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RETIRING: Queensland Police Service Commissioner Ian Stewart, Sergeant Bernie Wilce, Acting Assistant Commissioner Michael Brady and Gatton Police Senior Sergeant Tom Missingham.

Gatton Sergeant Bernie Wilce retires after 40 years

AFTER 40 years of wearing his sky blue uniform to work every day, Bernie Wilce will finally be able to expand on his wardrobe options.

  • News
  • 8:53 AM Jan 15th
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A MAN detested his wife’s cat and decided to get rid of him one day by driving 20 blocks from the house and leaving the cat at the park.

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Back in the 1950's there was a song written about this very story. It was called "The cat came back"

Whateverman from Mackay North

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Home affairs dominate your mental landscape today. Sweeping problems under the rug will only compound problems. Address the issues of a female...




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