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Gavin Grimm, center, at a rally outside the White House in February.
Al Drago/The New York Times
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Gavin Grimm: The Fight for Transgender Rights Is Bigger Than Me

The Supreme Court may have turned down my case, but the larger movement is very much alive. comment icon Comments


No Wonder the Republicans Hid the Health Bill

When House leaders finally unveiled their plan, the suffering it would inflict on millions of Americans was clear. comment icon Comments


What Romantic Regime Are You In?

If the Russian model of love is reckless, the American one involves too much calculation. comment icon Comments


Peanut Butter on the Trump Team’s Chins

The president’s apologists are embarrassing. comment icon Comments


A Public-Health Crisis That We Can Fix

A common cause of death is up 14 percent in two years, and there is only one plausible explanation. But there is also a solution. comment icon Comments

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How Republicans Plan to Ration Health Care

States will be forced to decide between saving lives and caring for the elderly. comment icon Comments

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What a Bomb Threat Suspect’s Story Reveals

It’s not about right or left. It’s about intimate partner abuse.


President Trump’s Muslim Ban Lite

By revising the ban, the administration has acknowledged it fumbled on a major campaign promise. But the result is still pernicious. comment icon Comments


President Trump’s Blinkered Fiscal Vision

Excessive tax cuts and smaller social programs will hurt the poor and the working class.


Smothering Speech at Middlebury

All ideas need testing in open debate, or they become mere prejudices.

On Campus

Discord at Middlebury: Students on the Anti-Murray Protests

“Student protesters were not violating Mr. Murray’s First Amendment rights when they spoke out against him. They were changing the terms of the discussion.” comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

The Hard Truth About Refugees

Refugees bring with them problems that liberals would do well to recognize. Failing to do so opens the political door to right-wing xenophobes. comment icon Comments

Vietnam ’67

America’s Case of ‘Tonkin Gulfitis’

The Vietnam War had drastic, negative consequences for the country’s foreign policy. comment icon Comments

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A Lesson Trump and the E.P.A. Should Heed

As Reagan learned, the public will not tolerate threats to their health or the environment. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributors

Don’t Be Fooled, Trump’s New Muslim Ban Is Still Illegal

The revisions don’t fix the core problem with the executive order: The administration is waging an all-out assault on Muslims.


Canada: Leader of the Free World

While President Trump closes the border, Canada clamors for even more refugees. comment icon Comments


The Travel Ban: An Assault on Islam?

Two readers differ on whether the ban is anti-Muslim. Another is “ashamed that my country is creating such fear and terror” among the undocumented.

President Trump during a meeting in the Roosevelt Room of the White House last week.

A Trump-Obama ‘Duel’ on Fox News?

A writer who admits to seeing “Hamilton” one too many times suggests squaring off on television over the wiretap charges.


Transgender Student Dismayed by Delay in Case

A transgender student calls the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear a case on use of school bathrooms “unfathomable.”


‘Mix Things Up’: Art and Life at the Met

A Met curator gives examples of how the museum has tried to “connect art to life” and “mix things up,” as a Times critic urged.


Cutting the I.R.S. Budget

Weakening the I.R.S. will encourage tax fraud and reduce treasury funds, a reader warns.


Long Live Benjamin

Piero Ribelli

What happens when man’s best friend is a capuchin monkey? comment icon Comments

Clockwise from top left: Workers lifting fallen headstones on Tuesday at Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in University City, Mo.; undocumented immigrants being led to the Port of Mexico after their deportation from the United States in Nogales, Ariz., in 2013; John McCain.
Insider Podcasts

Good, Bad and Mad: Andrew Rosenthal on the News

The opinion columnist Andrew Rosenthal on President Trump’s “crumbs of condescension” for Jews, deportation plans, John McCain’s resistance and other news. comment icon Comments


On Donald Trump’s Wiretapping Allegations

Is anyone watching over the tweeter in chief?

Op-ed contributors

Does Feminism Have Room for Zionists?

Anti-Israel statements in the International Women’s Strike platform risk alienating some feminists.


France Braces for the Now-Possible Impossible

Can Marine Le Pen be stopped, and with her the trans-Atlantic onrush of populism?

Op-Ed Contributor

General Motors: A Brand Is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Selling Opel and the small-car engineering it represents could hurt G.M. in the long term.


Trump’s Tweets Attacking Obama

Readers call on Republicans to speak out and question Mr. Trump’s fitness to govern.


A Veteran’s Story

A Vietnam veteran writes that he wasn’t interested in political debates about the war.


Come to America!

A reader writes that a majority of Americans want what immigrants offer.


War Crimes in South Sudan

Former U.S. ambassadors for war crimes issues write that blanket impunity is fueling further atrocities.


Time to Raise the Gas Tax

A transportation historian writes that now is a good time to raise the gas tax.


Like, Those Filler Words

A linguist takes issue with the overall negative framing of the behavior.


The East Europeans Do an About-Face

Why would people who fought so hard to join the West now turn against groups that promote human rights?

American Dreamers

Clockwise from top left: Luis Roberto Ursua Briceno; Gloria S. Rinconi; Anayancy Ramos; Nayelli Valdemar

Stories from young people who, under the Obama administration, were spared deportation and permitted to work. Now, their status is in jeopardy.

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