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First was flood, now fire

IT WAS meant to be a happy end to the year โ€“ a merry Christmas in their new home after floods devastated their last address in January.

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An aerial view of the Gladstone Harbour.

Dredging given nod before crucial sediment tests completed

CRUCIAL sediment testing in Gladstone Harbour was not completed before the approval of the controversial Western Basin dredging project in 2010.

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Both major parties are at fault and if you want a real sense of what is going on then listen to these explosive revelations by radio commentator Alan Jones: <a href="http://www.2gb.com/audioplayer/26341#.UqwA_fvhd6I"...

Cattypuss from Central Queensland Mc




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Using positive thinking will help in a particular situation today. Smiling can make others feel comfortable in a negotiation. You may find that...




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