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Palin Overexposure Continues to Alienate Voters (Particularly Women)
Palin Overexposure Continues to Alienate Voters (Particularly Women) Margie Omero  12.15.2010
Palin fatigue is not something from which only reporters suffer; even women who voted Republican in 2010 can catch it. At least, according...
Tough Choices on Deficit Reduction, but Compromise Is Key
Tough Choices on Deficit Reduction, but Compromise Is Key Margie Omero  12.15.2010
Two polls released this week ask voters to rate a series of deficit-reduction proposals. The results show a sobering way ahead on this...
Tax Deal Polls: Reactions To A Bipartisan Deal
Tax Deal Polls: Reactions To A Bipartisan Deal Mark Blumenthal  12.14.2010
My colleague Jason Linkins is justifiably baffled by the recent wave of polling on the tax-cut-and-benefits deal cut by President Barack...
New Polls Show Support For Tax Cut Deal
New Polls Show Support For Tax Cut Deal Emily Swanson  12.13.2010
Americans are broadly supportive of the Obama administration's deal to extend the Bush tax cuts in full, including for high income-earners,...
Bill Clinton, Obama's Surprisingly Popular Ally
Bill Clinton, Obama's Surprisingly Popular Ally Mark Blumenthal  12.10.2010
WASHINGTON -- A focus group of suburban Philadelphia voters convened Monday night by Democratic pollster Peter Hart praised former President...
Public Supports Allowing Openly Gay Troops to Serve
Public Supports Allowing Openly Gay Troops to Serve Emily Swanson  12.09.2010
Although the Senate today blocked consideration of a bill repealing DADT, a new poll released today confirms that the American public is...
Negativity and Partisan (De)Mobilization in the 2010 Midterms
Negativity and Partisan (De)Mobilization in the 2010 Midterms Michael Wolf  12.09.2010
Very few subjects stir interest like negative campaigns; voters dislike them; political consultants adore them; and political scientists...
Democratic Activists Unhappy With Tax Cut Extension, But Ready To Jump Obama's Ship?
Democratic Activists Unhappy With Tax Cut Extension, But Ready To Jump Obama's Ship? Emily Swanson  12.07.2010
The Obama administration's decision to give in to Republicans on extending all of the Bush era tax cuts is already receiving push-back...
Little David Axelrods Oversimplify Tax Cut Politics
Little David Axelrods Oversimplify Tax Cut Politics Brendan Nyhan  12.07.2010
The president's position on the tax cuts tends to poll well in national surveys of adults. As a result, most liberals think Obama and the...
Tax Deal Backlash? Focus Group Shows Democratic Frustration, Not Revolt
Tax Deal Backlash? Focus Group Shows Democratic Frustration, Not Revolt Mark Blumenthal  12.07.2010
WASHINGTON - President Obama's decision to compromise with Republicans over extending the Bush tax cuts has undoubtedly angered many progressive...
Hanukkah, The Powerpoint 'Outliers'
Hanukkah, The Powerpoint 'Outliers' Emily Swanson  12.07.2010
Domenico Montenaro finds Obama's "core" not "shattered" (via Smith). Glen Bolger guarantees Republicans will retain the House in 2012. Nate...
Is Extending All The Bush Tax Cuts The Most Unpopular Thing Obama Has Done?
Is Extending All The Bush Tax Cuts The Most Unpopular Thing Obama Has Done? Emily Swanson  12.06.2010
Last week, CBS News released a poll finding that 53 percent of adults preferred to extend the Bush-era tax cuts only to those making less...
Repealing DADT: Americans have been ready for over a decade
Repealing DADT: Americans have been ready for over a decade Margie Omero  12.03.2010
Despite Republican political obstruction and McCain's specious survey analysis, and long before Lady Gaga weighed in, Americans were ready...
Public Opinion Supports Tax Cut Extension Only For Middle Class
Public Opinion Supports Tax Cut Extension Only For Middle Class Emily Swanson  12.03.2010
As negotiations continue over whether to pass an extension of all or part of the Bush tax cuts, a new poll released last night shows a...
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