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Konbit 509

Konbit 509


    Welcome to the Konbit 509 website. We hope you enjoy your visit with us. Feel free to email us about the website and services provided. Check back with us periodically as we plan to update the website often. 


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Google translate English to Haitian creole



We would like to see some changes done in our government to better assist our people. We strongly feel that since  Kreyòl is an official language of the Republic of Haiti our Government websites and other documents should also have a Kreyòl translation to accommodate all. 

 Please sign the petition to help us make it happen.GoPetition



Going Green

      You’ve probably noticed that going green is everywhere these days, in the news, politics, fashion, and even technology. You can hardly escape it on the Internet, but how much effort are putting into it? Are we really Appling it into our daily living?            

     Recycling and using alternative form of energy is really the best way to do some damage control and reverse the deforestation that’s literally destroying the land.                  

     If you don’t understand the significance of this issue then take a look at the devastation a few hurricanes and tropical storms did in Haïti and other places. We can not control the weather but we can use preventive measures to control the outcome.


Haïti's Agriculture & Natural Resources

         Must be tapped in properly in order to create ideal jobs for sufficient income and a realistic future! Having greenhouses in various parts of the country will create significant employments.

    Plant a Tree! Trees are great! One of the best things they do is produce wood, but trees do lots of other things you may not have thought of! Trees give free fresh air for the lungs, also free shades are beautiful!  They produce fruits and vegetables which is good for your health! Trees can reduce air pollution. Dust particles collect on leaves, and not in our lungs.  Trees reduce water pollution by taking up harmful chemical. Trees reduce soil erosion by holding soil in place with their roots.

     Trees create forests, which are home to many kinds of wildlife and birds. As you can see, trees are pretty amazing! With all the great things trees do, don't you think it's best to plant trees,  and to plant them properly?




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