Lake Powell

The Dirty Devil takeout in late July, 2013.
The Dirty Devil takeout in late July, 2013. Rangers reported current all the way from Lower Cataract to this point and beyond. Click on the image to view more photos of the Hite Area.

NPS Photo by Kyler Carpenter


All groups traveling through Cataract Canyon must cross a portion of Lake Powell to reach the takeout at Hite. The location where the river ends and the lake begins varies throughout the year. Given the distances involved and the frequency of strong, up-canyon winds, motors are recommended.

An old access road on river right can be used for a takeout. This road leaves Highway 95 between mileposts 41 and 42, just downstream from the Dirty Devil River. The ramp provides two-wheel drive access close to the river. Cut banks may prevent boaters from backing trailers directly to the water's edge or into the river at this location.

For current conditions on Lake Powell, contact Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.

Hite Marina remains closed. However, fuel for boats or motor vehicles may be purchased 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at the service station (located in front of the Hite convenience store) by using a credit card at the pump.

Camping below Imperial Rapid is limited, especially for large groups. Many former camps are now perched on dried mud flats 20 to 30 feet above the river.

Quagga/Zebra Mussel Advisory

Due to the presence of invasive mussels in Lake Powell, all UT and AZ law requires boaters to clean, drain, and dry their vessels after takeout. More...

Last updated: December 7, 2014

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Mailing Address:

2282 Resource Blvd.
Moab, UT 84532



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