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Candy Desk

In 1965, Senator George Murphy (R-CA) originated the practice of keeping a supply of candy in his desk for his fellow senators. In every Congress since that time, the Candy Desk has been located in the back area of the Republican side, close to the Chamber's most heavily used entrance.

With candy making being a major industry in Illinois, Senator Kirk volunteered to take on the responsibility of stocking the Candy Desk during the 112th Congress to promote candy makers around the state.  The Candy Desk will now feature sweets made in Illinois such as Mars, Milky Way and Snickers bars. 

Sitting at the historic Candy Desk allows Senator Kirk the opportunity to promote employment among Illinois candy makers who employ over 3,000 people.  In the image below, the Candy Desk is denoted by the yellow desk location #95.

The "Candy Desk" tradition continued after Senator Murphy left the Senate in 1971. In the ensuing years, Senators fulfilled this roll including Paul Fannin (R-AZ), Harrison Schmitt (R-NM), Roger Jepsen (R-IA), Steve Symms (R-ID), Slade Gorton (R-WA), John McCain (R-AZ), Jim Jeffords (R-VT), Bob Bennett (R-UT), Rick Santorum (R-PA), Craig Thomas (R-ID), George Voinovich (R-OH), Mel Martinez (R-FL) and George LeMieux (R-FL).

230 South Dearborn
Suite 3900
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 312-886-3506
Fax: 312-886-2117
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607 East Adams
Suite 1520
Springfield, IL 62701
Phone: 217-492-5089
Fax: 217-492-5099
Map: Get Directions

Washington, DC
524 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
Phone: 202-224-2854
Fax: 202-228-4611
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