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MDG Implementation

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ToR Economiste Benin
ToR for the hiring of a development economist to determine what data is needed for the MDGR and recommend development strategies (French).
ToR Statisticien Benin
ToR for the hiring of a statistician to develop MDG Indicators for local context, collect data, conduct statistical analysis and advise on how to strengthen statistical reporting in the country (French).
Planning, Implementation and Evaluation Specialist Uzbekistan
April 2004
Poverty Monitoring in Albania
April 2004
Situation Analysis and Elaboration of Participatory Poverty Monitoring
Poverty Monitoring Advisor Cambodia
Evaluation of Poverty Monitoring Programme Cambodia
UNDAF-MDGR Facilitator Lao PDR
ESCAP Poverty Coordinator
TOR Financial and Economic Advisor -Liberia
TOR to work with the Liberia UNDP Country Office to advise the government on strategic interventions in the short and medium term. In particular involves structural and systemic interventions, including capacity building proposals for financial and economic management (Budgetary; fiscal and monetary issues; establishment of a stable macro economic framework; PRSP, economic governance etc).
Senior Poverty Reduction Advisor, Head of MDG Support Unit
TOR International Advisor International Poverty Center
13 May 2006
TOR Participatory Strategic Planning Palestine
TOR MDGs Experts Local Governance - Tanzania and Ethiopia
TOR MDGs Latin America
7 May 2006
National MDG Plan in the Republic of Congo
August 2006
TOR Consultant Namibia National Development Plan
August 2006
MP- Sample MDG Planning Process TOR and Calendar
A sample TOR and Calendar by the Millennium Project for a national MDG planning process, including a detailed needs assessment.
MDG Needs Assessment Documents -Senegal
June 2004
Key documents used by Senegal in preparing a Needs Assessment (NA)Methodology.


* Draft TORs for MDG Needs Assessment Analyst (English - blank)

* Draft TORs for Thematic Working Groups (English - blank)

* Making Sense of MDG Costing / Donner un Sens au Coût des OMD (French)

* Needs Assessment Methodology / Méthodologie de l'Évaluation des Besoins (French - Powerpoint)

* TOR for the Partnership between the Government of Senegal, UN Country Team, and the Millennium Project / Termes de Référence du Partenariat Entre le Gouvernement du Sénégal, L'équipe-pays du Système des Nations Unies et le Projet du Millénaire (French)
TORs- MDG Needs Assessment -Ethiopia
June 2004
A series of TORs and supporting documents which Ethiopia used to conduct its MDGs Needs Assessment.
TOR- MDGs Needs Assessment Study in Kenya
September 2004
The TORs used in Conducting the Needs Assessment/Costing in Kenya
Draft TOR for Consultant - Kenya MDG Needs Assessment
May 2004
A draft terms of reference for an MDG needs assessment in Kenya. They draw on the needs assessment methodology developed by the Millennium Project.
MDG Costing Review - Tajikistan
June 2003
TOR Costing MDGs Albania
April 2004
TOR Costing MDGs Yemen
April 2004
ToR MDG Costing Ethiopia
ToR to undertake study for direct costing and costing the gap for MDGs
TOR MDG Costing Rwanda
TOR for the MDG costing for Rwanda, which will provide a quantitative basis for defining the anti-poverty strategy and programs, as well as forecasting the needs and gaps for mobilizing additional resources. This project aims to quantify the "needs" for meeting the MDGs in terms of human resources, financial resources, and infrastructure.
TOR for Economist/Consultant on Costing -Jordan
April 2004
These TORs were provided to the Sudan office by Abla Amawi, Assistance Resident Representative, UNDP Jordan, during a visit to help them in their MDG process
TOR for Macroeconomist and Costing Experts -Yemen
October 2004
TOR for a Macroeconomist for Economic Growth towards Poverty Reduction and a Costing Expert for Economic Growth towards Poverty Reduction, to support the development of a scaled-up MDG-based National Sustainable Development Plan for Poverty Reduction for Yemen for 2006-2010. Duties involve: 1) Assist the Macroeconomic & Employment Generation Thematic Working Group (MEGTWG) in developing a macro- framework for poverty reduction in Yemen, consistent with the needs assessment approach; 2) Support the MEGTWG to initiate work on institutional reform dimensions of poverty reduction; and 3) Analyze macroeconomic growth dimensions towards fulfilling the MDGs by 2015 based on the MDG Needs Assessment and long term policy plan. This econometric model should specifically focus on financial requirements for achieving the poverty MDGs.
ToR Template MDG Costing Country Study
ToR Template for hiring of a costing consultant for the International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD) MDG Country Costing Pilot Report
TOR Macroeconomic Reform Support - Rwanda
TOR to support to the institutional organization and in the preparation of trimestrial reports for economic reform. Responsibilities also include ensuring the monitoring of social indicators of poverty reduction, ensuring the link between the macroeconomic framework and the PRS, and ensuring the macroeconomic projections are effectively integrated in the budget formulation process.
ToR on UN Joint Programme on Youth Employment for Liberia
Good Practices for Scaling Up MDG Achievement in Africa