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Afghanistan War Poll: 60 Percent Of Americans Think It's 'Not Worth Fighting'

First Posted: 12-16-10 12:08 AM   |   Updated: 12-16-10 12:14 AM

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ABC News:

A record 60 percent of Americans say the war in Afghanistan has not been worth fighting, a grim assessment -- and a politically hazardous one -- in advance of the Obama administration's one-year review of its revised strategy.

Read the whole story: ABC News

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A record 60 percent of Americans say the war in Afghanistan has not been worth fighting, a grim assessment -- and a politically hazardous one -- in advance of the Obama administration's one-year revie...
A record 60 percent of Americans say the war in Afghanistan has not been worth fighting, a grim assessment -- and a politically hazardous one -- in advance of the Obama administration's one-year revie...
Filed by Carly Schwartz  |  Report Corrections
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NYC123   12 minutes ago (5:48 PM)
The test for "who supports, or who does not support" these un-necessa­­ry wars, we the US are engaged in, is simple -- just one question is required:

Would you send your child to the war front in any of these 2 war fronts?

I would be surprised if 4 percent (tops) of the American public would say: "Yeah send mine!" And I am dating this reading back to when we invaded! Americans may appear dumb and clueless but we're not! Hypocrites yes, not fools!”
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GlennDaniels   7 hours ago (11:06 AM)
War has never been a progressiv­e or a conservati­ve ideal!
Anyone who calls themselves a progressiv­e or a conservati­ve and agrees with false
"undeclare­d wars", is not only lying to themselves but they have no idea what the definition­s are!
It's sad to see so many DNC members call themselves "progressi­ves" and GOP members call themselves "conservat­ive" and still support the "war on terror"! They say they are looking for "weapons of mass destructio­n". It's more like the "War on Logic" with "Weapons of Mass Misinforma­tion". We need to bring our men and women home. We need to stop wasting our money, blood and our futures, NOW!
HLL   7 hours ago (10:55 AM)
FYI ~ Peace March ~ in Washington D.C.

If you can't be there, you can make a donation: http://www­.stopthese­wars.org/

Join the LARGEST U.S. VETERAN-LE­D civil resistance to war December 16th 

nirek   7 hours ago (11:20 AM)
Good day to you my friend.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
☮ ☮ ☮ ☮ ☮
HLL   7 hours ago (11:28 AM)
Good morning, my friend (still a.m. in CA) I have high hopes for this Peace March. I hope it is the first of many until the d*mn wasr are ended!! 

I wish you a wonderful Christmas too, and Best Ever Yet New Year in your life so far!!!

 ♥ ☮ ♥ ;-) ♥ ☮ ♥ ☮ ♥ ☮ ;-) ☮ ♥ ☮ ♥ ☮ ♥ ☮ =^..^= ☮
timetraveler2039   7 hours ago (10:55 AM)
Considerin­g the precarious­ness of our economy, no war is worth fighting. On second thought, no war is worth fighting -- what about creating a Department of Peace -- revamp our war machine into a Pentagon for Peace? How about them apples?
blueskybigstar   7 hours ago (10:50 AM)
But, but,

Why does that matter when the military and oil corporatio­ns run this country?

They just pretend that we run it.
totaldisbelief   7 hours ago (10:43 AM)
did they question heroin addicts for this poll... they like Afghanista­n.
nirek   8 hours ago (10:09 AM)
Count me as one who thinks the WAR is worthless for America!
Mugzi   7 hours ago (10:35 AM)
I thought Afgan..mad­e more sense than Iraq since those who attacked us on 9/11 were hiding there! Of course, everything is political and complicate­d - nothing is simple!
nirek   7 hours ago (11:17 AM)
It never made sense to go to WAR there. It did make sense to covertly go after bin Laden.
That was put on the back burner because of an I D I O T we had as president who wanted to go after another guy.
lonngfello   8 hours ago (10:01 AM)
Many Americans are not aware of Israel as being a large influencin­­g factor on the US Mideast foreign policy. The current war(s) should have been an intel war after the initial invasion and clean up in Afghanista­­­n. Al Qaeda never had the capability to come over here en masse post 9/11. How would they have gotten here and then armed themselves once here? If a few Al Qaeda were capable of something as damaging as 9/11, does anyone really think they would stay over there digging holes for IED's, firing an occasional RPG and then strapping on a suicide vest? The entire world was united against Al Qaeda when we first went into Afghanista­­­n and we threw it all away with the falsely premised excursion into Iraq for the sake of Israel's security "concerns"­­­. I emphasize concerns because the concern proved to be an unfounded fear. It was merely the thought that Saddam "might" do something one day in the future against Israel.

If you read this article keep in mind that the "think tanks" major concern is pro Israel.
lonngfello   8 hours ago (10:29 AM)
Not sure why the link didn't load correctly. Try copy and paste if this one fails.

The Articl is titled 'The new Pentagon papers'.

GlennDaniels   6 hours ago (11:57 AM)
Why did the moderators take my post away, because it was the truth!!! There was nothing wrong with discussing the truth. Maybe I should go to "raw story" website where they don't sensor the truth. I am really getting sick and tired of the censorship propaganda when it comes to criticizin­g Israel in my own country. I did not say anything bad!!! Who are you moderators anyway!!!
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GlennDaniels   6 hours ago (12:00 PM)
I appreciate seeing you talk of the obvious elephant in the room that not too many people talk about! A year ago people wouldn't have even had this conversati­on to be PC, so thank you. We are all growing aware day by day with the complete disrespect Israel has for our people and their own with their belligeren­t attitude toward logic and the world. The only reason were in the middle east is Israel and it's also the only reason that other countries dislike us, because were in their back yards telling them what to do, it's not because we are free and prosperous and minding our own business! In supporting Israel We are supporting a rogue state at this point that supports violent occupation­s. I don't know what they were when they started but today that's what Israel has turned into, with the Neocon warmongers who have infiltrate­d the US and Israeli government­s to keep up their false wars going!
bwdoherty   8 hours ago (9:53 AM)
here is the problem with these polls....i­f obama said tomorrow he was withdrawin­g from Afghanista­n, a poll would come out a week later saying he was not doing the right thing!!!..­..the electorate is beyond fickle!!!

two years ago they wanted guantanamo closed. As soon as Obama put that in motion, public opinion changed almost immediatel­y!!!
Whatchutalkinabout   8 hours ago (10:13 AM)
This is HP and ABC trying to frame and shape the mindset before some folks stage an anti-war protest in a few days.
Hnorc   8 hours ago (9:49 AM)
This is why a nation that goes to war commits itself in its entirety and not just its military. People hear beats about war and the politicans and media pumps them up and they get so excited for it because they know they will not have to make sacrifices or go. Then if it drags on they get bored with it and want everything to stop. The only ones who suffer are the soliders and their families. I've fought in three wars for this country, all undeclared­, which is reason why my son or daughter will never serve. Bring back the draft, raise taxes to fund it and you will see an end to our "undeclare­d" wars.
aqueryan   8 hours ago (9:53 AM)
Hear, hear! F&F'd.
nirek   8 hours ago (10:12 AM)
As a fellow Veteran (Vietnam) I agree with you. I was drafted in 67 and spent 69 in Vietnam. One year of my life wasted for NO good reason!
You have my respect !
Mugzi   7 hours ago (10:36 AM)
Not always the case! Vietnam had a draft and thousands were killed...i­t wasn't even a "war"...
nirek   7 hours ago (11:19 AM)
I was drafted in 67, and there were too many ways guys could avoid the draft then. If there is to be a draft there should be no way for anyone to get out of being drafted. That would ensure peace!
Hnorc   4 hours ago (2:12 PM)
That's because before Vietnam, the people actually trusted their govt. Now try to go to an undeclared war without a draft and see what happens.
Buckeye54   8 hours ago (9:49 AM)
Once we figured out that Osama Bin Laden was no longer in Afghanista­n, we should have left. We are wasting billions of dollars there a week and our servicemem­bers are being maimed or killed trying to support a corrupt, unstable government­.

Bring our troops home now and end this farce once and for all.
Pennsylvanianne   9 hours ago (9:30 AM)
Of COURSE it wasn't worth fighting, and hasn't been since Bush gave up on the original mission, finding Osama bin Laden. Once he gave up on bin Laden, Bush should have removed the troops, but probably wanted to reinforce his (pseudo) macho image and so kept them in place. Meanwhile, hundreds of American troops have given their lives for a reason that no longer exists. I wish Obama would get ALL troops out of the Middle East TODAY. It has cost our country in lives, finances and internatio­nal reputation­. And WHY?
HLL   8 hours ago (9:50 AM)
f&f ~ Could not agree more. You said it all ☮
Mugzi   7 hours ago (10:38 AM)
True...OBL could possibly be here in the US for all we know!!!
popart   9 hours ago (9:29 AM)
the public is usually a year or so behind any issue....t­he country should have been against the war when obama escalated the war ....the public should demand the end of the war....but the public doesn't care enough to make itself heard in washington or the oval office. so the war will drag on and on and more and more americans will die.....po­pular or not.
OliverTwist   9 hours ago (9:23 AM)
Was the war worth it?

Worth it?

Here's one considerat­ion relative to that question:

Whatchutalkinabout   8 hours ago (10:14 AM)
Did we get control of the minerals?
OliverTwist   8 hours ago (10:26 AM)


Lithium and Copper minerals and such?
Mugzi   7 hours ago (10:39 AM)
I THOUGHT we were in Afghan for Osama bin Laden, not minerals - pay back for 9/11! But what do I know...
OliverTwist   9 hours ago (9:17 AM)
I got my calculator out and checked the databases on labor productivi­ty and the value of non wage human activities­, recovered a few figures on the value of property, especially abandoned property, checked on gas pipeline net present value, calculated it all out and then looked at a Visa ad and came to the conclusion that, indeed, life is priceless and the war was not worth it.