Digital Insights

Direct Advertising with Digital


Mobile devices are in many ways an extension of their owner. Most users can’t bear to be away from their phones, and with smartphones they become an even more integral part of people’s lives. Mobile is changing the behaviour of people and more specifically how they consume media. 

As such, targeting mobile devices through audience or location (GPS) tracking allows a never before immediacy and relevancy for direct offers i.e. a 50% off pizza notification when you’re within a 100m of the pizzeria. For these types of direct offers mobile is ideal as the user will always have their device on hand (if not in hand) and with notification and alerts it’s possible to draw attention to a sales message. The mobile device’s ability to act as coupon, communication (text, phone), and information source means total flexibility when delivering the offer and receiving a response.


Tablet media consumption is a lean-back (often at-home) experience, where users are happy to investigate interesting offers and pursue relevant sale information. It’s a rich viewing experience meaning advertisers can get the full effect from media campaigns that are designed to initiate direct action/purchases from potential customers. While tablet devices are still fairly new they are growing rapidly and the existing audience for them are highly sought-after, higher-socio and early adopters.


While context and content association is key for branding efforts, direct marketing on websites is particularly effective. Digital ad serving solutions can now utilise big data from internal and 3rd party sources to understand who is consuming what content. This ability to understand both the demographics and behaviours (interest, purchasing patterns, etc.) allows highly targeted direct marketing efforts. Combining that right audience in the right APN website environment minimises wastage and results in a highly efficient use of your advertising dollars.

Brand Advertising with Digital


With so much media consumption now occurring on mobile devices (and more every day) brands need to take advantage of the special opportunities that the mobile space can provide. One of the greatest strengths of branding on mobile is that due to the size of the screen your advertising is not competing with other brands or offers for the attention of the user. Even a simple banner is a significantly larger percentage of the reader’s screen, so it’s harder for the user not to be aware of the brand message.

Mobile also has all the digital benefits around targeting, immediacy, interaction, and personalisation. But even more, because it is a multi-functional tool for the user, rich media campaigns can even integrate with the features of the phone e.g. add to calendar functionality, in order to directly connect the brand and the user.


The core of the tablet media consumption experience is in lean-back mode, where users are happy to investigate interesting offers and pursue relevant sale information. It’s a rich viewing experience meaning advertisers can get the full effect from media campaigns that are designed to initiate direct action/purchases from potential customers. While tablet devices are still fairly new they are growing rapidly and the existing audience for them are highly sought-after, higher-socio and early adopters.

For brands, there is extra value in tablet media consumption due to the higher level of engagement with the digital platform. 


With the largest screens and still the most users of all the digital platforms, APN’s websites provide the best possible opportunities to create high-impact, interactive brand campaigns aimed at carefully targeted audiences right across the country.