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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
UNDAF Guidance Materials

The UNDAF is the strategic programme framework that describes the collective response of the UN system to national development priorities. The General Assembly, in the 2007 triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system (TCPR), encourages the UN development system to intensify its collaboration at the country and regional levels towards strengthening national capacities, in support of national development priorities, through the common country assessment, when required, and the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). It recognizes the potential of the UNDAF and its results matrix as the collective, coherent and integrated programming and monitoring framework for country-level contributions.

This page aims to provide UN Country Teams with all existing UNDAF guidance materials and tools for developing a quality UNDAF.  For more information, guidance and tools on the five programming principles please see the site on UN Country Programming Principles.  For examples of UNDAF documents, please visit: www.undg.org/undafexamples.

For UNDAF roll-out related resources by the Regional UNDG Teams please refer to the following pages: Asia & Pacific, Arab States, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe & CIS.

UNDAF Guidance and Support Package

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UNDAF Guidance and Support Package (English)
UNDAF Guidance and Support Package (Spanish)
UNDAF Guidance and Support Package (French)
UNDAF Guidance and Support Package (Arabic)
Additional UNDAF Materials & Tools

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Frequently Asked Questions
April 2011
Comparative Advantage Note
April 2011
This is a draft technical note on assessing UNCT Comparative Advantages for UNDAF preparation and implementation. Please note that this document is not an official UNDG guidance document and could still be subject to change.
UNDAF options paper
Describes the key benefits and issues to consider for each of the different options of developing an UNDAF and UNDAF Action Plan. Please note that this is not an official UNDG guidance document and could still be subject to change.
UPDATED RBM Technical Briefs on Outcomes, Outputs, Indicators, and Assumptions & Risks
February 2011
This file includes the technical briefs on outcomes, outputs, indicators and assumptions & risks as updated in February 2011. This is an informal note and has not been approved by the UNDG and serves as an information note for RBM efforts in the UNDAF framework.
Interim Guidance - Common Country Programme Document
This note is an interim guidance note for country teams planning to prepare a common country programme document.
Regional UNDAF Roll-out Workshops – Materials

Four regional UNDAF-roll out workshops were held in Bangkok, Kigali, Dakar and Panama City in March and April of 2011.

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UNDAF Regional Workshops 2011 Slides English
UNDAF Regional Workshops 2011 Slides Spanish
UNDAF Regional Workshops 2011 Slides French