
Kiwis love to be outside camping, tramping, fishing and hunting and the Herald’s Outdoors magazine gives its readers all the tips and ‘how to’ guides to have a great time while they’re out there. Outdoors is inserted into The New Zealand Herald every month and edited by outdoor guru Geoff Thomas from TV’s ‘Outdoors with Geoff’. The stories change with each season to cover activities such as fishing, camping, diving, winter sports, hunting, boating and tramping.

What one of our advertisers has to say about Outdoors

“Outdoors allows Top Catch to get our brand and products in front of a much wider and highly targeted audience than any other form of advertising we have tried. I look forward to measuring responses and anticipate a solid uptake of our offers. What is unique about the team that puts this publication together that is they’re fellow fishing and outdoors experts which makes it that much easier to communicate our needs to them.”

Mike Anda from Top Catch


What does this mean for advertisers?

Outdoors capitalises on the huge group of kiwis interested in outdoor activities – not just the seasoned pros. Editorial covers how to guides, product ratings and practical, timely stories. By being inserted into The New Zealand Herald every month on Friday, Outdoors also has the opportunity to reach the Herald’s audience of over half a million readers.

Reader Profile

Fishing, camping, tramping and boating are practically a national past-time in New Zealand. Research shows that our top leisure activities in terms of participation (after fitness oriented sports) are camping, hiking and fishing. In the last year more than a million kiwis have been fishing, camping or boating, with more than half of these outdoor consumers living in the Northern region.





Source: Nielsen CMI Q4 11 - Q3 12. Based on All People 15+


Not Surveyed


Monthly, last Friday


Square Compact