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Most viewed on Society

Last 24 hours

  1. 1. Ministry of Justice faces £2bn cuts sparking fears for 15,000 jobs

    Justice secretary Ken Clarke Senior civil servants told bulk of savings will need to be made in the next 12-24 months
  2. 2. Girls reaching puberty increasingly early, finds US study

    Primary school pupils during a lesson Obesity may be linked to finding that one in four black girls and one in 10 white girls in the US develop breasts by age seven
  3. 3. Children left in danger by court delays

    Barnardo's says vulnerable children typically waiting more than a year for decision on being taken into care permanently

  4. 4. Tories: mess with milk at your peril

    A child enjoying her daily source of calcium and vitamins If Conservative ministers don't understand, it here's what's so wrong about getting rid of milk for the under-fives
  5. 5. Ministers battle Treasury over how to spend savings

    The Treasury building, Whitehall, London Welfare, schools and defence emerge as key areas in dispute over whether to retain cash or spend it on reducing deficit
  6. 6. Judge to rule on Daniel Ubani's attempts to silence sons of dead patient

    David Gray death German doctor Daniel Ubani is attempting to restrict patient's sons' attempts to stop him working as a doctor in Germany
  7. 7. Society Daily: 09.08.10

    Karen Woo, the British doctor believed to have been killed in Afghanistan The children who are left in danger because of family court delays, and a heartbreaking blogpost by Karen Woo, the British aid worker killed in Afghanistan
  8. 8. Society daily 10.08.2010

    Homes at risk; taking the chop to public services; plus, preview tomorrow's Society supplement
  9. 9. Fluoride water 'causes cancer'

    Boys at risk from bone tumours, shock research reveals.

  10. 10. Top GP condemns Britons for recklessly neglecting their health

    A smoker lighting a cigarette Steve Field, Britain's top GP, slams public attitudes to health

Last 7 days

  1. 1. David Cameron announces plan to end lifetime council tenancies

    Council homes for life to be replaced by tenancies lasting as little as five years based on need and income
  2. 2. Sex workers 'named and shamed' on Met police website

    Woman posing as prostitute in London Prostitutes and support groups censure operation to 'out' women in east London by publishing their photos and personal details
  3. 3. Top GP condemns Britons for recklessly neglecting their health

    A smoker lighting a cigarette Steve Field, Britain's top GP, slams public attitudes to health
  4. 4. Milk to stay free for under-fives as David Cameron makes policy U-turn

    Milk Downing Street scraps proposed cuts of free milk as minister was live on air defending the plan
  5. 5. Lib Dem discontent as Simon Hughes attacks Cameron's plan to introduce fixed-tenure council houses

    Council houses in Dagenham, east London Liberal Democrat deputy leader says his party would need a lot of persuading to back 'radical' idea
  6. 6. Ministry of Justice faces £2bn cuts sparking fears for 15,000 jobs

    Justice secretary Ken Clarke Senior civil servants told bulk of savings will need to be made in the next 12-24 months
  7. 7. Girls reaching puberty increasingly early, finds US study

    Primary school pupils during a lesson Obesity may be linked to finding that one in four black girls and one in 10 white girls in the US develop breasts by age seven
  8. 8. NHS spends millions on websites that fail patients, says government report

    NHS computer system

    Leaked review suggests many of NHS's 2873 sites do not cater for vulnerable members of public

  9. 9. Disabled woman may have starved after mother's death

    Stephania Wolf and her daughter, Sam Stephania Wolf repeatedly turned down offers of help from social services to care for daughter Sam, council says
  10. 10. Joint enterprise law questioned by mother of teen convict

    janet cunliffe

    Garry Newlove's death at the hands of a group of teenagers shocked Britain. Three years on, two of the women closest to the case are fighting very different battles