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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries

The HC Pool is a roster of senior humanitarian leaders from the UN, Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, IOM and NGOs. It consists of pre-screened candidates for humanitarian coordination posts including RC/HC posts and for RC posts in countries where the RC may be expected to perform humanitarian coordination functions. The HC Pool also includes candidates for separate HC, DHC, and other senior humanitarian coordination positions that are not filled through the RC selection process.

As a Humanitarian Coordinator you will negotiate access for urgent humanitarian assistance in crisis, champion the protection of affected populations, and coordinate international response to disasters and conflict crises. The conditions will be stressful, complex and complicated. As the most senior United Nations humanitarian official representing the Emergencies Relief Coordinator on behalf of the UN Secretary-General you will be the primary interface with local Government. You will draw members of the humanitarian community, the United Nations, non-governmental organizations, and the Red Cross and Crescent Movement together to coordinate rapid response to crises, linking with local communities and Governments. The quality of your actions will determine the survival and protection of thousands of affected people.

Are you ready to move to a senior level in your humanitarian career? The Inter-Agency Standing Committee is seeking experienced humanitarian leaders to join a roster of deployable Humanitarian Coordinators. Step to the challenge and download an application pack, which includes selection criteria, competencies of Humanitarian Coordinators, and other evidence of your suitability to join the Humanitarian Coordination Pool.

On joining the Humanitarian Coordination Pool you will be committed to extensive training on humanitarian diplomacy, humanitarian partnership, and your roles as Humanitarian Coordinator in relation to the humanitarian community and the United Nations system. Over two years you will also have opportunities for temporary humanitarian leadership/coordination postings between agencies, particularly between the UN and non-UN and be consistently appraised about your suitability to be deployed as a Humanitarian Coordinator. This process requires you to be sponsored by agency affiliated with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee.



Candidates must be nominated by an IASC member agency, standing-invitee agency or member agency of an NGO consortium. Applicants from NGOs not affiliated with the IASC, from Governments or from the private sector can also be nominated by an IASC affiliated agency.

In order to apply to the HC Pool, applicants must complete the relevant sections of the attached form, and have other identified sections graded and validated by a nominating agency, and attach a current P11, PHP or CV. Applicants must indicate that they have obtained funding for mandatory training from their agency of origin or from a donor.

Candidates seeking to undertake the Resident Coordinator Assessment Centre (RCAC) must have funding for it from the sponsoring agency or donor. OCHA has a small fund available annually for non-UN candidates to undertake the RCAC, on a selective basis.

The IASC is committed to promoting diversity in the HC Pool and strongly encourages women, individuals from non-OECD countries and individuals from humanitarian non-United Nations agencies to apply. Applicants who are currently in the RC Pool, i.e. who have already passed the RC Assessment Centre (RCAC) are strongly encouraged to apply. The IASC also encourages agencies to nominate candidates with the required level of experience and seniority for DSRSG/RC/HC positions.



Evidence of eligibility of candidates for the HC Pool will be based on criteria which outline requirements relating to:
• Education;
• Professional Experience;
• Additional Expertise;
• Knowledge;
• Languages; and
• Technological Awareness.

Candidates will be assessed on the whole body of evidence of all criteria. No single criterion will be considered a threshold which would eliminate a candidate’s application.



Evidence of eligibility of candidates for the HC Pool will also be based on the following ten core humanitarian coordination competencies:

• Formulating Strategies, Applying Humanitarian Principles and Norms;
• Deciding and Initiating Action;
• Relating and Networking;
• Fostering Humanitarian Teamwork;
• Negotiation and Advocacy;
• Presenting and Communicating Information;
• Analyzing Complexity;
• Planning and Organizing;
• Coping with Pressure and Setbacks; and
• Adapting and Responding to Change.


More details on the HC Pool page.