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Patent filing describes IBM's new offshoring math
IBM is seeking a patent for a 'global resource sourcing' methodology that it said provides a template for analyzing the financial costs and risks of offshoring moves. Read more...

Recession puts knife to IT budgets, but CIOs keep projects on track

Satyam board names new CEO, secures $130M in funding

Update: SAP launches Business Suite 7

NFL's Super Bowl IT team gets ready for game day

Latest Satyam board meeting ends inconclusively

World Bank's IT windows closed to Wipro as well as Satyam

Satyam's future up in the air after scandal

Indian government takes control of Satyam's board

Scandal raises questions about Satyam's ability to retain U.S. customers

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4 Tips for Better Outsourcing Deals
Nothing says "cost cutting" like a big outsourcing deal. Some firms will either panic or simply be forced to pull the trigger on outsourcing deals without laying the foundation for success with effective internal preparation. Some of these deals will work based on brute force and luck, but luck is not a good business strategy, and many deals will not meet expectations. For firms that must execute or renegotiate an outsourcing deal, there are some steps that improve the chances of success.

Outsourcing Outlook: Latin America
With an estimated population of 559 million, a growing percentage of which is multi-lingual and well-educated, Latin America has become increasingly attractive for all types of business. Its IT services sector has grown rapidly-nearly doubling in the past five years. In Brazil alone, IT has become a more than US$9 billion per year market. While such growth rates may not be sustainable during the current global economic crisis, Latin America is a logical place for IT to flourish, especially as the services industry scrambles to recover and regroup following the disastrous terrorist attacks and financial scandals in India.

Can Offshore Outsourcing Vendors Innovate?
I once heard someone say (actually that someone happened to be me!), "Offshore Outsourcing is dead!" But before you jump off your seat, let me clarify what I mean by dead. I mean dead not with reference to its importance, relevance or future; I mean dead with reference to its character-it is devoid of vibrancy, excitement, creation and innovation.

Managing IT atop Mount Washington
It may be starting to feel like spring where you are, but at the top of New Hampshire's Mount Washington, the highest point in the Northeastern U.S. and home to the self-proclaimed "World's Worst Weather," it just about always feels like winter.

Untangling Enterprise Systems for Sudden Change
In today's economic climate, once desperate business measures now appear plausible at any given time, inside any given company: a sudden bankruptcy, a hurried acquisition, a sale of a profitable division to free up cash.

Offshoring & Recession: Impact on Outsourcers, Part 2
It's fair to say that the recession is wiping away the inefficiencies of the offshoring system, says Arpit Kaushik. Those who recognize and adapt will be the real winners.

Tofu and Grapefruit
Paul Glen says that when putting together a team, skills are one thing, but it also helps to evaluate people's personalities in terms of how much they resemble tofu or grapefruit.

Project Management for Networking Geeks
Network professionals can vastly improve project outcomes by taking a few basic tips from project management professionals.

Keep your key projects off the chopping block
In this economy, even your most strategic, enterprisewide project may be vulnerable to cutbacks. Here's how to bolster its chances of surviving without risking your neck.

5 Can't-Miss Vendor Negotiation Tips
These are tough times for IT. There are less people and resources to get things done, budgets are shrinking and everyone still expects the same levels of service and functionality. Something has to give. With budgets being so constrained it's even more important than ever to get the best value for every dollar spent. Even in this tough, budget conscious, economy there are still some purchases that must be made, services that have to be paid for and maintenance contracts that have to be renewed. So how do you ensure that you are getting the best deals possible from your vendors?

Apple's all-in-one iMac hits the sweet spot of style and performance -- and the stunning 24-in. model starts at $300 less than before.
Think of a souped-up smartphone with innovative interfaces, from which you can access everything from anywhere (see MIT Media Lab video).
Microsoft's IE8 browser offers cool features, better security, and improved performance. But is that enough to win users back from Firefox?
Apple rumor predicts netbook. Lenovo 'leaks' old prototype. Coincidence?
Get the latest news, reviews and more about Microsoft's newest desktop operating system.
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Embracing Next-Generation Mobile Platforms to Solve Business Problems
(Source: Sybase) In this White Paper, IDC analyzes the role of next-generation mobile enterprise platforms as organizations seek a more strategic deployment of mobile solutions. Understand why mobility is important to enterprise customers; discusses key past obstacles across technology, supplier deployment, and customer adoption; and identifies vital criteria for choosing a next-generation platform.
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"There is no doubt that conferences can be fun. But if your employer sends you to a conference, what are..." Read more Read More Blogs

"U.S. airlines are taking some fledgling steps towards (gasp!) more personalized customer service using CRM systems -- but they're hampered..." Read more Read More Blogs

"Serendipity struck when a big IT vendor bought the services providers used by The Gem Group, which also used the..." Read more Read More Blogs

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Putting the Right Model in Place to Better Balance IT Supply and Business Demand
IT leaders manage business demands and IT resources in many ways, but which methods are most effective? Tom Welsh, senior consultant of Cutter Consortium, compares two approaches and outlines their pros and cons in this Compuware-commissioned white paper. Get objective appraisals and real-world examples for both.

Download this white paper 
CIO best practices: Optimizing your Project Portfolio Management solution for greater business value
A Project Portfolio Management discipline goes beyond ordinary project management to link IT with the business and help IT leaders better understand the benefits, cost, risks and value of all projects. Download this Compuware white paper and learn how to boost the business value of your IT organization.

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Exclusive eBook: Six Project Metrics Every CIO Should Know for Application Delivery Success
Most IT organizations spend their time measuring whether projects are on time or on budget. Read this IT executive guide to learn what key data tells you the degree of quality, client satisfaction and how well requirements were met. Make these metrics part of your overall application delivery management process - and your software can't fail.

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IT Planning and Control: Unveiling the Interrelationships between ALM and PPM
Listen in as Gartner Analyst Matt Light discusses two hot topics-- Project Portfolio Management and Application Life-cycle Management--and how you can bring these disciplines together to improve application quality and delivery. Get recommendations on merging the two methods and learn what type of results you can expect.

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