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Our nation’s security dilemma is dynamic, complex and, at times, chaotic—subject to the dramatic technological, ideological and economic changes of the 21st century. These changes carry substantial imperatives for the profession of arms and require new thinking and new approaches to the Academy’s mission of developing leaders of character.

The Air Force Academy is rising to meet these challenges by implementing a comprehensive expansion of the Center for Character and Leadership Development.

The new Center for Character and Leadership Development will be the first and only organization of its kind in the nation—the unique focal point for the total integration of character and leadership development into all aspects of the Academy experience, marshalling the institution’s considerable academic, programmatic and personnel resources from all three mission elements under a single comprehensive structure. It will act as the heart—the essential core—of character and leadership development at the Academy, galvanizing the entire institution and spurring it to new levels of excellence.

For the first time in Academy history, the Center will house all of the elements of character and leadership development in a single facility. The Scholarship Division, Character and Leadership Education Division, Honor Division and Capstone Events Division will operate out of the Center, creating an unprecedented synergy and sense of community.

No other facility so clearly articulates the Academy’s mission of developing leaders of character.

For more information, please click here.

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