The GEO Group entered the sports world Tuesday when it purchased, for $6 million, the naming rights for FAU Stadium. In doing so, it walked directly into the line of vision of the public eye.

And after 48 hours, the judgment from the public as been swift and negative.

GEO Group Stadium made national news, and it appears that the for-profit prison multi-national finds being in the spotlight uncomfortable, and it appears as if the Boca Raton-based company is taking action to erase negative information about it.

What's the first thing you do when you want find out more about a person, place or thing? Likelihood is you head to Wikipedia, the user-generated encyclopedia. The GEO Group seems keenly aware of that.

Since the GEO Group-FAU deal was announced Tuesday, the GEO Group's wikipedia page has been edited 23 times — in 2012, it was edited a total of 11 times. 

The majority of these edits have been made by a user named Abraham Cohen.

As the Huffington Post's Jesse Lava first pointed out, GEO Group's Manager of Corporate Relations is also named Abraham Cohen, who is an alum of FAU. [Cohen's LinkedIn]

FAU President Mary Jane Saunders and Abraham Cohen have not returned messages left by the Sun Sentinel, seeking comment.

Wikipedia page's full revision history, including the revisions done by user "Abraham Cohen" [LINK]