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Report: HP may build Android netbooks
Hewlett-Packard may build netbook PCs running Google's Linux-based Android operating system, the Wall Street Journal reported. Read more...

US Airways Flight 1549 passenger grateful for life -- and data

New Quadro GPUs add virtualization option for Nvidia users

Cisco rolls out low-end telepresence system

New Missouri town goes wireless

Microsoft to shut down Encarta Web sites

ParaScale launches cloud storage software

TomTom to pay Microsoft to settle patent cases

Alsop resigns; Progress Software names new CEO

Parallels, Nvidia enable CAD workstation virtualization

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OS/2 leads readers' favorite OSs of yesteryear
We asked our readers to name their favorite old operating systems. While OS/2 was the clear winner, everything from VAX/VMS to DR-DOS to Atari TOS got a respectful nod. Oh, the memories!

Learn Hard Drive Secrets With DriveSitter Pro
If you want to know in exquisite detail absolutely everything about the functioning of your hard disk--and want to be warned if there's a danger of crashing--you'll want to give DriveSitter Pro a try. It delves deep into your hard disk and reports on a mind-boggling amount of information. Be aware, though, that much of the information will be incomprehensible to the uninitiated, and that if you don't need this level of detail, the registration price of US$25 is overkill.

Boost ROI on your CRM implementation
CRM software tools have improved almost beyond recognition over the past few years. Where the old systems were clunky, cumbersome and difficult to use, the latest generation boasts seamless integration with tools people are already using every day. The barriers to successful use are much lower than they have ever been before.

Key elements of an SOA governance strategy
One of the success factors in introducing and operating a service-oriented architecture (SOA) is governance of the architecture's components, such as services and processes. Effective SOA governance can be implemented by deploying a registry/repository for the entire life cycle of the components.

SongGenie 1.1
If you've got lots of music files with incomplete or missing artist, album, or song tags, and you want to spare yourself the time of figuring out what those tags should be, SongGenie can help tidy up your music library. The program analyzes all your tracks using "acoustic fingerprints" to compare them with information in the online MusicIP database, which contains some 8 million tracks (and apparently works with MusicBrainz.org), to find missing tags or discrepancies.

Chrome Is Fastest in Site-Loading Tests
Last fall, Google claimed that its Chrome 2 Beta browser was "many times faster" than rival browsers at running JavaScript. In February, as it launched the beta of its new browser, Apple asserted that Safari 4 Beta was the world's fastest browser. And this month, Microsoft started marketing Internet Explorer 8 with videos purporting to prove that it's faster than its rivals.

25 highly anticipated open-source releases coming this year
Among the major open-source releases due in 2009 are several familiar to you -- and more that are worth discovering. From software development tools to mobile apps to open-schematic gizmos aiming to reduce world illiteracy, the open-source community is bent on innovation.

4 Tips for Better Outsourcing Deals
Nothing says "cost cutting" like a big outsourcing deal. Some firms will either panic or simply be forced to pull the trigger on outsourcing deals without laying the foundation for success with effective internal preparation. Some of these deals will work based on brute force and luck, but luck is not a good business strategy, and many deals will not meet expectations. For firms that must execute or renegotiate an outsourcing deal, there are some steps that improve the chances of success.

Twitter Tips: How To Search Twitter Smarter
It's easy to miss little gems of information on Twitter, the social networking service that allows users to exchange short messages. Because we all can't spend hours in front of the service, we miss important messages (or tweets) posted by colleagues, friends and family while we're away. As the list of people you follow on Twitter grows, the problem becomes more acute: hundreds of messages pass by and flow off the page before you've even had a chance to look at them.

Latest iMovie update adds stealthy features, fixes
Whenever Apple releases minor updates to its software offerings, you'll find us poking lighthearted jabs at the company for having extremely terse and standardized release notes. It's pretty much a given, for example, to see the phrase "improves overall stability" on the release notes of all Apple software updates. But sometimes the company slips actual new features into updates under that cover of darkness, as with the recently released 8.0.1 update for iMovie.

Apple's all-in-one iMac hits the sweet spot of style and performance -- and the stunning 24-in. model starts at $300 less than before.
Think of a souped-up smartphone with innovative interfaces, from which you can access everything from anywhere (see MIT Media Lab video).
Microsoft's IE8 browser offers cool features, better security, and improved performance. But is that enough to win users back from Firefox?
Apple rumor predicts netbook. Lenovo 'leaks' old prototype. Coincidence?
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system.
Find wage data for 50 IT job titles.
Embracing Next-Generation Mobile Platforms to Solve Business Problems
(Source: Sybase) In this White Paper, IDC analyzes the role of next-generation mobile enterprise platforms as organizations seek a more strategic deployment of mobile solutions. Understand why mobility is important to enterprise customers; discusses key past obstacles across technology, supplier deployment, and customer adoption; and identifies vital criteria for choosing a next-generation platform.
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 Operating Systems
"According to the Wall Street Journal, HP and other major PC builders are considering building netbooks using the Google Linux-based..." Read more Read More Blogs

"Almost everyone uses MySQL, if no where else on your favorite social network, but the wildly popular open-source database manager..." Read more Read More Blogs

"A Linux newbie is frustrated by a widespread Ubuntu bug and goes straight to the source in London to get..." Read more Read More Blogs

"HP announced a new cloud-based service today. But if you tried to connect to the "true webcast" with anything but..." Read more Read More Blogs

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Top 10 Reasons to Migrate to WS08
New virtualization tools, Web technologies, and security enhancements help save time and reduce costs, and provide you with high availability and increased flexibility for your changing business needs. Central to IT simplification is streamlining maintenance and maximizing availability - and by running Windows Server 2008 on Dell servers, you can do both.
Download this white paper now! 
Hands On
In Depth: Apple's Leopard leaps to new heights
A refined look, revamped apps and new options build on an already solid OS foundation. Read more...
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Storage Networking World
Users hope storage consolidation will lower TCO. Read more ...
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