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Mary Holm: Making memories is important too
Mary Holm: Making memories is important too

Q: I'm in my mid-thirties. My wife and I have been "financially sensible" over the years. Our strategy has been textbook…

Inside Money: Islamic KiwiSaver scheduled for launch
Inside Money: Islamic KiwiSaver scheduled for launch

KiwiSaver is proving an irresistible lure for local fund managers seeking retail distribution with a…

KiwiSaver: The five biggest myths
KiwiSaver: The five biggest myths

Asked about the KiwiSaver myths he has heard most often, Mercer's NZ managing director Martin Lewington…

The battle for bankrupts' KiwiSaver
The battle for bankrupts' KiwiSaver

New Zealanders who get into financial difficulty may have their KiwiSaver nest eggs plundered by bureaucrats to settle their…

KiwiSaver: How to avoid costly retirement mistakes
KiwiSaver: How to avoid costly retirement mistakes

When ANZ surveyed KiwiSavers midway through last year it found a third of those questioned didn't know how much they had…

Kiwisaver: Take stock of your savings
Kiwisaver: Take stock of your savings

KiwiSavers should give some thought in the holiday season to their accounts and goals for the year to come, writes Helen…

Turn $50 into a fortune
Turn $50 into a fortune

If you have a spare $50 in your pay cheque at the end of the week and think it's not enough to bother saving, think again…


Inside Money: Govt blows $5b on KiwiSaver in five years
Inside Money: Govt blows $5b on KiwiSaver in five years

With the removal of the tax exemption in 2012 on the employer component of KiwiSaver contributions…

KiwiSaver: Kickstart incentive for kids to join

I'm considering signing my kids up for KiwiSaver, in part to get the $1000 kickstart but will also make regular contributions…

Savers ignorant on funds

A third of people don't know what type of fund their KiwiSaver money is in, according to a survey by the country's largest…

Kiwisaver: It pays to know what's on offer

Key things to consider when choosing where to save include risks, time to retirement, disclosure and fees.

Mary Holm: DIY not for annuities
Mary Holm: DIY not for annuities

Simply withdrawing savings in regular amounts carries the risk that the money might run out before you…

Kiwisaver: Does shareholder income count?

Can shareholder earnings be taken into account for a first home subsidy?

KiwiSaver: You don't need to work to contribute and get benefits

KiwiSaver is described on the www.kiwisaver.govt.nz website as a "voluntary, work-based savings initiative".

Super Fund grows in October

The New Zealand Superannuation Fund grew by 3.65 per cent last month boosting its pot of money to a record $24.8 billion. The…

Inside Money: Regulator to issue licence to manage money

Under new proposals published last week the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) will extend its regulatory oversight into…

What happens if your boss doesn't pay
What happens if your boss doesn't pay

'I have just found out that my employer has not been paying my KiwiSaver contributions or employer contributions.'…

KiwiSaver Archives
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