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Most viewed on Politics

Last 24 hours

  1. 1. Liberal Democrats call for boycott of flagship free schools

    Britain's Deputy Prime Minister Clegg Coalition heading for a potentially damaging split on education as Lib Dems describe Gove's free schools as 'socially divisive'
  2. 2. David Cameron promises tough action against benefit fraud

    Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron gestures as he speaks in Hove Town Hall in southern England

    'Uncompromising' clampdown to increase penalties and claw back some of the £5.2bn lost to fraud and error

  3. 3. Chris Grayling defends plan to use credit rating agencies to help catch benefit cheats

    Conservative poster saying 'Let's cut benefits for those who refuse work'

    Government should be free to use information that is publicly available and already used by commercial organisations, says welfare minister

  4. 4. Tony Blair's 'naivete' risked Northern Ireland peace deal

    George Bush and Tony Blair at Camp David in 2001 New peace process book claims White House thought ex-PM 'insane' for backing Sinn Féin parallel police plan
  5. 5. Vince Cable: 'What we're managing is quite a difficult situation'

    Vince Cable, business secretary

    The Liberal Democrat business secretary talks frankly about working in coalition with the Conservatives, and his newfound respect for George Osborne

  6. 6. David Cameron Q&A – live in Manchester

    David Cameron during a public Q&A event in Manchester on 10 August 2010.

    Andrew Sparrow with minute-by-minute coverage of the prime minister's latest face-to-face with the public

  7. 7. Yours for £150: Tony Blair's memoirs as gospel

    Britain's former PM Blair gestures during his speech at the Labour club in Trimdon, northern England

    Former prime minister's publishers to launch a special signed edition in red and gold

  8. 8. Sir Gus O'Donnell not quitting, says Cabinet Office

    Sir Gus O'Donnell If cabinet secretary stays on, he will have served seven years under three prime ministers, the longest for holder of this office
  9. 9. Former Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy and wife separate

    Charles Kennedy and his wife Sarah in 2006. Kennedy married Sarah Gurling in 2002 and their son, Donald, was born during the 2005 general election campaign while he was still party leader
  10. 10. David Cameron's controlled charm suits the new mood of the times

    Michael White: Prime minister exudes confidence as he faces eloquent wall of pain

Last 7 days

  1. 1. Liberal Democrats call for boycott of flagship free schools

    Britain's Deputy Prime Minister Clegg Coalition heading for a potentially damaging split on education as Lib Dems describe Gove's free schools as 'socially divisive'
  2. 2. Vince Cable: 'What we're managing is quite a difficult situation'

    Vince Cable, business secretary

    The Liberal Democrat business secretary talks frankly about working in coalition with the Conservatives, and his newfound respect for George Osborne

  3. 3. David Cameron promises tough action against benefit fraud

    Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron gestures as he speaks in Hove Town Hall in southern England

    'Uncompromising' clampdown to increase penalties and claw back some of the £5.2bn lost to fraud and error

  4. 4. David Cameron's gaffes hamper his attempts to win support for cuts

    Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron gestures as he speaks in Hove Town Hall in southern England Angry pensioner takes prime minister to task for saying Britain was junior partner to US in 1940, soon after he mistakenly referred to 'the fact that Iran has got a nuclear weapon'
  5. 5. David Cameron and Pakistan's Asif Ali Zardari show united front on terrorism

    Asif Ali Zardari and David Cameron at Chequers on 6 August 2010.

    British and Pakistani leaders make joint statement about counterterrorism after two weeks of diplomatic tension

  6. 6. Chris Grayling defends plan to use credit rating agencies to help catch benefit cheats

    Conservative poster saying 'Let's cut benefits for those who refuse work'

    Government should be free to use information that is publicly available and already used by commercial organisations, says welfare minister

  7. 7. Boris Johnson deputy Kit Malthouse says elected police commissioners will 'wield the rod' over chief constables

    A police van in London. Photograph: Paul Owen Kit Malthouse hits out at the 'extreme powers' currently held by police chiefs
  8. 8. Tony Blair's 'naivete' risked Northern Ireland peace deal

    George Bush and Tony Blair at Camp David in 2001 New peace process book claims White House thought ex-PM 'insane' for backing Sinn Féin parallel police plan
  9. 9. Yours for £150: Tony Blair's memoirs as gospel

    Britain's former PM Blair gestures during his speech at the Labour club in Trimdon, northern England

    Former prime minister's publishers to launch a special signed edition in red and gold

  10. 10. David Cameron Q&A – live in Manchester

    David Cameron during a public Q&A event in Manchester on 10 August 2010.

    Andrew Sparrow with minute-by-minute coverage of the prime minister's latest face-to-face with the public