Our Staff & Offices

Who We Are

Canyonlands National Park is part of the Southeast Utah Group, a group of four parks that share some staffing and administrative functions. The Southeast Utah Group includes Arches and Canyonlands national parks and Hovenweep and Natural Bridges national monuments. Contact us.


Superintendent's Office

The superintendent is the highest official at Canyonlands National Park, in charge of managing all park staff and operations.

A tan, brick building with green trim
Most administration staff work at the park administration building south of Moab, Utah.

NPS/Neal Herbert


The administration division manages budget, contracting, concessions and permits, human resources, park planning, property management, telecommunications, and information technology. Most administration functions are managed out of our headquarters office south of Moab.

a worker uses a cordless drill
Facilities management staff install road signs.

NPS/Andrew Kuhn

Facilities Management

The Facilities Management division operates and maintains roads, trails, buildings, utilities, vehicles, and grounds. We ensure public safety in facilities. We also manage many building and rehabilitation projects attached to park facilities.

a park ranger smiles at another person
Park rangers present a variety of programs for visitors.

NPS/Andrew Kuhn

Interpretation and Visitor Services

The interpretation and visitor services division manages entrance stations and fee collection; the park's volunteer program; and signs, exhibits, and websites. Park rangers in this division also present guided walks, talks, hikes, evening programs, educational activities, and other special programs.

a ranger kneels next to a measuring tape stretched across bare ground
Resource Stewardship and Science staff monitor and study soils and vegetation in the parks.

NPS/Neal Herbert

Resource Stewardship and Science

The resource stewardship and science division studies, inventories, and monitors a wide range of park resources, including geological features, vegetation, wildlife, water, air, and historic and cultural resources. We also manage the park's archives and museum collections.

a park ranger talks with someone sitting in a car
Visitor and resource protection rangers handle police duties and visitor safety.

NPS/Andrew Kuhn

Visitor and Resource Protection

The visitor and resource protection division is responsible for law enforcement and visitor safety, emergency medical services, search and rescue, and managing the backcountry camping permitting system.


Our Offices

Contact Us

Visitor Centers and Ranger Stations

Canyonlands has visitor centers at Island in the Sky and The Needles. The ranger station for The Maze is located at Hans Flat. Hours and opening dates vary through the year. Operating hours and seasons.

Administration Offices

Most of Canyonlands' management and administration staff have offices at the Southeast Utah Group Headquarters, 2282 Resource Blvd., just south of Moab, Utah. Administration offices are open Monday through Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm (closed federal holidays).

Last updated: July 19, 2017

Contact the Park

Mailing Address:

2282 Resource Blvd.
Moab, UT 84532



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