Michael Charles Faraday & Yeo, Peter
        The pollination of flowers 1973

Proctor, Richard A.
        The borderland of science 1873
        Chance and luck: a discussion of the laws of luck 1887
        Essays on astronomy 1872
        The expanse of heaven 1873
        The Great Pyramid, observatory, tomb, and temple 1883
        How to play whist 1885
        Light science for leisure hours 1871–73
        Other worlds than ours 1870
        Pleasant ways in science 1879

Proctor, Thomas
        A gorgious gallery of gallant inventions 1578 (in T. Park, Heliconia I. 1815)

Prodigal son, The (transl. of 16th-c. German play) 1878 (in Simpson, School of Shaks. II. 1878)

Product engineering 1930–

Progress of honesty 1681
        See D’Urfey, T.

Project for more efficiently manning the navy 1745

Promptorium parvulorum sive clericorum, lexicon Anglo-Latinum princeps c 1440 (Camden Soc. 1843–65)
—(Winchester MS.) c 1460 (E.E.T.S. 1908)

Proper dyaloge betwene a gentillman and a husbandman 1530 (in Roy, Rede me, etc., Arber 1871)

Proposals towards raising provision for the poor and increase of seamen 1740

Prose legends 14.. (in Anglia VIII. 1885)

Prose life of Alexander c 1420
See Alexander

Prose psalter
See Psalter

Protestant almanack for the year 1668 1667

Protestant conformist, The: or, a plea for moderation 1679

Protestant garland, The, of joy and delight 1689

Protests of the Lords, A complete collection of the v.d. (ed. J. E. T. Rogers 1875)

Proude wyues pater noster, The 1560 (in Hazlitt, Early pop. poetry IV. 1866)

Prout, Ebenezer
        Harmony: its theory and practice 1889

‘Prout, Father’
        See Mahony, F. S.

Proverbs of Alfred, The a 1250, a 1275 (in Old English miscellany, E.E.T.S. 1872; ed. Skeat 1907)

Proverbs of Hendyng a 1325 (in Reliquiæ antiquæ I. 1841; Morris and Skeat, Spec. Early Eng. Pt. II. 1884)

Providence, Rhode Island
        Early records 21 vols. 1892–1915

Providences of God 1691
        See Bethel, S.

Provincialism of Danby, etc. 1863 (From C. J. Atkinson’s note books, afterwards published in Cleveland gloss. 1868)

Prowett, Charles G.
        Prometheus bound; a tragedy of Æschylus tr. 1846

Pryce, William
        Archæologia Cornu-Britannica; or, an essay to preserve the ancient Cornish language; containing the rudiments of that dialect, in a Cornish grammar and Cornish English vocabulary 1790
        Mineralogia Cornubiensis; or a treatise on minerals, mines, and mining 1778

Pryce-Jones, Alan
ed. The new outline of modern knowledge 1956

Pryde and abuse of women, A treatyse shewing and declaring the c 1550 (in Hazlitt, Early pop. poetry IV. 1866)

See Primer

Prynne, William
        Anti-Arminianisme 1630
See Church of England below
        The antipathie of the English lordly prelacie, both to regall monarchy, and civill unity 1641
        A briefe survay and censure of Mr Cozens his couzening devotions 1628
        A checke to Brittannicus 1644
        The Church of England’s old antithesis to new Arminianisme 1629
—ed. 2 enlarged, entitled Anti-Arminianisme 1630
        The doome of cowardisze and treachery 1643
The falsities and forgeries of the anonymous author of a late pamphlet
        A gagge for long-hair’d rattle-heads 1646
        God no impostor nor deluder 1629
        A gospel plea 1653
        Histrio-mastix; the players scourge or actors tragedie 1633
        An humble remonstrance against the tax of ship-money lately imposed (anon.) 1636 (1643)
        A legall vindication of the liberties of England against illegall taxes 1649
        A moderate apology against a pretended calumny 1644
        Mount-Orgueil: or divine and profitable meditations 1641
        The opening of the greate seale of England 1643
        The perpetuitie of a regenerated mans estate 1626
        A plea for the House of Lords 1648
        The Popish royall favourite 1643
        Rome’s master-peece 1643 (1644)
        The soveraigne power of parliaments and kingdomes 1643
        A summary collection of the principal fundamental rights, liberties, proprieties, of all English freemen 1656
        The treachery and disloyalty of Papists to their soveraignes 1643 (= Pt. I of The soveraigne power)
        Twelve considerable serious questions touching Church government 1644
        The unbishoping of Timothy and Titus (anon.) 1636 (1661)
        The unlovelinesse of love-lockes 1628
        A vindication of Psalme cv. 15 from some false glosses lately obtruded on it by Royalists 1642 (1644)
        Documents relating to the proceedings against William Prynne 1634–37 (Camden Soc. 1877)

—— & Walker, Clement
        A true and full relation of the prosecution, arraignment, tryall, etc. of N. Fiennes 1644

Przipcovius’ (S.) Dissertatio de pace, etc., or, a discourse touching the peace and concord of the Church (sometimes erron. ascribed to J. Hales) tr. 1653 (in Phenix 1708)

Psalmanazar. Memoirs of * * * *, commonly known by the name of George Psalmanazar 1764

Psalter. Vespasian psalter c 825 (The oldest English texts, E.E.T.S. 1885)
        Anglo-Saxon psalter c 1000 (Thorpe 1835; Grein)
—(Lambeth) c 1000 (Lindelöf 1909)
c 1000 (Spelman, 1640)
        The Cambridge psalter c 1000 (Wildhagen 1910)
        Metrical version of Psalms li-cl c 1000 (Grein
        Eadwine’s Canterbury psalter c 1150 (E.E.T.S. 1889)
        An early English psalter a 1300 (Surtees Soc. 1843–47; Hampole’s Works II. 1896)
        The earliest complete English prose psalter a 1325 (E.E.T.S. 1891)
        The psalms of David in meeter. Allowed by the authority of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland 1650

Psyche (subtitle varies) 1921–37

Psychiatry 1938–

Psychoanalytic review 1913–

Psychological bulletin 1904–

Psychological review 1894–

Public Ledger (Philadelphia) 1836–1934

Public opinion 1861–

See under the names of particular institutions

Publishers’ circular (title varies) 1837–1959

Publishers’ weekly 1873–

Puck (New York) 1877–1918

Puckle, James
        The club, or a dialogue between father and son 1711
        A new dialogue between a burgermaster and an English gentleman 1697

Pugh, Marshall
        Last place left 1969
        A wilderness of monkeys 1958

Pugin, Augustus W. N.
        Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume 1844

Pulgram, Ernst
        Introduction to the spectography of speech 1959

Pullen, Henry W.
        Modern christianity a civilized heathenism (anon.) 1873 (1874)

Puller, Timothy
        The moderation of the Church of England 1679 (1843)

Pulman, George P. R.
        Rustic sketches 1842 (1853, 1871)
        The Song of Solomon in the East Devonshire dialect 1860

Pulpit Popery 1688
        See Williams, Bp. John

Pulsford, John
        Loyalty to Christ 1890–93
        Quiet hours 1857

Pulton, Ferdinando
        An abstract of al penall statutes which be generall 1577 (1581)

Punch, or the London Charivari 1840–

Punnett, Reginald Crundall
        Mendelism 1905 (and several later editions used)

Purcell, Edmund S.
        Life of Cardinal Manning 1896

Purcell, John
        A treatise of the cholick 1714
        A treatise of vapours or hysteric fits 1702

Purchas, Samuel
        Purchas his pilgrim. Microcosmus, or the historie of man 1619
        Pilgrimage 1613 (1614, 1617)
        Pilgrimes 1625–26

Purchas, Samuel
        A theatre of politicall flying-insects 1657

Puritaine, The 1607
        See S., W.

Purity (= Cleanness)
See Early English alliterative poems

Purseglove, John William
        Tropical crops: dicotyledons 2 vols. 1968

Purser, Philip
        The Holy Father’s navy 1971
        The Twentymen 1967

Pursh, Frederick
        Flora Americæ Septentrionalis 1814

Purvey, John
        Remonstrance against Romish corruptions in the Church 1395 (1851)

Pusey, Edward B.
        The Church of England a portion of Christ’s one holy Catholic Church, and a means of restoring visible unity. An eirenicon. (Part I) 1865
First letter to the very rev. J. H. Newman, D.D. (An eirenicon. Part II) 1869
Is healthful reunion impossible? A second letter to the very rev. J. H. Newman (An eirenicon. Part III) 1870
        Daniel the prophet; nine lectures 1864
        The doctrine of the real presence, as contained in the Fathers, vindicated 1855
        An eirenicon: see above
        An historical enquiry into the probable causes of the rationalist character lately predominant in the theology of Germany 1828–30
        Lenten sermons, preached chiefly to young men at the Universities, between 1858–74 1874
A letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, on some circumstances connected with the present crisis in the English Church
        The Minor Prophets with a commentary 1860
        Our Pharisaism; a sermon 1868
        Parochial sermons (Sermons during the season from Advent to Whitsuntide) 1848 (1852)
—vol. II. 1853
        The real presence of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ the doctrine of the English Church 1857
        Life, by H. P. Liddon et al. (1893–97)

Putnam, Donald Fulton
ed. Canadian regions 1952

Putnam, Samuel Whitehall
tr. E. da Cunha’s Rebellion in the backlands 1944

Putnam’s Magazine 1868–70

Puttenham, George
        The arte of English poesie (anon.; generally attributed to Puttenham, but recently to Lord Lumley) 1589 (Arber 1869)

Puzo, Mario
        Fools die 1978

Pycraft, William Plane
ed. The standard natural history 1931

Pycroft, James
        Agony point 1861 (1862)
        The cricket field 1851
        Ways and words of men of letters 1861

Pycroft, Samuel
        A brief enquiry into free-thinking in matters of religion 1713

Pye, Henry James
        Naucratia; or naval dominion, a poem 1798

Pye, John
        Patronage of British art; an historical sketch 1845

Pyke, Magnus Alfred
        Food and society 1968

Pyle, Thomas
        Ninety-six sermons on plain and practical subjects a 1756 (1783–85)

Pym, Barbara Mary Crampton
        No fond return of love 1961
        Quartet in autumn 1977
        Some tame gazelle 1950

Pynchon, Thomas
        The crying of Lot 49 1966
        Gravity’s rainbow 1973
        V.: a novel 1963

Pyne, William Henry
        Wine and walnuts, or, after dinner chit-chat 1820–22 (1823, 1824)

Pyper, John
        Urfé’s (Honoré d’) History of Astrea (anon.) tr. 1620
