Credit Joshua Bright for The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re “No More Dreaming of America,” by Sandip Roy (Op-Ed, March 1):

The American ideals of optimism, inclusivity, generosity and self-determination are not dead. Yes, they are under assault, and by the same impulse toward rigid intolerance that has always been an element of our complex national character. The desire to demonize, attack and exclude is, without doubt, fueled by economic privation and rapid technological, social and climatic change.

Myths are always brighter and simpler than the reality from which they arise. Disillusioned, we can turn away, or we can embrace the challenge of acknowledging the threats to our democratic ideals and institutions.

No one wanting to come to this country should jeopardize his or her safety. But please know that the majority of Americans want you, your vitality, your ideas and your ideals. You are what has always made us great.


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