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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
About HuriTalk
The UN Human Rights Policy Network (HuriTALK) is a virtual network which facilitates dialogue among UN practitioners on how to best integrate human rights in their work. Through the exchange of information, good practice and lessons learned, members develop their knowledge on human rights-related issues as well as their capacity to integrate human rights-based approaches (HRBA) in their work.

The network currently has a membership of over 1550 practitioners from more than 15 UN entities across 100 countries, and serves as a valuable practical tool for translating the UN’s commitment to mainstream human rights into all aspects of its work.

HuriTALK provides members with a virtual forum in which to:

  • Pose Questions and start Discussions on substantive issues related to human rights in development programming and practice;
  • Share Comparative Experience, Case Studies and “Good Practice”;
  • Discuss Lessons Learned and formulate Strategies and Policies rooted in experience;
  • Share Information on upcoming events, relevant training, significant publications and resources through a Monthly Resource Update.
Click on the link to get more information about HuriTalk: http://hrbaportal.org/?page_id=2077
To join the HuriTalk Network, please send an Email to humanrights-talk@groups.undp.org
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Network Products and Services:

The Consolidated Reply is the flagship knowledge product regularly produced by HuriTALK. CRs are demand driven, important knowledge transfer tools. They consolidate in one document a summary of responses to a (member’s) query, additional resources and research, contacts and relevant country experiences.

The E-discussion allows practitioners to engage in an in-depth discussion, on a topic of their choice. Held several times per year, the six-week discussion allows members to exchange experience, perspectives and get to the heart of practical difficulties and challenges faced by network members in particular areas.  Recent topics include: How to link MDGs and Human Rights in Development; How to Strengthen Engagement with the International Human Rights Machinery; The Role of UN Agencies in Supporting NHRIs; and,What do Human Rights Principles Mean for Daily Development Work?

The Monthly Resource Update provides information on current human rights-related news including developments, resources, announcements, publications, events and vacancies.

The Insights Series provides in depth information on emerging issues in the field of human rights and development.  Recent issues have profiled the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights; The Contribution of Human Rights to Overcoming the Global Water and Sanitation Crisis; The Global Economic Crisis through a Human Rights Lens; and, The Human Rights Dimension of Climate Change.


Over 900 individual contributions have been made by HuriTALK members since 2005 and these contributions led to HuriTALK knowledge tools including: 

The UN HRBA Practitioner’s Portal

The UN HRBA Practitioner’s Portal brings together a wide range of resources on integrating human rights-based approaches (HRBA) into development programming, making them accessible to users through a single entry point. Search by thematic area, year, region, country and programme type.

Visit: http://www.hrbaportal.org

Web-based guide on How to Engage with the International Human Rights Machinery

The Guide - written primarily for the non-human rights expert- provides guidance on how    to strengthen engagement with the international human rights machinery, specifically with UN Treaty Bodies and UN Special Procedures. It is based on the views and experience of development practitioners and includes case studies from their work around the world. 

Visit http://www.hurilink.org/hrmachinery/

Human Rights and the Millennium Development Goals: Making the Link

The primer provides a conceptual overview of the links between human rights and the MDGs.  It provides the practitioner with basic guidance on how to make those links and explores the key questions and challenges that arise when doing so. 

Visit http://hurilink.org/Primer-HR-MDGs.pdf

Subscribe to HuriTALK

To become a member of the UN Human Rights Policy network – HuriTALK, please send an email to humanrights-talk@groups.undp.org . The network’s primary target groups are UN system staff working on or interested in learning more about integrating human rights in their work.  HuriTALK focuses on a wide spectrum of human rights issues and provides an opportunity for staff to share their perspectives and experiences.

If you wish to contribute a message to HuriTALK you may do so by sending it to: humanrights-talk@groups.undp.org  Your message will go directly to the network facilitation team and will not be automatically shared with the network community.